
Lisa's Pov. Why doesn't she love me?  I thought she did...Idk if I did something wrong...I guess I'll have to move on...She doesn't love me back!  I sat on my bed looking down at my arm..Lisa: at least I still have my blade..I said smiling while blood drops down on my floor...I cleaned myself and headed to bed...I couldn't sleep so I went to my phone...Then I looked at my old photos of me and Lena...I quickly shut my phone and threw it across the room...I stud up and cried my eyes out...I punched the wall and it made a dent...Lisa: WHY DON'T U LOVE ME?!!   I was out of breath so I laid back down and cried myself to sleep...

Lena's Pov. I heard a bang on my wall then I heard some one yell...i cried and ran to her room...I silently opened the door so she won't wake up...I laid next to her and cuddled with her...Lisa: what do u want?   Lena: I want ur forgiveness...  Lisa: sorry...I ran out... Lena: idk what I was saying okay I get confused!  I just-  Lisa: I don't want to talk to u rn!  She looked at me full of anger...I get it she hates me...I was out of my head why did I say those things?!  Lena: Lisa..  Lisa: I said I-  I pulled her closer to as the top of our noses were touching...We both looked into each other's eyes..She pulled away and faced the other side..Lena: can I at least sleep with u?  Lisa: do what u want I don't give!   Lena: o-okay...
