Chapter 3

Jason's POV

Oh my god it can't be her. She wouldn't do this, Bruce wouldn't allow her to become a vidgulante. I heard the low hummingbird of the batmobile I  the distance. As much as I don't want her to get hurt I need to use her as bait. I gently picked her up bridal style and started towards the broken window. I left my cracked helmet on the ground and jumped out the window tightening my grip on Tanya. Once my feet hit the ground I took off sprinting. 10 minutes later we arrived at my stake out. I went to open the door when Tanya started to groan.

"Shh, it's okay doll. I've got you." I said brushing the hair off her face.

A small smile appeared on her face. I smirked and opened the door walking through.

Tanya POV

I groaned and rolled over. I felt something soft underneath me. I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the light. I closed my eyes and opened them once more. I was laying in a bed with my hands tied together. I looked around and notcied I was in a worn down room with one door guarded by a man in all black. I quietly sat up and got off the bed, I crept over towards the man. I caught him by surprise and slammed his head into the wall. He dropped unconscious. I searched his pockets for the keys to the cuffs around my wrists but found nothing. I groaned and opened the door slowly.

"No harm will come to her while she's here, is that understood." Someone in the distance yelled.

There was silence. I took no time and went into the shadows creeping further towards the noise.

"IS THAT UNDERSTOOD!" The same voice basically screamed.

"Y-yes sir." A quake voice said.

I kept moving forward and eventually got up into the ceiling above them. This is really hard when your hanging upside down on a thin pipe by your legs. It was Red Hood and two other men. Red Hood looked around the room viciously.

"What is it sir?" On of the men asked.

"Someone's watching us." He said sternly looking up towards me.

Keys, bingo. 

"But ain't nobody here." The other man said looking around.

"IDIOTS!" Red Hood yelled.

He threw something in my direction. There was a pop sound and a net was flying at me. My eyes widened. I dodged but it caught onto my foot. I yelped and I was hanging by my foot. Well great.

"Nice try." Red Hood said throwing a knife which cut the rope.

I started to fall. I screamed but instead of hitting the ground Andy falling to my death, strong arms held me up.

"Now why do you have to be so stubborn?" Red Hood asked setting me on the ground.

I growled and glared at him. He scoffed.

"Just like you father." He said mockingly.

My eyes widened under the mask. His grip tightened and I could almost hear his smirk.

"H-how?" I asked struggling to break from his grasp.

"Not yet." He said playfully.

I struggled against his grip and tried to fight or reach for the keys.

"Come on, the bat will be here soon and your the bait." He said sternly.

"NO!" I yelled sternly.

"No?" Red Hood asked mockingly.

"I will not go with you, I am not some toy you can use to get my father to get here!" I yelled kneeing him in the gut.

His grip loosened. Head butting not an option with his stupid helmet. I ripped myself from his grasp and grabbed a bobbypin and started to unclock the cuffs. The two men pointed their guns at me. I gave an evil smirk.

"HEY NO!" Red Hood yelled sternly.

"Put the guns down, she can't fight in cuffs." He said sternly.

"RUDE!" I yelled with a glare.

"But true." He said mockingly.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." I said with a growl.

"Bring it, doll." He said with a laugh.

An image of Jason flashed into my head, he used to call me doll all the time before the incident.

"Don't call me that!" I yelled sternly.

"What? Did I strike a nerve?" Red Hood asked mockingly.

I unlocked the cuffs and threw them aside.

"Let's dance." I said with a growl.

"After you m'lady." He said bowing down.

I scoffed and grabbed a gun off the ground. He pulled out his guns and put a new round in after taking out a full round. Stun bullets. I aimed and fired I made a direct hit in his helmet making the slightest crack 10 times smaller than a nail. I gave an evil smirk. I threw the gun forward and ran. I jumped into the air and landed a kick on his helmet making the crack slightly bigger. 

"Is that all you got?" He asked mockingly.

"Only the beginning." I said with a laugh.

"Am I supposed to be impressed?" He asked twirling his guns.

"Was that supposed to hurt?" I asked with a smirk.

He scoffed and came at me. He kicked my gut but I caught his foot last second spinnig it a direction it shouldn't go. He fell to the floor with a yelp. I went to pin him down but he slammed his head into mine. I groaned and my vision went black before returning to normal. I saw his foot inches from my gut but I couldn't dodge in time and he landed a direct hit to my gut. I groaned and slowly got up. I whipped the blood from my nose. I charged at him this time pulling a knife from my sleve I stole from him earlier. I ran faster and kicked his helmet and punched his abdomen. I twirled the knife and stabbed him in the shoulder. He cried out but quickly grabbed my shoulders and started walking forward. I had nothing else to do so he dragged me along with him. I struggled and fought against his iron grip but he only tightened his grip before slamming my back into the wall. He pinned my arms above my head with his chest holding me in place. 

"Got ya." He said playfully.

I growled and went to knee him in the croch when a person appeared behind him saying nonsense. Red Hood moved aside, I went to make my escape but I couldn't move. I was stuck here. I noticed the guys fingers getting closer me. He walked slowly. I tried to run, walk, fight or something. But the only thin I could do is stay frozen and look at the man's fingers. His fingers were about to touch my forehead and I was feeling so dizzy. His finger made contact with my forehead and I dropped to the ground as everything went black.
