
Naruto P.O.V

I ran from the mountain of Hokage with a huge smile on my face.

'This is so fun! Believe it!'

Those annoying ninja started chasing me around the village but never manage to land a hand on me. Heh! Some ninja they are!

"You'll never catch me believe it!" I stuck my tongue out and blew a raspberry.

It just irked them even more.

"You stupid brat! Come here!" One of them yelled at me.

"Will not!" I then threw the paint cans from my hand to their head. I quickly take chance to run from them and take out a mat that look like a fence and put it in front of me. The ninja ran pass me and took a look around before running. I let out a sigh of relief when they already far away.

"Hahahahahha! You'll never catch me!" I clutched to my stomach and laughed harder. Suddenly I felt a dark presence behind me.

"Is that so, Naruto."

It's not a question but more like a statement. I slowly turned around and giggled nervously.

"Ehehe...well you see Iruka sensei..."

Iruka P.O.V

I sighed and quickly pulled Naruto's ear. Dragging him to the academy.

"I-Itai! Iruka-sensei! Let me go!" He yelled at me. Trashing like a worm in a hot day.

And...I sighed again. What am I going to do with this kid? He'll never change at this rate!

"Shut up Naruto! We'll going back to the academy. You're already late and you having a detention today!" I put him on the ground and tied a rope around him.


Your P.O.V

The sliding door slammed opened again, revealing Iruka dragging Naruto by his ear with rope around his body. You smirked for a moment before you turned emotionless again. Naruto tried to get away from Iruka's grip but it just made him felt more pain. Look at his ear! It's looks so red!

"I'm at the end of my rope now Naruto! You failed the graduation exam twice, and you did it again! Because of Naruto tardiness, we will having the exam again!"Announced Iruka.

Again, the class groaned.

"Naruto!" You heared Sakura yelled. "You idiot, now we have to do it again!"

"Silence! Now line up!" Iruka voice raised against the raging class.

"Uchiha Sasuke."

The duck arrogantly walked to the front and turned into Iruka-sensei.

"Very good."

The boy just 'hn'and sat in his place. What a joy...

"Haruno Sakura."

"Hai! Transform!" She yelled. A poof of cloud came from no where and there Sakura turned into Iruka.

"Good Sakura!" Iruka said then scribble something down the board.

"Kyaa! Did you see that Sasuke! Did you see that?! Am I good?!" Sasuke just looked away from her.

And...you zone out...

"Uzumaki (Y/N)." Iruka called out for you.

"Uzumaki?!" The class started to murmured and whispering. Saying if you were Naruto's sibling.

The Hokage decided that your last name should be Uzumaki when you told him about your dream.


You knocked on the door. Waiting patiently for permission to go in.

"Come in." A warm voice said.

You turned the door knob and pushed the door open. The Hokage looked up from his desk and flashed a warm smile at you. Putting down his pen, he looked at you.

"Ah (Y/N). What occasion bring you here?" A fuzzy warm feeling spreaded inside as you stared at the old man. You could see that he was tired with all the paperwork but he still stay strong.

"Umm...there is something I want to ask you." You said shyly. The man in front of you has gained your respect.

The third connecting his hands together to make a bridge before putting his chin on it.

"Go ahead."

"I...I have a dream. About my past I think. I dreamed of...my parents. I want to know if you happen to know any of them. Even a bit information about them is fine!" You added hastily.

"Tell me of your dream."

"As you already know that my house was burnt down by a black fire. But there was something new about it. The image was a blur but I... I think I saw my mom. She has red hair with (e/c) eyes. Papa...papa has black hair and black eyes. Do you...know them?" I asked filled with hope. The hokage hummed a bit before he spoke.

"I don't know who they are but I can confirm something. Your mother was from the Uzumaki clan. Uzumaki are known for their red hair. Only Uzumaki have red hair. But for your father...I don't know. There are many clan that have black hair like you and you father." He said with sorry tone.

That's not a lot of information but at least it something.

"No, no it's fine. At least now I can have a last name to go with."The third just chuckled in reply.

You walked to the front before making a handsign.

"Transform." A puff of cloud appeared and you turned into a woman with a red hair that reached past her waist. Your now (e/c) eyes twinkled as you smile at them. You wore a short sleeved shirt with a long black skirt . You turned into your mother. Even though you just guessing how her face would be.

The class stared at you with awe. Even Sasuke stared at you eyes wide. You smirked at them internally. Iruka-sensei turned away with a blushing mess. You then transform back and headed to your place.

"We-well done (Y/N)." He praised. "Uzumaki Naruto. It's your turn now."

"I can do this! Look at me Sakura-chan!" Naruto yelled confidently. Sakura just brushed him away and started giggling toward Sasuke.

'Crazy much?'

"Transform!" There stood Naruto. Uh...correction. Naked woman version of Naruto. With a puff of cloud only covering <s>his.... uh her(?) womanly part. Iruka-sensei head snapped back with blood gushing out of his nose like a fountain




You bursted out laughing like a maniac while clutching to your stomach. You slammed your hand on your desk, expressing how funny you feels. Sasuke stared at you. Blush crept on his face. He never see you smile. Or laugh! That was new.

'Her laugh is so wonderful...' thought Sasuke.

You wipe the non-existent tear from your eyes before your mouth slammed shut and you back to your emotionless state. Sasuke just look at you sweatdrop.

'Well...that was quick. She have a weird swing mood. Or maybe bipolar or something.' Sasuke can't help but feeling curious about you.

'Who are you actually...(Y/N)? You remind me of someone...'
