36: Perfect End



Riku cast full-scale object-manipulation magic on Tenn, immediately halting the casting process. The idol flailed, trying to break the hold. He turned forcefully to face the younger brother. His eyes burned with anger. "What the hell, Riku?! Let me go this instant!"

The younger boy refused to stop casting. "There is no need to banish the spirit. Not when he doesn't want to hurt us anymore."

"This is no time to be soft and sentimental!" Tenn yelled, worrying the spirit would get up and kill everyone in front of him. Sougo had to summon another light spear before stabbing them deep into the hard ground, locking Haruka's neck in place by crossing them. The spirit still showed no sign of fighting back.

Out of options, Tenn ordered a servant. "Gaku, finish it!"

Though flabbergasted by his lord's action, Gaku followed Tenn's command. He was about to move when Riku shouted. "Gaku, don't!" And Riku's voice registered in his head much more quickly.

While slowly reducing his magic power, Riku walked towards Tenn. He looked at everyone around him, making it clear he wanted to make a statement. "We gave Sougo a chance." The lord stood firm by his reason. "I say we give Isumi a chance as well. If his love can turn to hatred, then hopefully it can also turn back."

Even Riku himself had been given a chance when he tried to burn down the mansion.

The spirit, who was on the floor with Sougo's crossing spears right across his neck, went wide-eyed. "You're willing to forgive me? After all I've done?"

"I don't know." Riku shook his head. "I truly don't. You took my life. You killed my people. What I do know is that I don't want anyone to feel like you did, so I don't want to take pointless lives."

"You're annoying." Haruka huffed. "Stop acting. Can't you see that I'm dead? Give me a chance, my arse." His voice trembled and trailed off towards the end, almost as if he didn't mean it.

There was a moment of silence. Ah, so Riku had not thought about that. He searched Sougo's face for answers. The angel remained quiet.

"Well then-" Tenn started casting but was once again interrupted.

"Wait! I'm with Riku here," Mitsuki spoke up. "It'll be hard to forgive him or befriend him, but it doesn't mean I want him gone. Especially if he has a change of heart."

"You humans are foolis-owowow!" Haruka spoke, probably half-heartedly like before, but was cut off mid-sentence by Sougo, who summoned a knife and poked it into Haruka's neck, just enough to cause some dark smoke-like energy to leak.

"You're right. We're foolish," said Gaku confidently after he became less confused. "A lot of times, we act purely on our emotions. We make stupid decisions. Instead, we learn how to not repeat them." Riku felt Gaku was partly trying to mock him, but that thought did not come across in the simple butler's mind.

"We're always learning and improving." The youngest scientist nodded in agreement. "I personally wouldn't mind giving him a chance, but it is clear the biggest problem at hand is how when he is already dead."

"Tch, there's no need to rub it in..." The spirit muttered.

Iori continued giving his most logical opinion. "The fact remains that he is harmful, so I am opposed to having him float around without purpose as he is right now."

"Damn this guy..." Haruka's blood boiled. It was getting harder to still his hand.

"No point letting him live if he can't live." Gaku took a quick bow to Riku. "He's too dangerous as he is."

The dragon Tamaki transformed into a human and began negotiating with his master. "Sou-chan, can't you do something?"

Sougo looked at each and every human in the room. "You all are willing to let him live as long as he is stripped of power. Am I correct?"

Everyone except Tenn nodded. The idol of Silica went silent for a while before letting out a big sigh. "I don't agree with giving him a chance, dead or alive, but even if we go by Silica's rule, it's six against one. Just don't say I didn't warn you."

The angel then smiled, moved by the kindness of the humans before him. He threw his light spears up in the air and they dispersed into small light orbs. Kneeling down beside Haruka, he spread his white wings wide. A short moment later, the tips of his beautiful wings began dispersing into light orbs. Those orbs were absorbed into Haruka's body, giving the spirit a new physical form.

"Whoa..." Haruka jumped up to stand when Sougo's wings were completely gone. "You've turned me into a human?!" Excitement clearly showed on his face. Wow, he didn't even try to hide it.

Sougo chuckled. "Not just you. We're now like Silicans, humans with no special powers."

"I'm glad it all worked out in the end," said Mitsuki.


A few months later...


"Riku, it's time! You ready?"

"Yes, Touma! Thanks for picking us up again today."

"Of course! At your servoof!"

Remember Inumaru Touma, the self-proclaimed ferocious lava beast? He was so happy to find that he did not end up dead. Since Mitsuki's song saved him, he pledged loyalty to the Beastmaster. Actually, he felt he owed everyone in the fight party a debt, so he helped everyone out in any way he could. Similar to Tamaki, Touma could shapeshift into a human. Although, he retained his iconic doggy ears and tail. Today, he was to take Riku and Gaku on his massive wolf back to one of the biggest historical events that were about to take place in SkySilica.

Representing the whole of Silica, Regulator Nagi made a public speech saying that they'd worked with Majabahn higher-ups to record the events that had taken place. High Lord Nanase Riku then joined him. Together, they shook hands and vowed to never start a war against each other.


Isumi Haruka enrolled at the same school Iori was attending to learn more about the world. He had tried to stay out of Iori's way, but since he was relatively new to the human world, Iori felt the need to help the hopeless guy out sometimes. Though the former angel had never managed to make any other friends, he secretly enjoyed being surrounded by the humans he loved. He wouldn't admit it, but he was OBSESSED with idols, especially the one named Kujou Tenn.


Yuki and Momo got married. Their love was as strong as when they first met. As one of the top idols, some days were tough, but together, they believed they could get through anything. Momo would sometimes visit Majabah and his lord with Yuki by his side. Whenever Yuki paid Banri a visit at the cemetery, Momo would always hold his hand tightly and keep smiling for him.


Holding to Ryuu's invitation, Torao appeared at the bar one night. It happened to be the night Ryuu and Yamato were celebrating their marriage anniversary, so it was incredibly awkward at first. All the problems were solved with bottomless alcohol.


After an incredibly successful live concert this evening, Tenn and Iori together escaped the noise of the city to the newly built indoor forest. Yup, it was a massive, well-decorated tropical forest inside a glasshouse-like structure. The two sat next to each other inside a completely transparent cable car. It was taking them through exhilarating parts of the forest. Even though Tenn should have been looking at the trees, his gaze went up to the starry sky above the greenhouse.

"What's on your mind, Tenn-san?" Iori noticed Tenn wasn't paying attention to him talking about unusual plants, so he had to ask.

"Manager," Tenn replied, still looking at the sky. "I was thinking how things would turn out if I hadn't met you."

"It's not like you to be sentimental, Tenn-san," said Iori.

Tenn chuckled, closing his eyes. "Must be the work of the dazzling penlights."

"The fans loved you, Tenn-san." Pretending to be looking at the plants, the idol manager blushed red. "I would be waving penlights to the rhythm of your songs too had I stood in the audience today."

After a brief pause, Tenn turned to look at Iori's face. He now blushed as well. "A-are you trying to say you are one of my fans, Iori?"

Come on, you two, stop going around it.

"Well- yes, of course, I am your fan. Just why do you think I agreed to be your manager?"

Tenn looked away, secretly grinning. He placed his right hand on top of Iori's left hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. Iori didn't pull it back.



The former angel Sougo and Tamaki chose to live quietly in a remote town. They were said to be kind to everyone. Well, except when Sougo snapped. The dragon could be seen flying and landing at a random convenience store in Silica to buy Ousama pudding.


For the first time ever, part of the Nanase mansion was opened for council. Town representatives attended, outlining the problems they were facing. One of the attendees was none other than Natsume Minami from the underwater settlement. Holding a council wasn't easy. There were heated arguments and talks of discrimination. The lord came to understand the hard way why Majabah had a need for a decisive ruling lord with high magic power. Not all the Silican government structures he'd learned from Nagi would work in the magic world. Still, Riku worked towards his ideal world—a world where people without magic could live without fear. Having faith in Riku's pure ambition, Natsume Minami swore allegiance to the lord. Although, he'd left a snake or two inside the mansion just to be sure.


"Mitsuki, are you done with your hospital errands?" Riku beamed when he saw Mitsuki return to the mansion in his partly unbuttoned shirt. "Gaku invited me to tea earlier. Will you join us in the garden?"

Mitsuki returned that smile. "My lord, I'd love to! Let me go get change, okay? I'll meet you there."

Mitsuki watched as Riku made his way to the garden. When he felt it was safe to do so, he pulled out his phone. (Yes, Majabah now had phone reception!) "Guys, come on in!"

Iori and Tenn walked through the mansion entrance, each with a large box in hand. Followed by Yamato, Ryuunosuke, Nagi, Momo, and Yuki who also had a bottle of chocolate wine or some other gifts in hand. Yup, everyone except Riku knew what was about to happen. Gaku and other servants in the mansion were in on this too. In fact, Mitsuki was never at the hospital in the morning. He'd gone home to Silica to prepare a surprise for the lord.

Riku walked into the garden to find a large, long, white table with several chairs. It was nicely covered with an embroidered tablecloth. A luxurious vase with red and white roses (grown by Momo!) was placed right in the middle. Not to mention, there were several plates of desserts and savoury foods! Riku's mouth opened wide.

Standing at the end of the table was the butler. When he saw Riku's reaction, he smiled and bowed. "Welcome, my lord."

"Gaku, what is going on?" Asked the confused Riku.

"Behind you."

Riku turned around. He couldn't believe his eyes. Eight handsome men dressed up in full Majabahn attire bowed to him. "Mitsuki? Tenn-nii? Nagi? Everyone??"

"Thanks for the invite, Riku! The food looks great." Yamato approached the lord happily and patted his shoulder. "Although you probably didn't know about it because Yaotome and Mitsu set you up." The scientist pointed his thumb at Mitsuki.

"Wait, so- these desserts-" Riku was even more confused, in a good way.

"Iori and I made them," Tenn said, pointing his thumb at Iori. "Wel,l mostly me, this guy is only capable of making simple sandwiches." He looked at his date- *ahem* manager teasingly.

"Stop embarrassing me, Tenn-san!" Blushing, Iori complained.

"Uwahhh!!" There it was—the most childish smile of the universe from the mighty lord.

"If you need drinks, come to me!" Ryuu showed off his bottle of chocolate wine. "I can make good stuff out of this."

"Hey, don't leave me out." Mitsuki runs to Riku with a mysterious box in hand. It was one of the boxes Iori or Tenn had been holding earlier. He opened it and stars appeared shining in Riku's eyes, literally!

"Doughnuts! Did you make them?!"

"Indeed, I did," Mitsuki said proudly.

"Yayyy!!! I'm so very happy. Mitsuki is the best!" Riku pulled Mitsuki into a tight hug.

"Careful, Riku! I'm glad you're happy but don't make me drop the doughnuts!" Mitsuki shouted, earning everyone's laughter.

It took a while for everyone to settle down and have proper seats at the table. Momo and Yuki performed a few songs for everyone. Not wanting to be left out, Tenn had also prepared his, so he stood up and gave his all after Re:vale was done.

"Alright, everyone!" Nagi clapped twice, drawing attention to himself. "We've had fiery idol performances, now it's time for some relaxing, actual tea party music!" Nagi snapped his fingers and the sound equipment he'd secretly set up started playing music in the background—classical ball music to be precise.

Riku looked up to find Gaku staring at his face. Now that Gaku was slightly drunk, he would think less about his actions. He stood up and approached his lord, never taking his eyes off the radiant man.

"May I... have the pleasure of a dance, my lord?" Gaku extended his arm.

Riku blushed. That was much more than he ever expected. With a slight hesitation, he took Gaku's arm and stood up, taking a moment to calm himself before taking the garden stage.

Strangely, the lord expected Gaku to lead, and the butler expected his lord to follow. They dance as if it had been rehearsed several times before.

"Today is a special day, my lord." Gaku started the conversation. Right now, it felt like Riku was the only person in front of him.

"It is?" Riku answered innocently. "Is it because I am free from my duties for once?"

"No. Well, I suppose that is special too." Gaku took hold of Riku's waist. "When we were younger, you've always wanted to have a tea party with a group of close friends..."

"So you went out of your way to arrange this for me?" Riku went wide-eyed as he spun around.

"I couldn't have done it without Izumi's help." Gaku smiled.

Riku's gaze went to Mitsuki briefly, earning a thumbs up from the man. "Oh, Gaku..." Touched, he was at a loss for words.

At the end of the song, Gaku could no longer hold back his feelings. He pulled Riku's body into a tight embrace before whispering into his ears.

"I love you with all my heart, Nanase Riku."

With his face flushing pink, Riku took hold of Gaku's shirt and rested his head on that warm chest. The two stayed for a long while before returning to the cheers at the party table.

Mitsuki almost cried seeing those two. Not because he was jealous. He truly felt they were meant for each other. More than anything, he was happy to see how much their relationship blossomed like roses in the garden.

Riku, I knew what you wrote in that letter...

You want Yaotome to rule if something ever happens to you. You want me to support Yaotome. To think you'd trust me with such an important role even though I'm a Silican with no magic power...

But I'll hope such a tragic event never comes to pass.

I want to remain by your side. To serve you. To protect you. To protect the love you share with Yaotome.





So before I go, I'd like to talk about this fic (yup, long note incoming) and also recommend some other ainana fics I've written for those who're interested! <3

My thoughts on this fic:

- I'm happy was able to create a world from my imagination even though some things like magic system weren't original.

- It was difficult to write when I'd failed to define the main characters right from the get go (Mitsuki, Gaku, Riku, Tenn, Iori). Still, overall, I'm satisfied with this work (haha) but pls feel free to comment!

- Another challenge I faced was when I'd stopped writing for too long and details weren't fresh in my mind anymore. Started in 2019, finished in 2023. I wasn't exactly in a good place in between. Oh well it all works out in the end haha.

- Not a promise or anything but yes I myself do love this AU so I might someday write a oneshot or quick spinoffs taking place in the world of Silica/Majabah Ehehe~

Shameless advertisement corner:

If you'd like to check out my other ainana fanfics, thank you! You can click my profile but I'll write some recommendations as well 😁

- For those who ship IoTenn/TennIo I have a short oneshot: Coincidental Resort

- I actually am a big IoRiku/RikuIo shipper. If you ship them then:
Multichap: My Crown or My Crown: Reimagined
[You can read any if not both. Reimagined is a rewrite but with a different ending. My Crown is on a darker side.]

Oneshot: Fragments to Form a Star
- Re:vale fans, I have a short oneshot for you: Re:vive

And that's it! Thank you once again and goodbye, lovely ppl! Until next fic! Take care! teehee~
