Chapter 15

9 years later

I walked through the door to our apartment. I didn't see any sign of Jay but the toys scattered across the floor told me he was home and apparently to busy to clean up the mess. I set my bag down with a sigh and picked up all the toys on the floor. I walked down the hallway towards my room. I changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I smiled at the weddin ring on my finger and left the room. I walked down the hallway and saw the door cracked open to the room nex to mine. I opened the door and smiled. There sat Jay in his Red Hood uniform on the rocking chair holding little Gracy who was fast asleep wrapped in his jacket, in his arms. I walked up to them and saw Jay had fallen asleep as well. I grabbed Gracy and set her in her crib after kissing her cheek and whispering good night. I walked back to the rocking chair and ruffled Jay's hair. His head shot up and he looked to me.

"Hey." I said with a smile.

"Hey baby doll." He said returning it.
