
( next chp is better! )

Lisa's POV   I was sweating I didn't know what to do or say...Lisa: Can!  You!  Get off me!!  I said while trying to get out..She leaned to my right ear and whispered...

Lena's POV   I can tell she was sweating by how she looked..I whispered in her ear..Lena:  tell..me..  Lisa: w-what?  she whispered back...tears fell out of her eyes...I smiled a little..Lena:  are you gay?    Lisa: w-what???    Lena: baby..you can tell me anything! Are you...Gay?   Lisa: n-   yes...  She looked down..Lena: Thought so...   Lisa: now...let me go..please!   Lena: nope!  I still got some more questions for you to answer!   Lisa: fine..then you'll let me go?  Lena: I'll think about it,  Lena: so..next question...    Lisa: tell me it already!!   Lena: Well...you know what...I don't have anymore questions..so how about we play a little game called truth or dare!!   Lisa: noo!!!   Lena: yes!!  Lisa: hehe!  I took my hands off her...Lena: don't leave!  Lisa: okay..  Sshe looked down...Lena: pff!!   


Lisa's POV  Lisa: so tell me...Truth or dare?    Lena: Uhh..Truth!   Lisa: Dang it!!  fine...uh..would you ever marry a girl even though no one likes her?     Please be YES!!!    Lena: uh..I don't really know..but only if the GIRL is CLOSE to me!  She said girl and close louder than the other...WAIT!!!  No!! Pff!! Keep dreaming Lisa!  She does not like you!    Lena: Truth or...Dare?  Lisa: uh...D-
