
"Mum? Mummy?" I tugged at her long red hair.

She looked down at me and gave me a grin.

"Yes dear?"

"What are you doing mum?" I asked.

The kitchen was in a mess. Flour powdered thr cabinets and eggshells scattered on the floor. Mum was covered from head to toe with flour and sugar. Her red hair was tied into a low ponytail.

"Your father is coming back today, so I'm going to make him his favourite cake!" She said excitedly.

A surge of happiness ran through me and I squealed. Father is rarely home. And when he did, we will spend time together as much as we can. Sometimes he helps me with my training, sometimes he cooks our favourite meals and sometimes he plays with me. Father is always been the best person to play with. He never rejected my requests and always tried his best to be here for me. But I understand why he couldn't always be with us. Mummy said that he had work to do. To make the world a better place for us. To make sure that no one will harm us.

"Is Father staying long this time?"

Mummy just smile. "I do not know (Y/N). "

The thought of Father staying here for a short time make me felt dejected a bit. I trully miss him.

"Oh. I hope he will stay longer this time."

Your mummy smile and continued whisking the eggs. "Me too (Y/N), me too."

There was a rap in the door before the door opened up.

"Shizukesa?" A deep male voice called out.

Your mother gasped and quickly turned around. A blush coloured her cheeks as her (E/C) filled with tears.


You jumped and ran towards him. Almost knocking him down. You wrapped your arms around his knees, well you're quiet short that time and buried your face to his thighs.

"Father! You're home!"

He chuckled and knelt down to your height before he pulled you into his embrace.

"I'm home."

He stretched out his left arm. A signal for your mother to join in the hug. You mother smiled shakily and joined in the hug. Your father kissed her in the cheek .

"I've missed you Shizukesa."

"And I you."


Kakashi was reading his little orange book when he saw that you stirred in your sleep. He slowly lowered down his book and started waiting for you to wake up.

You groaned when you saw the brightness behind your eyelids. You slowly cracked opened your eyes and squinted when you were suddenly blinded by the sunlight.

"Why is it so bright?"

"Welcome back to the land of living." An overly cheerful voice greeted you.

"Gah!" You were startled to see your sensei smiling at you. His mask wrinkled a bit and his eyes were closed. A sign that he was smiling.

You rubbed your chest when you felt pain spiked there.


"Take it easy. Your broke a few ribs." He stated.

You let out a sigh and rubbed your face. You felt extremely lethargic.

"You scared us back then. I thought you're dead." He said casually.

Your eye twitched. "What was that supposed to mean?"

"Well..." he scratched his mask. "You were looking so weird laying on the floor. Your arms flailing all over like a dying squid."

Your face scrunched up in disgust and you yelled at him. "I did not!"

"Yes you did, you were like," then he flail his arms around and made a weird sound.

Your mouth twisted and a laugh threatening to escape your throat. You couldn't hold it back for long before you bursted out laughing so hard.

His face will positively stuck in your head for a time.

"What was that Kakashi-sensei?! That was weird as heck! " you continued laughing. He joined you.

"Well, I'm just copying what I saw."

"There is no way in earth I did that!" You wiped out a tear.

He smiled softly and looked out of the window. "It's good to see you laughing (Y/N)."

"Huh?" A blush adorned your face.

"You shouldn't keep pushing people away. Keep wearing that mask of yours. You should opened up a bit you know that?" He said softly.

You fell silenced when he said that. It is indeed felt good to be yourself but...what if they hurt you?

"You're the one to talk."

"I'm not saying it literally. It's a metaphor you know?" He said defensively and you laughed again.

"Listen to me (Y/N). Don't let what the villagers said get ino your head. You know what Naruto is right?" He waited for a while before continuing. He didn't need your confirmation to know that you have the answer.

"The villagers was still in denial and shock about what happened when the Kyuubi attacked the village. And it was a hard time for them to rebuild the village and forgetting about all the pain that deaths brought them. A years they didn't let any outsiders came. They were afraid that the same thing happens again.

And then you came into the village without any reason why or any explaination how. It made the villagers scares. That's why they said many things to you. It's their defensive mechanism. Just let them said what they want, until one day they had to lick their own words." He ruffles your head. "No matter what they said or did to you. You still have us. Me, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. Just give us a chance and be yourself. Let us know who you trully are."

You just stares at him before you hug him.

"Thank you...Kakashi-sensei."

Maybe for once...I could let go.
