Part 38

"Both of you, stay right there outside the door" Buaji commanded Khushi and Kushal. Shouting out, "Garima, get the aarti taal (Plate with red vermillion and water to discard evil eye)"

Once the aarti was done, both entered into the house. It was a joyous occasion for the Guptas to see their younger daughter return from foreign!!

"Aye Khushi, now you should not be running n flying around like a butterfly how you used to before. All these people will put buri nazar (evil eye) on you" Buaji was trying to explain to Khushi. Kushal's heart filled up with love looking at the scene. These things were new to Kushal and he enjoyed seeing his sister and he were getting. Oh how he loved the simpleton Buaji.

The wedding season was ON. Kushal and Khushi immediately began planning along with Payal, Shashi, Buaji and Garima.

"No Babuji, you will not do anything with regards to his issue, I and only I will look after all the financial aspects of the wedding. Please dont take this right away from me, How can you say a brother cannot do?" For once, the Gupta members saw how adamant and stubborn Kushal was.

Taking advantage of the situation, Kushal tried to convince them on, "So Babuji, amma and Buaji, let us also move out to a new apartment, the only reason being we can have more space for the wedding ceremony.." . He was taken aback when there was immediate refusal from all, which included Khushi too. Garima calmly explained "After the wedding we will think of it. It will be hard to move with all the wedding arrangements to be made" and Kushal had no choice but to agree.

With dates decided for the engagement to happen in a weeks time and the wedding four weeks after, Kushal made arrangements with his company to work from India. The engagement would happen at RM and a wedding hall was booked for the main ceremony.

"Yes Anjali ji, we arrived just a just a few hours ago " Khushi was heard talking to Anjali on the phone. "Definitely I will come over, you know Anjali ji, there is so much to discuss and prepare, oh I am so excited." There was equal match of excitement and happiness in Anjali as well. Oh how she loved all this. Suddenly Khushi whispered into the phone, "Anjali ji, just listen to this fun now..." and suddenly Khushi shouted, "Akash ji,.." only to see Payal running across to come to the phone. "Khushi pass the phone, I need to ask him something.." when Khushi winked, "Oh really Jiji, you will have to listen to me and do all that I say if you want to talk to him.."

Payal pretending to be angry, "Hey Khushi, I will give you one big smack, give me the phone" Khushi lifted the phone higher, with Payal finally agreeing, "Ok baba, give me now, I need to ask him something,".. Khushi coolly replied, "Jiji, it is Anjali ji. When did I say I was talking to Akash ji? You don't seem to be hearing any other name now a days" .. "you Khushi" Payal was heard shouting among the peels of laughter from Khushi and Anjali could well imagine the scene at the other end..

Managing office and preparing for the wedding was taking up all her time. She went for the dance practice in the evenings and knackered by the time she went to bed.. But, her nights were lonely and sad, since she missed a certain someone with chocolate brown eyes. Ever since he had apologised, both had kept away from each other. Khushi was moved when Shashi and Payal told them about his apology to the family members, and her yearning to see him now was more intense.

It was now confirmed that both knew that they had felt for each other. Well did they accept it? No. Did they want it? No. But hey, could they help it? Definitely No. And so, fair enough, they tried to maintain a certain distance. But with cupid playing tricks on them, could they maintain a distance? No again. Anjali and Nani were in full swing. You could probably add Devi maiyya into this list as well. All did not leave any stone unturned to create situations for them to be together. And on the other side was the two stubborn hearts.

"What Aman, are you sure? The meeting was over a days ago, and he is still there?" Anjali questioned Aman who told her for some unknown reasons ASR had extended his stay unnecessarily until the engagement.

"Yes Anjali ji, we thought he would be here as soon as the meeting was over since Khushi has returned, but he is now keeping to himself, not been out a great lot. Actually, he has not called me either" lamented Aman.

Having the Guptas over for discussion at RM, Anjali keenly explained, "Kushal, be here sharp 9 tomorrow, there is loads to finish. Now see, when we need all the help in the world, my great chote has decided to come in the last minute.."

"What.. " Khushi shouted, gaining everyone's attention. Embarrassed, she replied, "aa, eh, I mean, well, Anjali ji, he is the grooms brother, how can he not come?" After a few seconds of thinking, Khushi repeated, in low voice, "How can he do that? You see Anjali ji, he will come, earlier.."

"Anyway leave it na Khushi ji, even if he was here, he would be grumbling, DI, what is all this nonsense. Why should you do all these rituals. Its good " Anjali whined, while Nani and Anjali exchanged a look of pity, "Poor Khushi ji, See how her reaction was and the how sad Khushi ji is"

Experiencing unknown emotions, Arnav too had tried to maintain a distance, since ASR knew, all his anger bursts and the unexplained behaviour only happened when a certain someone with hazel eyes was around he thought best to stay away and see!! Hence his extended stay in London. At that moment little did he know it was a bad decision. With each passing day or rather should we say night, it seemed harder to concentrate. He longed to go back, and that's exactly what he had done.

"Dhak dhak, Dhak dhak..", Khushi's heart beat aloud and she thought "Hey Devi Maiyya, this laad governor is not here, we just spoke about him. Now don't tell me I can't talk about him as well". And so as soon as they heard the bell ring, wanting to get away from everyone's eyes Khushi sprinted to the door saying, "Let me see Anjali ji " and the group soon settled back into their discussion.

"You, Why are here? Why did you come?" Khushi stood giving a puzzled look.

It was definitely a pleasant welcome surprise he received when Khushi opened the door. This man could knock off the little sanity left in her and true to her name sanka devi, she demanded why he was at his home?!! Happy to see her gibbering he whispered quietly "Khushi this is my home. Where do you want me to go?"

Oh this man and his husky voice! She was already out of her senses, she stuttered, "aa eh, mmm.. home... yours... Anjali ji.. stay.. extend... acidity.. .." coming close to her, he said,

"Yeah right. I did extend, but I couldn't stay away" and Khushi was still stuttering, "haan, extend, aaa sss stay.... aa away your .... hhh home" enjoying her muddled state, and looking at Nani, Anjali and Mami who had by now come to the door, he said, "Khushi if you are done repeating what I say, and move, I can come inside, I am not too keen to be stood here.."

When they saw ASR, "Chote, its you? What a surprise, you are back? I was just telling them all you are going to stay back,.." and Anjali suddenly looked at Khushi, "Khushi ji, you told he would come!! See, chote has come"

Raising his eyebrows, it was Arnav's turn to be surprised. Looking at Khushi, "Really Di, did she? I had not told Aman as well, I just packed up and left.'" Giving all of them a quick glance, "Now can I go if all your security checks are done?"

"Chote. We are happy you are back. You did a good thing by coming...", Nani was happy to see her grandson. "Go freshen up and come down"

"Yes Nani, I missed everything," looking at Khushi, "if only, now I can get a strong coffee"..

Khushi was already half way through to the kitchen, without being told. Now there was vigour and happiness in her every step which did not go unnoticed by the experienced eyes.

The days were a blur of activities soon enough, the engagement day arrived. A special occasion to dress, to apply makeup, nothing but all talk of happiness. Khushi was dressed in a magenta lehnga and Payal had a beautiful green Ghaghra choli, specifically designed by the AR team under Anjali's directions and they all arrived at RM.

What a welcome Anjali gave the brides side when they arrived. All the guests had their mouths open in surprise and glee when flowers were showered from the top. And to top all the surprises was..... Anjali too had worn a beautiful lehnga. "Anjali jee" squealed Khushi.. "How was the surprise welcome" an excited Anjali asked the guests. Khushi gave Anjali a tight hug, "it is so so so wonderful I cant express my happiness. Jiji loves all these.. and you know, you are looking the best I today.."

Looking at Payal lovingy, Anjali replied "What could I do Khushi ji, Payal told me if she were to wear what we design, then I too had to wear one, so there you go, How do I look? Honestly I feel so odd, out of my Saree. Though I must agree, this lehnga is designed quite well and I feel comfortable and happy. Thanks Payal ji"

Payal too hugged Anjali and after all the courtesies and blessings, all proceeded for the ceremony to continue while Khushi's eyes searched for the one person her heart yearned....

How was it dearies,...

I am in two minds to bring NK for the wedding and create more jealousy. No I am not planning on matching NK and Lavanya!! Very little role for La in this story.. I am plannign to write another story with La in RM being trained..
