vi | familiar

Marina's POV

We landed in LAX in the evening and Dua and I were exhausted, due to jet lag.

We trudged around the streets until we could hail a cab and we went straight to my place to go for a long long sleep.


Lana's POV

I sat on the edge of my bed, on instagram. I scrolled through my feed, liking a few pics, commenting on Ashley's recent.

I pressed the discover page by accident and among all the videos of the Walmart yodelling kid, I stumbled upon a selfie of Marina Diamandis.

I curled up my nose. That girl was the strangest woman. Beautiful, I admit, but I knew for a fact she hated me.

I clicked on the photo and turns out it was from her own page. She had just posted it 6 minutes ago and the caption read "Fucking exhausted from my trip to Paris, but i'm glad to be home, with plenty of inspiration I might add ;)"

Upon inspection of the selfie, I saw something familiar in her face, in her eyes. Those lips seemed familiar, those cheekbones, that dainty nose.

My thoughts wandered back to Electra.

I crinkled up my face in confusion.

Just to humour myself, I went to safari and I did a search for 'marina diamandis'. A wikipedia page was the first one to come up.
I quickly scanned through it, until I saw her discography and saw an album named "Electra Heart".

I gasped and dropped the phone.

Electra was Marina.
I fucked Marina Diamandis.
