v | flowers

Lana's POV

I sat on the couch, scrolling through twitter while I waited for Electra to come out from the room.

"Hey, do you wanna borrow some of my clothes and we can go out for breakfast?" I asked her.

She nodded "Sure that'd be fine, thank you."

I smiled and slipped past her, heading for my suitcase and looking for the cutest outfit in there. I got a flower jacket, a random top and a white skirt.

She smiled at the outfit "I love that jacket, I love flowers."

I chucked "That's good" I grabbed a top and jeans and slipped them on, my back facing Electra. I didn't turn around until she told me to.

"Ready?" I said, twirling around to look at her.

She nodded and we left the hotel room 93.


Marina's POV

"Oh my god! Today was amazing!! Thank you so so much" I hugged Lizzy again as she brought me back to my hotel.

"You're welcome dollface" she bit her lip slightly before planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"Don't let my face get lost in that pretty little mind" she whispered.

"I won't."

Lizzy reluctantly pulled away and walked backwards down the sidewalk until I was no longer in her line of sight.

I let out the little squeal I'd been holding in and I ran into the hotel and up the staircase to my hotel room.
I loudly banged on the door until Dua opened it.

"Jesus, I thought I was being robbed."

"I've soooo much to tell you" I said, out of breath.
"Just...just give me a minute."

Dua chuckled and closed the door, giving me time to breathe.

I took a deep breath "You know that girl from last night?"


I went behind the wardrobe door to change my clothes "Yeah. Well, her name's Elizabeth. Well Lizzy. And she's not only hot as fuck, but she's the sweetest human i've ever met in my entire life. She took me out today. It was supposed to just be for breakfast but she took me all over Paris and to the eiffel tower and we picked roses and went to this pretty church and we got berets and we got this painting done and we had dinner beside the river and oh my god it was a perfect day" I sighed with happiness.

Dua smiled "That sounds so adorable Rina."

"It was! I wish I wasn't going home tomorrow."

"Hey, you got her number right?"


"Well, there you go! You could always arrange to meet in some city again!"

I smiled "True."

"Now, come on, early to bed, we've an early start."

I groaned.

"Marina, come on" she pleaded.

I did as I was told and she playfully tucked me in, making me laugh.

"Goodnight" she sang.

