15: The Connection


Tenn knew that forcing Yuki to be his manager was not the smartest choice. First of all, he hardly knew anything about Yuki personality-wise. It turned out the guy was not the easiest person to deal with. He had been working as Tenn's manager for two weeks, and already Yuki's unfriendly attitude had managed to make some people at work click their tongue in frustration.

"He's one of those guys with a pretty face and no talent. No wonder why he isn't an idol anymore."

Those kinds of words really set Yuki off because they insulted not just him but his former partner, Banri, too.

Nevertheless, Tenn managed to convince Anesagi to put up with the guy. Why? Yuki had a good sense of duty. He did the work he was supposed to do. Plus, Tenn knew Yuki could easily advise and criticise his abilities without holding back because he was brutally honest. The boy wanted to improve and drew all the attention to himself.

Also, Tenn wanted to help Yuki as the guy had given him some guidance when they first met. The most selfish reason he had was probably to show Iori that people were allowed to grieve. At the same time, people had to keep holding on and moving forward.

Not everything was going in the negative direction. At work today, Tenn was told that his first live concert was officially scheduled. The magic user was so excited that he took Iori out on a sudden 'date' that very same evening. "Our cafe meeting was rudely interrupted. We have not had a proper meal out since then. " He said when actually, he just wanted to spend more time with Iori. The student had been helping out at Yamato's lab almost every day until nightfall lately. It seemed they were close to discovering something major.

Okay, 'a meal' part was not a lie. They did take a detour, though. While they were following a hologram navigator AI projected from Iori's smartphone to the recommended restaurant the two picked, Iori came to a sudden stop due to being distracted by an arcade game centre along the way. Sure, Iori was not the type to be absorbed by such things. However, that specific game centre was full of crane game machines featuring Usamimi Friends limited edition plush collections. Yes, Iori wanted them badly.

Tenn stopped walking when he noticed Iori was no longer walking by his side. He took a few steps back and got his answer. "Ah... the pastel-coloured rabbits you like." He spoke with a straight face.

Iori seemed irritated by the word 'rabbit'. "It's called Usamimi Friends." He muttered just loud enough for Tenn to hear. Tenn only reacted by smiling and taking the lead as usual...

...into the game centre, of course.

"Wait, Nanase-san?? Aren't we going to dinner?" Iori was surprised, though his mind was on its way to the moon.

"Oh we are." Tenn turned around to face the student. "After you get your favourite plush."

"I d-didn't say I wanted them!" Red-faced Iori tried to deny the truth, so Tenn teased the boy a little more. "Then we leave." Tenn began to storm out. Iori panicked. His inner instinct made him reach his hand out to grab Tenn's slender arm. "Wait! Okay, I want them." Iori squeezed his eyelids shut in total embarrassment.

"Heeeh? You do?" Tenn teased the student one last time.

"YES!" Iori blurted out. Satisfied, Tenn walked in and approached the counter staff to exchange play coins. It was his first time in an arcade, so he too could not wait to try things out.

The two went to the specific pink and purple crane game machine with cute music playing in the background. Several fluffy Usamimi Friends plush with special patterns such as stars or music notes were lying inside, waiting for their loving owners. In an attempt to remain calm, Iori inserted the coins and began to explain (in great detail) how crane machines work. Tenn nodded along.

"Who would have thought this counted as a game?" Tenn spoke while watching Iori concentrating and using the joystick to move the claw to the soft-looking blue plush with special heart prints. "This would never work in Majabah. Some people can use magic to manipulate objects anyway."

"That is cheating." Iori replied, eyes on the claw. There. He slammed the button. The claw managed to get under the plush fully, but, of course, it was not that easy. The plush was too heavy to be lifted with it.

"That looks like cheating to me," Tenn said when he thought Iori had surely got the plush.

"The goal is to try to move the plush bit by bit, Nanase-san." Iori turned to smile at Tenn. The aspiring idol blushed. It was pretty rare to see Iori smile sweetly and genuinely without holding back. Right now, the boy in front of him reminded him so much of the side of Riku he hardly ever got to see.

When the plush nearly dropped, Iori stepped away and let Tenn try. Initially, Iori predicted that it would take around three more good tries to drop the plush. Well, Tenn was there to prove him wrong. With one very careful try, he made the plush drop and present itself to Iori.

Tenn crouched, took the plush and handed it to Iori. The magic user swore he could see glittering stars in Iori's eyes. "So... soft." Iori cradled the large plush in his arms gently and patted it as if it was a real pet. Tenn, being cheeky, reached his hands towards Iori's trousers pocket and grabbed the boy's smartphone. He snapped a few pictures while he had the chance. Iori would probably delete it to get rid of the evidence (What for?). Too bad Tenn had not obtained a smartphone from his agency yet. Anesagi promised him one by next week.

What woke Iori from his dream was the sound of his phone buzzing in Tenn's hands. Tenn shoved it into the younger boy's hand. A frown could be seen on his face upon seeing the caller ID. Tenn wondered what was going on. It was past 7 PM.

Iori thought he had lost his hearing right then and there when he picked up. "Ichi! You need to come to the lab right now! Bring Kujou!" It was Yamato who hung up the second he finished his command. Tenn and Iori looked at each other like 'are you kidding me?'.

"*sigh* Fate doesn't want us to have our moment, does it?" Tenn spoke with a voice full of disappointment. They had to be there. Yamato would never prank them, right?

Iori doubted that.




The dragon hissed at the three when Riku reached his hand forward in an attempt to check its condition and pick it up. Gaku instinctively jumped in front of his lord. He refrained from taking out his weapon in order not to anger the dragon. No one knew how much power it had in store. Mitsuki had not learned songs for controlling dragons, so Gaku had a suggestion. "It's a baby dragon. The song you sang for the deer earlier might work." The goal was to calm the dragon down and take it outside the cave to inspect its wounds.

The amateur Beastmaster gulped. If his song got through, great. If not, there was no telling how the dragon would feel and react. Here goes! He began singing Song of the Calm, trying to convey to the dragon that the three of them did not mean any harm. They wanted only to offer help. Perhaps the white dragon was too weak, so the song worked as hoped. Mitsuki kept singing. At the same time, he reached his arms out to carefully lift the dragon up by grabbing under its front armpits.

"Grooooo!!!" The dragon cried out in pain. It had no strength to struggle nonetheless.

"Sorry! sorry! We're just getting you outside quickly, okay?" While the three were rushing and making their way out, Mitsuki switched between talking and humming tunes.

Once they were right in front of the cave beneath the waterfall, Riku cast a large barrier to cover the area around them to prevent the dragon from fleeing and going on an unexpected rampage. Gaku wasted no time in casting healing magic on the poor creature. It worked like a charm.

The dragon's smooth skin shone brightly under the sunlight. It started to spread its tiny wings on its back. The last thing it did was open its eyes to reveal two icy blue orbs. They looked like expensive, refined gems. Its height was around Mitsuki's knee when standing on its hind legs. The first human it locked eyes with was Mitsuki.

"Can you speak?" Riku looked down and asked, gaining the attention of the creature. According to the ancient beast book, dragons can communicate with humans.

The dragon stood still and thought. Took a few seconds for it to reply, "....yeah." Gaku and Mitsuki looked at each other in surprise. It had a pretty unique masculine voice, one that could easily charm the girls having a night out.

"What caused your injury?" The lord continued his interrogation.

"Mmmm... I dunno." The dragon tilted its head and frowned. "I only remember waking up in that glittering cave."

"Your name?" Mitsuki asked this time.

"Don't remember." The dragon put its front legs on its hips.

"An amnesiac dragon?" If it was a human, Gaku would be pointing his shuriken at its neck trying to force out the truth by now.

"I would like to propose an agreement." Riku spoke as if he was in front of another high-ranked noble. "I am Nanase Riku, the lord of this world. Dragons are known to have gone extinct among our people. It would be better in terms of your safety if you travelled with us, dragon." The lord was willing to do anything to protect what could be the last dragon in his world. Having it wander around would cause people to panic, and both sides could get hurt. Gaku knew it was better to not make an enemy of this so-called powerful being. He had no objections. There was no need to ask Mitsuki. He was the only one capable of taming the dragon anyway. Plus, the doctor's eyes lit up when he heard Riku's proposal.

Riku was about to continue when the dragon interjected. "So you'll feed me if I come with you?"

The lord blinked twice before replying. "Certainly."

"Sure, I'll come with you, Rikkun." The dragon smiled brightly, showing its shiny, sharp crystal teeth.

Gaku was sweating internally. He was not sure if he should scold the dragon for disrespecting his lord's name. The idea seemed absurd. "I thought dragons would be more... divine." The butler spoke without thinking (he did), earning a sharp glare from the baby dragon. "Haah?! What was that old man?"

"I am not old!" Gaku shouted back loudly. "I am high lord Nanase-sama's faithful butler, Yaotome Gaku!"

"Gakkun, huh?" The dragon spoke with a bored voice before ignoring the boiling butler completely. It then turned to Mitsuki. "What 'bout you?"

"Izumi Mitsuki." Mitsuki spoke excitedly. "I'm a Beastmaster, so let's work together, okay?"

"I don't get what you mean, Mikki, but if you'll feed me, then okay."

With that, the three formed a weird 'pact' with the strange dragon.



Iori and Tenn froze as soon as they stepped into the lab where Yamato usually worked. The green-haired scientist was completely focused on the hologram being projected on the screen, which was almost as large as a room's wall. Ryuu sat in the corner of the room with the lab's computer and was typing with a scary level of intensity.

Had they just stepped onto a sci-fi movie set?

"OH! Iori!"

A charming blond individual came out of nowhere and caught hold of Iori's shoulders. "You must be so lonely without Mitsooki. Here, Kokona-chan will make you feel better!" My, my Iori's heart dropped for a minute when he thought he had dropped his special Usamimi friends plush from surprise. He would kill the guy if he did.

Tenn stared at that guy who was waving a Magical Girl plush in front of Iori's face in disbelief. "Aren't you the Regulator, Nagi Valhart von Northmare?" Tenn frowned. In his head, it was unacceptable for a person of 'lord position' to present themselves unprofessionally and childishly. How is it okay that this man is in charge of governing Silica? Back home, even his sweet Riku had to present himself as the next high lord at all times.

Tenn's look turned into a sharp glare when Nagi, with a plush still in his hands, directed his attention to Tenn with another "Oh?". Tenn refused to get down on one knee and bow before this man. Then again, no one else was giving the man any kind of special treatment. Tenn began to wonder about the tradition of this world. He knew Silica had no 'lord' but he could not see a world where all humans were treated equally regardless of their status. Even if he was living in it himself.

"Hello, you must be a visitor Yamaato was talking about. Kujou Tenn, right?" Nagi walked forward and offered his right hand. When Tenn took it, Nagi gave his killer wink to the young man. Tenn tried so hard to resist the urge to give this guy a standard two-hour lecture on basic lord manners.

"Welcome to Silica. I hope our world has been treating you kindly. "

Okay, suddenly Nagi sounded so proper.

"It is a great world I must say." Tenn went into his reserved, noble mode. "However, I did not expect its Regulator to be so... eccentric." The half-blinded boy gave a mini polite smile of hidden victory. Little did he know he could not win against the mighty 'Rokuya Nagi'.

"But of course!" Nagi replied with so much energy that Tenn's eyes could not open any wider. "I am most unique and BEAUTIFUL!"

Just when Tenn was ready to roll his eyes and give up, Yamato interrupted. "Nagi, save your beauty talk for later." The scientist directed his gaze at Tenn. "Look at the hologram Kujou."

Tenn looked up to find a very unstable live image of some place. It looked like it was part of a village. It was hard to see small details as the image was badly pixelated. Still, he noticed wooden houses and people dressed in old apparel. In front of one of the houses, there was a person with a huge cauldro-

Hold on... a cauldron?

Tenn gasped and dashed forward to stand right in front of the projected screen. He started inspecting details in the live image that might be able to give him a clear confirmation of what he had in mind. It did not take long until he saw something red glowing near the cauldron-person's body.


Tenn let his mouth hang agape. He took two steps backwards, unsure of the reality of what was shown to him. Suddenly, the connection was lost, and the hologram system completely shut down.

"Was that where I think it is?" Yamato asked while spinning a pen in his hand.

Tenn took a minute to regain his composure and nodded. "That's Majabah... no doubt about it."

Iori turned sharply to look at Tenn's face.

Fate definitely did not want them to have their pleasant moment together.


Haha...I did not expect to write a chapter this soon (ArcMages okay I lied lol) but hey, here it is. Enjoy!

I feel like Nagi could annoy the hell out of Tenn.

I hope the pacing of this fic is okay. Im certainly not trying to rush things.

More Majabah next time. WE ARE GOING DOWN THE ANGST ROAD WHOOOOOO!!! [or that's just what i think] :P

As usual 'kenarkrsun' is my twitter if you wanna contact me or anything ^^
