
The sun came up again in the next morning. Casting it's bright orange light across the earth. You yawned when the light warmed up your face. Kakashi was still fast asleep beside you and you took that advantage to see what beneath his mask. You slowly crept forward, inching closer to the mattress and loomed over the still body. The comforter covered his whole body including lower part of his face. Your eyes lit up in anticipation. Maybe, maybe he did not wear his mask under there.

Slowly lifting up the comforter, trying your best not to wake him up. Sweats broke up, your heart thumping loudly. Fear and excitement bubbling underneath your skin.

'Just a little bit more...just a little bit...' you said in your head.

"Eep!" You yelped in shock and fear.

A hand held your wrist tightly. Preventing you from lifting up the comforter even more. You turned your head over your shoulder to see who dared to stop your in your conquest.

Eyes wide as you saw who it was. "Kakashi-sensei?!"

The body under the comforter bursted into nothingness.

'Clone...jutsu...' your head turned down, dejected.

"What are you trying to do (Y/N)?"

Heat rises on your face, painting it red.

"You-you, stupid Kakashi! Why would you put a clone there?" You yelled at him.

The silver haired man just sighed at your antics. "I have my own reason. Now, what were you doing just now?"

You pouted your lips and turned to face the wall. "You know damn well what I was trying to do."

Kakashi shook his head. Your language would be a good thing to be fix first.

"You could just ask me if you wanted to know what underneath my mask." He said nonchalantly.

You let out a sharp gasp and turned to face your teacher.

"Are you in for real? You're not actually meant it were you?" You crossed your and look at him in disbelieve. "What's the catch old man?"

"Just because I have silver hair means I'm an old man..." he mumbled under his breath.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. And I'm swear there is no catch whatsoever (Y/N). You just need to ask."

Your eyes narrowed before you let out a huff. "Very well then. Show me."

Kakashi sighed again. "Alright, alright." His fingers trailed upward to his mask. A digit slipped in the mask and prompted to pull it down.

You watched him full with eagerness in your eyes as you slowly leaned forward.

"Here you go..." the mask now past down his nose.

"Come on, come on..."


Sakura suddenly bursted into the room with the rest of your teammates.

"You awake!" Said Naruto. Sasuke just lingered at the back, watching both you and Kakashi with a hooded eyes.

Kakashi had let go of his mask and back to his mattress. Waving lazily towards his students.


Your left eye twitched uncontrollably. Your hand balled into fists. Your breath ragged as you tried to push down your anger.

'In all the time...she chose to barge in at this very moment...'

Many ways to kill Sakura flashed in your head.

'Stupid forehead...' You took a deep breath before exhaled.

"Your Sharingan is awesome and all Kakashi-sensei, but-" she stopped babbling midway when she saw you abruptly stood up and headed to the door. "(Y/N)? Where are you going? You need to stay in bed."

"Out." That's all you said before you stormed down the stairs. Leaving a confused Sakura behind.

"Kakashi-sensei?" She called out.

"Leave her be. And give her a chance will you?" He asked them.

"What chance?" Asked Naruto.

"To be herself." He was sure if they tried their hardest to befriend her and showing her kindness, she will eventually warm up to them. He knew from experience that pushing her will do them no good. It will only make her retreats into her walls of iron.

Lost in time, she does not feels belonged.

And he knew beneath all of those harsh words and cold but smug exterior, she was a loud and carefree girl, much like Naruto.

Maybe that's why she could tolerate Naruto a little. The obnoxious blonde reminds her of herself.

"Are you trying to say that she acts like that for a reason?" Sakura tilted her head to the left.

Kakashi does not answer her this time and steered the topic instead.

"There is something wrong with the masked guy that took Zabuza away..."


A pout graced your lips as you cursed Sakura inwardly for robbing your only chance on seeing Kakashi's face.

You were stumbled upon Tazuna when you headed to the kitchen. He had his hat on as he wiped sweats from his neck with a worn out towel. He was startled to see you at the corner of his eyes but collected himself after he recognised who you are.

"Ah, you're up." He said. "Are you alright to be walking around?"

You were about to gave him a retort when Kakashi's words rang in your head.

"Just give us a chance and be yourself. Let us know who you trully are."

You quickly shuts your mouth and gave him a soft reply. "Yeah. I'm good. Just sore I think."

He blinked in respond. He had not expected you to give him such honest answer and without any witty remarks.

"Look Tazuna-san, I...forgive me for not respecting you before. I guess I'm acting like a total arse." Your cheeks burnt and you had to grit out the words. You were not use with apologising. Years of hiding behind your mask  made you socially awkward.

Tazuna took a few moment before he snorted. "Guess you have manner after all. And yes, you were a total arse."


"Don't push it old man." You growled at him.

He just laughed and patted your head. "You're a good kid. I know that." And he walked away.

A warm feeling spreads through your chest. Who know such a simple gesture could make you happy? Is this the feeling of acceptance?

You walked into the kitchen and saw a woman in her middle twenty with an apron, calmly humming as she diced the onions.

"Uh, morning."

The woman hummed when she heard your voice and turned around. A smile broke on her pretty face. "Ah, (Y/N)-chan is it? Are you feeling better?"

Another set of blush broke out. This people showing kindness that you hardly receive by the villagers and it made you nervous. "Ah, yes. I'm fine. I guess you're the one who bandaging my chest?"

She nodded and turned to continue dicing the onions. "I am. You should not push yourself too much alright? We don't want to slow the healing progress." She said good in a good nature.

"Alright." And you walked closer to her. "Is there anything for me to help?"

"Are sure? You should be resting."

"Yes. I'm sure!" Guess it was not so hard to be yourself after all.

Tsunami-san, as you learnt her name went upstairs to check up on your team, leaving you alone in the kitchen. You busied yourself in making the rest of the breakfast when the front door suddenly creaked open. A small boy, maybe around 9 or 10, entered. He had a straw hat and brown hair. You guess this is the kid that Tsunami told you earlier. He did not notice you and went straight ahead upstairs.

A minute or so, you heard distant yelling of two voices, one that sounded like Naruto and the other was a high pitched voice that you were sure belonged to Inari, Tsunami's son before a set of footsteps rushed down and bolted out of the house. Tsunami came down later with a troubled look on her face.

"What's wrong Tsunami-san?" She shook her head and smiled at you.

"Nothing (Y/N). Boys. Now, have you finished that?" You nodded.

She ruffles you hair and thanked you for your help. "Now, let us serves this. I bet they are hungry." A twinkled in her eyes.

You stifled a laugh and nodded. Knowing that Naruto will eat like a pig.

"They will."
