Stop Flirting

Song Inspiration: Happy Place- SAINT PHNX

I jump out of the car quickly, happiness flooding over me- a rare thing to happen these days. I see Reid run off, and twin instinct kicks in. Competition. I run off after and lose, of course.

"Haha! I finally win!" Reid punches the air enthusiastically while I glare.

"Is this normal between them?" Tommy asks. Toby, Spencer, and Wilbur all say some form of 'yes' at the same time. "Is it like a twin thing or sibling thing?" Tommy's question is directed more to Spencer, but he asks everyone in the group.

Before Spencer can answer, Reid and I both say our responses. I say 'twin' while Reid says 'sibling' which only leads to an argument between us.

Toby covers my mouth, "Let's go, Rose. Reid is a bitchboy, remember?" A slight laugh escapes my lips when Toby removes his hand. With Toby and I leading the group, we head off to a ride called The Blade.

"Ya know, I really don't think I want to do this anymore..."

In one step, I'm by him, "You are going to do it."

"I'm not going to be forced by some elf," Tommy looks away with a slight chuckle.

"Fine. Then you are a pussy," I turn away and begin walking again.

"I'm not a pussy!" Tommy yells, running up behind me. "I am a big man and I'm poggers."

"Keep telling yourself that, big man."

Spencer puts two hands on me and yells loudly, an attempt to scare me. "You failed."

"Oh, come on, Rosalie. I'll get you at some point today."

"We are going to the haunted mazes, right?" Reid asks, an unsure look on his face.

"Would it really be okay if we didn't?" Spencer responds. I glance back at Wilbur, Toby, and Tommy, noticing the looks on their faces. Fright. Well, not really Wilbur. He seems a little too happy.

"You guys really gonna be a bunch of wimps now?"

"No! It's just, you force me to do this every year and I never enjoy where you take me. They are scary!" Toby exclaims.

"Don't worry. Like every year, I'll hold your hand and defeat any monster that dares hurt my Tubbo!" I announce. That brings a smile to his face, but Tommy still doesn't look too happy.

"You're really not gonna do it? I heard women love men that can handle a few scares."

Apparently, just in a matter of a few hours, I have Tommy figured out. He's quite simple, though. At the fact I gave, Tommy stands up more and gives a proud smile. "I'm not a wimp! Women will love me after I go through the mazes and not get scared." He looks down at me, "Would you be impressed?"

"Oh, definitely," I nod, trying to hide sarcasm. Finally, we get on The Blade and, it's safe to say, Tommy did not fully enjoy it. I just giggled manically and Wilbur kept screaming songs for whatever reason he saw necessary. Reid and Spencer took majority of the ride to fulfill an argument that they had while in the line? I don't exactly know.

"You impressed yet?"

"Not yet."

"I will impress the woman!"

Toby rolls his eyes, "Stop flirting please."

I glance around and smirk, idea coming to mind, "Shall we keep up the tradition of running off, Toby?" He smiles and grabs my hand, dragging me away.

"Hey, wait for me!" Tommy runs after and quickly catches up. "Why are we leaving them?"

Toby beams, "Tradition. Every time we go somewhere with Spencer and Reid, we run off and just do our own thing for a bit. Like now!"

"They usually can't find us until an hour or two later, so we keep trying to beat that time. Current record in two hours and 51 minutes," I explain.

"So, where's our first stop, Rose?"

"Usually we always go to some sort of kid ride, right? Well, I believe Reid figured out that trick, so let's go get some candy floss. Throw them off." As we walk, I come up with the great idea of being embrassments and skipping hand in hand. Reluctantly, Tommy agrees but all three of us do it. People stare, but it's fine. Just your normal everyday teens skipping down the pathways of Alton Towers at 2 in the afternoon.

"Pure sugar. This is so bad for our health," Toby laughs.

"Fuck health. My soul is happy in this moment," I exclaim as we get some of the fluffy cloud sugar. My phone starts going off in pocket and I quickly answer. "Hello~"

"Rosalie! Please tell me where you went. I don't like Spencer and Wilbur stinks!" Reid yells through the phone. I have him on speaker, so I have to hold up a finger to keep the boys from giggling.

"We are by... uhm... The Darkest Depths Maze...!"

"Your uncertainty gives away the lie."

Tommy yells, "We are by the Smiler!"

"Thank you." With that, he hangs up. I give a nod of approval to the giraffe I really don't like. Toby begins walking off and we get to another ride.

"I'm just gonna stay here and watch for the others." I let out a irritated sigh and push Tommy down the line. "Stop! Woman, stop!" I keep my hands on his back, but stop pushing him.

I stand on my tiptoes and lean in towards his ear, my chin brushing against his shoulder as I say, "I have a name." Even though he's not looking my way, I can tell that made him flustered. Like I said, easy to figure out.

"Stop flirting! I don't want to be a third wheel!"

I glare slightly, "I would never like a gremlin giraffe thing. My heart is stolen by Chris Pratt!"

Tommy looks offended, "I'll have you know that I am WAY better than Chris Pratt."

"If you're better than him, you'd actually get on the rides with no complaints or hesitation."

Toby smiles, "She does have a point there, big man."

"Oh, fuck off. I'll go on the stupid rides with no complaints." With a few giggles, I high-five Toby.


"Run." Toby randomly says, taking off in a direction. I obey the random command, despite not knowing why he said it. Toby stops next to a claw-machine, out of breath and laughing.

"What the fuck, man?!" Tommy exclaims, breathing heavily.

"They almost saw us. We are so close to beating our record and I don't want to lose now." I nod and stay silent.

"Can we just sit for a few minutes? I didn't want to do exercise today." I shrug and the two boys have some conversation that I can't seem to find myself joining. Every moment I could, I don't have any words.

I'm alone in a group.

"You guys need to stop doing this every time we go in public!" Reid runs up to us.

I force a smile as Toby exclaims, "New record!"

"Where's Wilbur?" Tommy looks around.

"Bathroom. Spencer went... somewhere. I think he was flirting with a girl or something." I nod, unable to bring myself to speak. 'Can they tell? Am I bringing them down and ruining the day?'

"Rose? Rooooose?" Toby waves a hand in front of my face and I shake my head slightly, forcing the thoughts in the back of my mind.

"Sorry... I just- I spaced out," I explain with the half truth. Toby nods and I feel Tommy's eyes on me. I ignore him just to hopefully avoid any confrontation. What if he noticed?
