Part 29

Reaching his office even early, Arnav waited for his secretary. After the troubled sleep because of the discussion with Akash and Aman in dealing Shyams issues, he was craving for a aaa well, what else, hot cup of coffee. All his mood went even sour, when watching the car park to check if she arrived, he noticed Khushi getting out of Karans car and his next thoughts were, "Why is she coming with Karan, what does it mean, he going all the way to pick Khushi so early in the morning to drop her off at office.. This girl aaargh.."

Knowing very well how much he likes to start with a hot cuppa, Khushi knocked holding the files needed, hot mug in her hand and of course her fabric bag hung round her shoulders. Already angry since he saw her with Karan, and thinking what took her this long, Arnav opened the door with such force that the mug shook spilling some hot coffee on her hands. "Aaah" Khushi hissed trying to control the pain and still hold the mug.

Overcome with sudden concern, he immediately took the mug from her hands, kept it on the table and grabbed her hand and dragged her to the pantry. Placing her hand below the tap, he let the cold water run. Relief took over her. Seeing the red patch on her skin, he did the best thing he could do. Shout. "Can't you be careful? Who asked you to bring the coffee and that too so hot. Look at your hands." He shouted blowing her hands in between.

Khushis head was spinning with confusing emotions,.... one her hands that was burning, two, his concern, and finally three, his shouting.

But before she could react, he got the first aid box in the pantry and started applying the soothing balm for burns. As if applying balm to a child, forgetting his anger, in his husky voice he said, "It is a good thing it is not too much, otherwise the skin can scald, just look how red it has become". Her heart went dhak dhak.. dhak dhak looking at the way he was applying. Then looking at him confused with the change in his reactions, she pulled her hands,..

Not liking the way she pulled, he was confused and enraged at the same time, "Just look at those burns, you have no sense do you? And you are not letting me put the cream.." and now, she was no less, and she matched his shouting, "Why do you care? What ever happens, it is my hands. I will do it myself."

"Yeah that's right. You will do it. You would have let karan do all this isn't it? Looking at how clumsy you are, You are a walking disaster. You should have asked him to stay over and look after you through out the day.. If he can come to drop you so early in the morning, ask him to stay as well!!"

Before Khushi could give him back aptly, their tirade of words ended, when the kitchen door opened and in walked Manju aunty, kitchen staff.

Seeing her, both gathered themselves and thought, "Oh, staff has just started to come"...

"Miss. Gupta, come to my cabin after you are done.." Handing over the cream tube, he marched out. Manju aunty walked over to Khushi and took the cream thinking. "Why is he always angry on that poor girl? But why was he having the cream? Wait, was he applying this? Really? Hey bhagavan, I cant understand."

Khushi too watched him go and as soon as he disappeared out of the door, exclaimed, "Laad governor, Raakshas hai woh, raakshas (He is a demon) wont let me live in peace", not bothering she was speaking out loud in front of her Manju aunty. Hearing Khushi's voice, Arnav paused outside the door, then walked away.

"Yeah I will allow Karan, or anybody, why is he bothered. At least Karan talks to me so nicely, does not shout at me all the time, let him ask again, I will give him a piece of my mind" she thought getting irritated with his behaviour of taking Karan's name all the time..

However when Khushi returned to his cabin, he was a completely changed man. If there was any talk it was all work related. He knew he should not have shouted at her. He kept glancing at her hands which had turned red.

"Can you cancel all the meetings today." He asked once he finished.

Khushi immediately smiled thinking, "Arre wah, this Laad governor is going out,.. waah Khushi, happy times for you," and she mentally started to sing her favourite song, "aaj mausam hai suhana,.. Meeting cancel karne ke bahane, ..."

But she was brought out of her dreamland, when he said a little loud, "Ms Gupta, where are you, I asked you to call and cancel now." When she stood to make her way out, he said passing the intercom, "Do it from here"

Getting the numbers from her diary, she called a few companies, then she was a bit hesitant when it was the Mehtas turn. Well anyway what could she do, she called. Only to hear the excited voice of Karan

"Khushi,.. how are you, already missing me,.." karan cooed at the other end..

Arnav gave her a sharp look and she could see smoke coming out. A thorough professional, she was, she spoke

"Karan, Arnav sir wants to cancel the meet we were supposed to have. I will send updates when the next one will be."

Anyone could have guessed the sadness hearing Karan, "Oh, that's sad. I was planning on something.. anyways ok, do send me the updated time. By the way, Kushal called, he has reached safely. I was anyway going to call you to tell."

Arnav could see the sudden change in her expression. Khushi, knowing ASR was also listening, only said, "Ok, thanks for letting me know"

As soon as she cut the call, he asked, "You did not tell me your brother left?"

Not in any mood to fight, she replied in a sad tone "Yes he left by the early morning flight" and being khushi, she cant give just that information, so she continued, "That's why we all went to Mehta uncles house for dinner last night and then I too accompanied them to the airport. And then early morning came straight from their house."

Now the cat was almost out of the bag, so he asked, "That's why Karan dropped you?"

Now she was back to her senses and not wanting to answer anymore, "Sir, all meetings cancelled, shall I go and get on with the rest of the work?"

Arnav could see she was sad, when Khushi made her way to the door, he called, "By the way Ms Gupta, Di was asking me that your brother had called her to check if someone by name Laad governor or Rakshas has been troubling you in the office." He immediately saw her mouth turn into O, he continued, "You can assure him there will be more trouble" he smirked and repeated, "plenty..".

And just as her hands had turned red, her face went red thinking "Hey Devi maiyya, what has baba done". Oh how she could die of embarrassment. So, she did the next best thing she could do other than talking, run from there....

After she had gone, Arnav wondered, "I cant believe it. I really cant believe it. What is it about her, making me go childish? I am having fun teasing this girl when more pressing matters need to be sorted,.. I just cant believe. Rather, I should be angry at her, because its because of her,.." before he wanted to think in those terms, he stopped himself, "no, I should not think, but what can I do, Di, maa please help me...."

Arnav and Aman along with Payal and Akash had made the final arrangements of dealing with Shyam. Different plans were put in place, in case things turned sour. Shashi had warned against informing Buaji since Shyam would definitely get clue. Even Khushi was not informed since they did not want her to worry since Khushal would be leaving and both needed quality time rather than worries.

Here at RM, both Mami and Nani were ushered off to Mandir for a long prayer. "Ma, Nani you need to get blessings for all of us" Akash had told them when he personally went to drop them "I will send Mohan the driver, give me a call ma". Mama being away was convenient. 

(Honestly, I had no clue what role mama had in Ipk. He was always on tour, hey ho, here too I have sent him away, though honestly do not mind him.. )

And even Buaji and Garima were at the same temple for the same pooja,.. Any well

Knowing Shyam never went to Arnavs study room, rest of the members were all present there with their mobiles silent, just as Payal wanted. And so he was surprised to find a quiet house, which would normally be filled with hello hai bye byes,..

When Anjali greeted him normally, the sweet slime giving a more slimier smile "Oh RS I missed you so much. Where are the rest of the people, I am missing hello hai bai bai, Nani ji .."

Without showing her discontent, she replied calmly, "They have gone to Mandir, you know, chote and Akash haven't come yet, I would have come with them, but since you were going to be coming I came in early, why don't you freshen up, I will serve tea.."

Sipping tea, he exclaimed "Oh it was a long journey, Lucknow to Delhi, I am tired of this."

Giving him a sharp look, Anjali asked, "I thought you said you went to Kanpur?"

"Both are same, near by, anyway, you tell what fresh news you have here" replied in his sweet voice.

Anjali trying hard to keep a broad mind, replied, "Oh, nothing much, really, oh yes now I remember, you know Khushi ji, I think her marriage is getting fixed" and she could see the sudden change in his facial expressions.

This piece of information was in deed news to even all the people listening to their talk!! Payal and Arnav both gave a sharp look at Shashi, who only shrugged saying, he has no clue!! They did not know what Anjali had in her mind.

Thinking it must be with him, the slime casually asked, "aaa really, you should not bother about such girls, I have told you before not to get too involved with such girls. I don't like it", Anjali could feel his irritation, but she continued, "Oh, common listen to who the boy is? You will be surprised"

Now this got his ears straightened, he asked, "You know him?" but she continued, "Of course I know him, I have been trying from so many days to match them!!" giving him a giggle, she said, "You know na, Karan, Mehta uncles son"

Suddenly she heard the clinking of glass as the tea cup fell from his hands, "Oh sorry rani sahiba, sorry, my mind was somewhere, whom did you say"

"Oh Shaym ji it does not matter, leave it, I will get this sorted"

"No no whom did you say?" asked Shyam anxiously.

"Its Karan, Karan Mehta" she stressed.

Seeing Shyam fidget and looking here and there, she innocently asked, "Is there any problem, why, you don't like it?"

"Ah, why should I not like, just give me a minute, I will wash this", he soon went to kitchen to wash and Anjali could see him taking his phone out.

When he returned, she asked calmly, "Shyam ji few days before I saw at the court, how come, when you were supposed to be in Lucknow"

Trying to put on his best form, "RS, you must be missing me, that's why, But why did you go to court? I don't think you should be going out. Recently after joining work, you are not like how you used to be.."

This was his first downfall in her eyes. She had seen, yes there was no doubt about it, instead of owning it up, he was refusing to acknowledge it, she again asked,

"Shyam ji I saw you there two days in a row", replied Anjali calmly. Being caught lying he was all angry and frustrated, "What do you mean, I was here all the time going to court, have you gone crazy, " he raised his voice.

Shocked at his behaviour, Anjali thought, "Ok, now he is fully tensed, before he can get back to his normal sweet self, let me put another blow"

"No no Shyam ji, Payal was also with me at that time and guess what, you wont believe it, she told that it was you who was staying in their house as a paying guest"

Already angry at being caught, he thought he can best keep her shut by blasting, "See I told you not to get involved with these cheap girls from the beginning, but you never listened. Those girls can do anything. Ask your chote, first it was Khushi who was trying to trap him, now, this new Payal who is trying to put a black mark on me, how dare they. And don't you have any trust on me, how could you listen to them?" Never having seen him angry or talking this nasty Anjali was taken aback.

Payal was going red with anger, while Arnav did have a moment of regret when Payal, Aman, Shashi and Akash looked at him when he was mentioned.

"But I know that they do have a PG who is also called Shyam, who is also a lawyer, and who also keeps visiting clients for days together and who will soon be buying a house in Kanpur so he can get married to Khushi and settle there." Anjali blurted out all she knew.

Trying to play her emotionally, "See Rani Sahiba, I don't even know these people. It pains to think you don't trust your husband. Your Devi maiyya will never be happy with you. All the vrat we both keep, is it all for this?"

"Sorry Shyam ji, it is not that I don't trust you, but she said it with so much confidence, even I had a doubt. Sorry really. You know what, it is best to call them when you are here and clarify. Wait let me call." Somewhere along the line, she had started to doubt him, now this confirmed it in her mind. She took her phone, but Shyam said, "If you don't have trust in me, then call them" and put his hand forward to take the phone.

"Yes Shyam ji, I want to show those girls what my husband is, give me the phone I will call."

"RS, there is no need to ask, you will not talk to any of those cheap girls, don't you have trust in me?". He started to walk away but halted and froze as if he had seen a ghost.

"Now I think we should go and clear this mess" everyone listening seemed to say so, and nodding at each other, Payal and Shashi entered. Shyam looked here and there, confused as to where he was when Shashi asked. "Shyam you here?" and Payal echoed, "Shyam ji what are you doing in RM".

Shyam looked at Anjali helpless who was standing with a blank face. Him trying to overlook her doubts had now his expressions convinced her of his treacherous acts. She did not need any more proofs.

"How dare you pose yourself as a bachelor and propose to marry my daughter?" demanded Shashi.

Still trying to save his skin, "Rani sahiba, don't believe them, you know how these low class people are. They will stoop to any level to get a hands on the Raizada money."

Anjali asked, "What have you been doing in Kanpur, trying to buy a house in Khushi's name, and where is all the money from the joint account going to?"

"No no, they are forcing me into it, ask their Buaji, she is the one who is forcing me" he tried to hide, but Anjali's tirade of questions stopped him. "You just told me you don't know any of them. How do you even know they have a Buaji. Did you even once tell them you are married? Did you tell them you were an orphan trying to settle down? Did you not cheat both families all the while staying in the same city? "

Shyam was about to sit down but was soon froze again to see Arnav, Akash and Aman walk by. Arnav had his fists tight and before anyone could blink, Shyam was struggling to get up from the floor with Arnav punching him blow after blow. Only when Akash and Aman pulled him, did he come to his senses and hissed "How dare you? How dare you."

Through all this Anjali never bothered to stop her brother. Then giving Aman a stern look, "Get those papers signed and you all decide what needs to be done with this shit"

While walking she paused to hear "I will not sign any paper, Rani sahiba they are all plotting against me!! Listen to me.." She then came out with the report and threw it on his face. "See all this and tell me which one is a lie." Saying so, she marched away to her room

((Phew is that too much from Anjali?? I am feeling a bit too dramatic today. I don't care really!! Enough of this slime ball, what say. Also, I don't want to go down the route of describing all his dealings and wrong doings, I will leave it to you readers to imagine the worst ever crimes, as if trying to marry again is not enough!!)

Finally the slime ball gone.. trust ASR to deal with him!!

Oh my, this one was a big one, innit, How was it?  

Next update,

Aaa well I can now concentrate on our Arshi...
