xi | scared

Lana's POV

"Lana, please help me I don't know who else to call" Marina sounded seriously scared. I could hear her sniffling and quietly sobbing at the other end of the phone.

"Okay dollface, you need to calm down" I bit my lip as I realised my nickname for her had slipped out, but Marina didn't seem to notice.

"Deep breaths. In and out. In and out" I said quietly.

I could hear as she took shaky breaths in and out. Eventually, she calmed herself down.

"Now, want me to come and keep you company?"

"Yes please" Marina whispered "I'm scared."

"I'm on my way."


Marina's POV

There was a soft knocking on the door after about 35 minutes and I ran to the door, flinging it open. Lana stood outside like a ghost, shaking from the rain.

"Jesus, you're fucking insane Lana, why didn't you bring an umbrella?" I said, moving aside to let her in.

"I don't have one" she shrugged off her jacket and threw it over one of the chairs "Now why are you so scared?"

I was about to reply when the thunder boomed once more and I squealed and ran into Lana's arms, cowering with fear. All my feelings of sadness and anger and hate towards the girl immediately vanished once I felt myself pressed against her warm body in her familiar arms. Her name may have not been Elizabeth however, she was still the same girl who had kissed her and held her close in her arms.

Lana pulled me closer and hugged me "Oh dollface, it's just thunder" she said gently.

"I'm scared" I whimpered.

Lana let go and brought me over to the couch and sat me down. Then, she got the blanket that was flung over the back and threw it over me.

"I am going to make up a cup of tea okay?" she said, giving me a small smile before getting up to make me tea.

I bit my lip. She was being the sweetest girl ever. She could've said no and left me, alone and terrified. But instead she ran out the door into the storm and came to look after me and give me hugs and cups of tea.

I didn't deserve this.

I didn't deserve this at all.

I hated this girl. I hated her stupid songs and her aesthetic and her tumblr and edgy vibe. I hated the fact she was just like me: vulnerable.

But right now, I hated myself.

How could I hate the girl who just threw herself into a hurricane for me?
