Chapter 1

There was a slight knock on the door, Alfred had heard it and walked to the door. He opened it to see Talia standing there with a baby wrapped in a blanket. Alfred stood there ready to beat her that is until he saw the baby. His expression softened and he opened the door wider knowing where this was going.

"Come on in." Alfred opening the door wider.

Talia stepped through and Alfred lead her to the bat cave were Bruce was typing away in his computer. Alfred walked into the cave with Talia following. He stopped in the middle of the room and cleared his throat catching Bruce's attention. He turned around and saw Talia. He jumped out of the chair with a batarang in his hand. Alfred stopped him.

"Master Bruce, that is no way to treat a lady." Alfred said sternly.

"Sorry Alfred." Bruce said noticing the bundle of joy in her arms.

Alfred stepped aside and Brice stepped closer not taking his eyes off the baby girl in Talia's arms.

"Hello beloved." Talia said rubbing the baby's cheek with her finger.

"Talia." Bruce said sternly watching the baby as she giggled at her mother's touch.

A slight grin appeared on Talia's face as the baby giggled. Bruce raised a brow but never once took his eyes off the baby girl in front of him.

"Would you like to hold her?" Talia asked looking up to Bruce.

"Who's baby is it?" Bruce asked hesitantly taking the baby girl from her arms.

"I'm sure it won't take you long to figure it out on your own beloved." Talia said looking at the little girl.

Bruce looked at the little girl in his arms. She opened her eyes to reveal big sky blue eyes. The little girl looked up at Bruce and smiled. Bruce couldn't hold back a little smirk. She had Raven black hair, sky blue eyes, and literally looked like a girl version of Bruce. Bruce looked to Talia in shock.

"She's mine?" Bruce asked wide eyed.

"Yes beloved." Talia said with a small laugh.

"I need you to watch her. I will be on a mission way to dangerous for her, even though I wish for her to be a great Al Ghul I fear I can't risk her life so I am putting her in your hands. Take care of her and treat her well." Talia said sternly.

Bruce nodded and brushed little hairs out of the little girls face.

"Her name is Tanya Grace Wayne and I trust you will be a supportive father to her." Talia said sternly.

Bruce nodded still slightly shocked he had a child. Talia kissed the baby's cheek.

"Good by my little killer." She said rubbing the baby's cheek.

She walked out of the cave and out the door upstairs. Bruce had Alfred prepare a room for his little girl. While Alfred set the room Bruce decided to get back to work so he put little Tanya in a high chair Bruce had from Babysitting before. That is until Tanya threw a fit and began to cry. Bruce had enough of it and just put held her in one arm while he checked the city cameras for crime with the other. Tanya had fallen asleep which even made Bruce smile as he kissed his daughters forehead.

2 years later

Bruce had set Tanya down in the cave while he grabbed a blood sample. Tanya had crawled deeper into the batcave where all the wepons were. Ever since Tanya started crawling thing have been, well trouble. She grabbed a batarang off the floor and started twirling it in her little hands. Bruce who was now aware Tanya had crawled off was worried sick and trying to find her.

"Tanya!" Bruce shouted searching for her.

Little did he know he just made things worse. Tanya thought he want to play hide and seek and being the daughter of Batman she was really good at it even if she was only two. She crawled in between and behind the cases for the Batman costumes. She saw Bruce pass her and she started to giggle. Bruce heard her little laugh and immediately turned around and picked her up and out from behind the cases. The first thing he noticed was the batarang in her hand. His eyes widened and he quickly grabbed it and set it down on the table.

"No, no, no. We don't use those Tanya." He said sternly.

Tanya gave him a glare. Bruce's eyes widened she had just given him the batglare but worse!

"Bastard." Tanya mumbled.

Bruce's eyes widened even more, she just said her first word.

"What honey?" Bruce asked smiling at his daughter.

"Bastard!" Tanya shouted with a giggle.

Bruce was angry and happy at the same time. His daughter said her first word only it wasn't a very good word for a two year old to be saying. Bruce shrugged and kissed his daughters cheeks. She giggled and kissed her father's cheek and yelled bastard over and over and over again.

1 year later

Well now that Tanya can talk Alfred and Bruce have been trying to get her to walk. Bruce was on patrol while Alfred watched little Tanya. They had just finished making cookies and know they were playing catch. Alfred threw the ball gently to Tanya but she dropped it and it rolled away from her. Tanya gave a are you serious look and got into a squatting stance. Alfred thought she was getting ready to poop so he got up to go get the diapers when she stood up and stumbled towards the ball. Alfred's eyes widened and he grabbed the camera recoding her. She almost fell so Alfred came closer to her ready to catch her if she fell. She stumbled forward a little more than burst out running towards the ball. She reached it bent over and picked it up. She threw it to Alfred who was smiling and laughing. She didn't know what she just did but Alfred was treating her like she just won the olympics so she started giggling for no reason. 

4 years later

Things have been pretty lonely for Tanya, all the kids at school think she's a stuck up rich kid so she only has like 2 or 3 friends but they are considered popular so yea. Bruce took her to a circus show yesterday only to watch a boy's parents fall to their death. They ended up paying for the funeral and Bruce took him in after he spent a week in a orphanage. It was his second day at the manor and Tanya still hasn't warmed up to him. Tanya walked down the steps of her house in her school uniform. She walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. 

"Good morning mistress Tanya." Alfred said with a smile.

"Morning Alfred." Tanya said returning the smile. 

Dick came into the room and Tanya rolled her eyes and grabbed her plate of food. Dick grabbed his food and sat next to her. Tanya dug into her eggs ignoring him.

"So Tanya, right?" He asked eating a mouth full of eggs.

"Yes." Tanya said with a growl.

"Tanya be nice." Bruce said walking into the room.

"It's weird father." Tanya protested back slumping into the chair.

"Tanya we talked about this." Bruce said sternly.

"I know it's just I can't act like I know him when I dint father." Tanya said eating a spoonful of eggs.

"Well then get to know him." Bruce said sternly.

Tanya groaned.

"You and your mother I swear." Bruce said rolling his eyes.

"Apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Tanya said with a laugh.

"And you've only meet her once." Bruce said with a laugh.

Tanya stuck her tounge out at him and Bruce flick eggs at her. Dick watched aquwardlt eating his eggs. Tanya threw bacon at her father and dumped salt on Dick's head. It broke out into a full blown food fight.

7 years later

Tanya heard the chaos happening downstairs and ran into the cave. Dick was upstairs eating poptarts at the time. Tanya walked into the cave and saw a boy around her age with a gag over his mouth and his wrists bound. 

"MASTER BRUCE!" Alfred yelled.

The kid was scared, no terrified. Tanya walked over to them while Alfred took to bonds off the kid.

"He tried to steal the tires off the batmobile." Bruce protested.

Tanya burst out laughing catching everyone's attention. She just couldn't hold it in. She dropped to the floor laughing so hard.

"My daughter everyone." Bruce said rolling his eyes.

This only made Tanya laugh harder. She began to cry from laughing so hard. Bruce swung her over his shoulders and dragged her out of the cave and into the living room for Dick to deal with.

4 months later

Jason and Bruce had got back from patrol. Tanya had heard over the coms that Jason was shot in the abdomen. She rushed into the cave after hearing the humming of the batmobile stop. Bruce jumped out of the car carrying a bloody unconscious Jason. Tanya ran to the medical supplies with Alfred. Bruce lay Jason on the bed. He started to groan and his eyes fluttered open. Tanya rushed over to his side while Alfred set the medical supplies on the table by him. Jason groaned once more.

"Shh, Jay shhh." Tanya said stroking his hair back.

"W-what's...gag!" Jason yelled screaming in pain as he tried to sit up.

"Hey, calm down, calm down. Alfred gonna fix you up okay.  Just calm down." Tanya said as tears threatened her eyes.

She didn't want to mention it but she had feelings for Jason, feelings she had tried to keep bottled up. Seeing him like this, so weak broke her heart.

1 month later

Jason was getting picked on by the school hot shots. Someone had told Tanya who was no way stomping down the halls. She get close enough and ripped one of the men off him.

"Back off Nathan." Tanya said sternly pushing the other guy away.

"Aww little Tanya coming to the rescue." The boy said mockingly.

"Aww little Tanya's gonna whoop your ass if you don't leave now." Tanya said back in the same tone.

Nathan scoffed and Tanya punched his face.

"Back off Nathan, I'll only say it once more." Tanya said giving him a bat glare.

Nathan went to punch Tanya but she grabbed his hand centimeters away from her head. He looked at her in shock.

"I said back off!" I shouted with a glare.

"Okay, okay!" He shouted.

Tanya let go and glared as Nathan walked away with his friend.

"You didn't have to do that." Jason said holding his nose.

"You'll 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 men later." Tanya said losing his cheek.

"You missed." Jason said with a smile.

Tanya rolled her eyes and Jason slammed his lips into hers. She kissed back almost imdeietly.

Christmas the next year

Jason has been missing for 3 months now with no trace to where he is. Tanya hasn't been the same ever since he was gone. She was waiting the the cave with her father when a video came through. They watched the video and Bruce pinpointed the location. Tanya protested to go with but Bruce knocked her out to keep her back because it was to dangerous. When Tanya finally woke up she ran into the cave just as the batmobile came in. She ran to the car and stood there frozen. There stood her father carrying a unconscious not breathing scarred Jason. Tanya's eyes widened and she fell to the floor sobbing. 

1 week later

There they were carrying a casket down to the graveyard to a newly dug whole in the ground with a gravestone above that read here lies beloved friend and son Jason Todd.

4 years later

"Hey Jay, sorry I haven't stopped by in awhile. It's just I've been busy helping Bruce stop a new guy in town, calls himself Red Hood. Not that it's an excuse. I miss you Jay, a lot. I wish we still had time so I could tell you how I feel of even say just a simple goodbye." Tanya said holding back tears.

"I-I just, I loved you Jay. More than a brotherly figure, you were my everything. Now your gone and your not coming back." Tanya said again as tears fell freely.

"Here I am looking insane talking to the air." She said with a small laugh.

"I love you Jay, goodbye." She said kissing the stone before setting the flowers down gently and walking out of the graveyard. 

Little did she know the Red Hood was watching her from the trees in the distance. 
