i dont like this

Song Inspiration: ocean eyes- Billie Eilish

One haunted maze and I'm basically now the only one going through the rest. Tommy agreed to go through the rest with me, same with Spencer, but everyone else just straight up abandoned us.

"Just be aware, I'm only doing this so your not lonely," Tommy has a irritated inflection in his voice.

"Be aware, you doing this does not make me like you," I use with the same tone of voice.

"I feel like a babysitter..." Spencer mumbles, finding interest in some plants.

"You technically are one right now because I'm still a minor. Enjoy the suffering."



"I'll tell Aunty that you were calling me names again that incorporated swears."

"No one likes a snitch," I point out.

"No one likes me anyway. I'll be fine if I'm just disiked slightly more," Spencer grumbles.

"You've got a bad attitude, mister!" I reply in a voice that sort of sounds like a 3 year old's.

It's silent until we get in the haunted maze. Within the first three seconds, Tommy yells out and I just laugh, unfazed by the immediate horror.

I don't know if it was instinct or if Tommy just didn't realize, but he grabbed my hand from one scare and leaned against me like I could save him. News flash: I can't. I'm five foot one. He nearly knocked me over, and in that vulnerable moment, something popped out at me and I freaked out, jumping back into Tommy.

It's over after what feels like an eternity, and for the first time, I actually was scared by a fake horror house.

Toby examines me while giving me a look I can't read. "Wait, did that actually scare you?! How bad was it?!"

"No more."

Reid glares at me without any words and I soon realize why. Tommy is still holding my hand. With a disgusted scream, I jump away from him.

"Why am I always forgotten?" I flinch when Spencer walks up behind me. "Did you just-"

"She did," Wilbur confirms. "She was actually scared."

"Rosie was scared! Rosie was scared!" Spencer sings and jumps around like a little kid. I feel my face heat up and look down, embarrassed.

I don't like this.


I jump awake, the nightmares replaying in my head and fear rising. As habit, I stand up and just walk to Reid's room, making sure he's alive.

When I know for sure that he's not gone, I walk back quietly to my room and climb back on my bed. The hushed sound footsteps suddenly is heard and slowly gets closer to my room. Like a child hiding from a monster, I pull my blanket over my head and curl into a ball, peaking my head slightly through just to see who it is.

It's... Tommy? Oh yeah! Forgot that they just stayed the night and slept in Reid's room. I take the blanket off my head and stare. "Yes?"

"You woke me. I wanted to see if you needed something or what."

"I need you to go away. Respectfully, I ask that." Tommy shakes his head and sits on the ground beside my bed, leaning his back against it. "So you're just going to stay in here because...?"

"I feel like it. I'm not going to sleep again so I might as well stay in here." There's a moment of silence that seems to kill me partly. "What time is it?"

I force my eyes to adjust to the flashbang known as phone and read it. "4:03." Tommy looks up at me, his blue eyes reflecting from the pink LED light. He's... adorable. I hate that, but I want to just keep looking at him.

A smile grows on his lips, "Happy birthday, Rosalie. Even though I don't like you that much, I hope you have a good day."

I give a genuine smile, something I didn't think I'd do. "Thanks, Tommy."

Reid's POV

I basically jump awake, energy flooding through me the minute I open my eyes. I look around the room, seeing Toby still passed out. Tommy's gone, though.

I get up quietly, glancing at ny clock. It's past 9 am. How is everyone still asleep?

On a search for Tom Simons now! I walk past Rose's room, thinking he won't be in there, but a figure on the floor catches my attention. At least I found him. I don't like that, though. Not one bit.

Forcing myself to ignore it, I walk to the kitchen and pour myself some cereal. After a few moments, Toby walks into the kitchen and grabs a bowl, taking the cereal box away from me. "I was reading it."

"Okay." He responds and hands the box back after pouring some of the sugar breakfast in his bowl. "Where's Tommy, by the way?"

A judgmental scowl takes its place on my face, "Rose's room."

Toby smiles widely, "Really?! I have to see!" He runs off for a few moments and comes back with a more disappointed look. "They aren't snuggling."

"No! Why would they? They just met each other yesterday." Realization hits like a bullet, hurting me to know. "You... want them to be together... why?!" I exclaim a little too loudly.

Toby shrugs, "It may help Rosalie, you know."

"She's completely fine!"

"I know... but she doesn't really have anyone and doesn't share her feelings much. Maybe Tommy can get her to open up a little."

I sigh, "Don't you think she'd tell me if something was wrong?"

"Yeah... but-"

"What are you guys talking about?" Tommy walks in with Rosalie following sleepily. It takes all my energy to stop myself from doing anything stupid. I like Tommy. I don't like the thought of him with Rosalie.

"Ah, nothing really. Politics and stuff," Toby lies.

"That's a lie," Rose points out as she sits at the table. I look up at Tommy, who stares at her for a second too long. I growl slightly and look away.

I'm not being overprotective. Just slightly protective.
