
Lena's Pov   Its been a week now...we went out separate ways...uhm...she's been ignoring me,  she stays in her room for about hours and doesn't come out...when i try to talk to her she ignores me or just says "Forget it"  idk why...Does she hate me?  I mean I didn't do anything wrong! 

Lisa's Pov   I stay in my room most of the time bc I don't want to see her...every time i do i get flashbacks...when she speaks it repeats in my head...I don't want to ignore her but...i just need some time...to myself.   I need to forget about the past...i have to move on,  she probably already moved on since she always smiles at me...in a sister way..  i hate it! 

Lena's Pov  I ignored her this morning when she went to eat breakfast...it was quiet, rn i'm sitting on my couch watching some T.V.  When i heard footsteps coming downstairs...i looked to see Lisa looking down...i ignored her and continued watching...She sat next to me and scrolled through her phone...Lena: h-hi...    Lisa: please stop..   I signed and looked back at the T.V. 
Sorry I haven't posted in a while..i promise I'll post more❤️
