Chapter 34 • Disguise

Draupadi managed administration along with Vidhur, Arjun had told that he would come back in a month, it wasn't a very long time but for Draupadi it was, she was missing him to no end.

"Jiji!!!" Surbhika and Divyanshi barged into Draupadi's chamber, she was resting.

"Hmm? What happened?"  Asked Draupadi.

"You know, a messanger came and he told that... Jiju was in Manipur and there he was asked to marry Manipur's princess, Chandra."

Draupadi's breath hitched, Manipur had very nice relations with Hastinapur... Arjun accepted the proposal? Even this thought made her heart bleed, but no! I trust my Savyasachi! He won't ever break his promise!

"What was his reply? Do I have to prepare for the arrival of my co wife?" Draupadi sarcastically said.

"No, jiji! Of course he denied." Surbhika said.

Draupadi just smiled, she knew it.

"Jiji smiling to herself, wow!" Divyanshi said, "doesn't even cares to tell us why."

"Dumbo Divya!" Subrhika said, "Of Course because of this gesture of jiju!"

"Hmm and also that he is coming back the coming week." Divyanshi said, Draupadi's face has all the colors with nice gradient.

"See the blush and happiness of jiji!" Surbhika said.

"Shut up you two!" Draupadi said, laughing.


Draupadi was getting ready for Arjun, she dresses herself in elegant red and saffron match of clothing.

She smiled to herself in the mirror and walked out.

"Prince Arjun has arrived!" She heard from a maid.

A smile brightened her countenence, she took faster steps.

There she stood, with the Pooja thal in her hands, smile never leaving her face, Kunti stood along with her.

Arjun entered in the premises, on his his white Saibya, he didn't have his crown on so his hair were free to go with the flow of the wind, his eyes fell on his wife, his own lips curved into a smile.

Draupadi handed the arthi thal to  Kunti , she was mother after all but Kunti smiled.

"It's your right." She said smilingly.

"But, maa.."

"Do as I say, no ifs and buts." Kunti said and Draupadi nodded.

Arjun mounted off the horse and walked in and stood in front of Draupadi. She smiled and did his arti, then he greeted his elders and they proceeded in, all congratulated him for the win, he was really Vijaya.

After meeting everyone else, Arjun walked to his room, it was now evening, as soon as he entered, he was stunned by a sudden hug by Draupadi, in reply he hugged her back, almost lifting her off her feet but soon he let her on her feet.

"I missed you." She said, still in his embrace and in reply, Arjun pulled into a kiss which seem not to end anytime soon, his grip tight on her waist and her hands tugging on his hair. They rested their forehead against each other as they parted to take some breath.

"You think I didn't?" He chuckled.

"Who knows?" She giggled.

"Panchali is in mockery mood, I see."  He said.

"Who is Panchali? I am Krishnaa." She said.

"Yes, Krishnaa, the girl who loves to help the needy, it was what attracted me towards you." Arjun said, it was true, Arjun wasn't attracted by her face but by her humble gestures.

"Hmm." She murmured,  Arjun took her wrist in his hands, the bangle still in her hands.

"What are you looking at?" She said.

"Just... Can we do one thing?" He asked.

"What?" Draupadi was perflexed.

"Let's become commoners again, like the way we met."

"What are you--"

"I meant like for some time, let's go to the city again but as Krishnaa and Savyasachi, not the royals."

"I see...the rebel inside me agrees." She giggled.


"Which door by the way?" Arjun asked.
"Door? Where's the fun in that?" Draupadi said and left Arjun to ponder.

She came back with a rope and tied it to the balcony and the threw rest it's one end below.

"Will you go first?" She asked.

"It wasn't my plan." He said.

"But mine." She laughed, "and I have a lot of practice."

"Guessed it, you seem so confident."

"I am always." She said, "now don't waste time."


"My goodness, it felt so strange." Arjun rolled his eyes.

"For me? No, not at all, I am have done it so many time." She laughed.

"You are impossible." He laughed.

"Now don't talk too much or someone will hear us." She said.


. .

"There we are again, no one is bowing, I am feeling better." Draupadi said.

"Perks of being in disguise." Arjun said.

They roamed here and there and then they were stopped at one place. Draupadi felt a hand tugging atthe edge of her chunni, they turned.

A little girl of five years gestured Draupadi to bend to hear her. Draupadi smiled before bending to get at the girl's level.

"Why do I feel like I have seen you?" The girl said in Draupadi's ear, Draupadi straightened and looked at Arjun.

"She says she feels like she has seen me somewhere."

"Well, little miss." Arjun said, "You must have seen this lady in dreams, she looks like a fairy that's why, isn't it?"

Draupadi rather at his words than to blush.

"Fairy? Seriously?" She said.

"Oh yeah, she looks like a fairy."

Arjun wiggled his eyebrows at her, "see, she agrees with me."

"She is naive and cute, that's why." Draupadi bent on her to the girl.

"What's your name?"

"Diya." The little girl said.

"So, Diya, why are you roaming here and there, where's your parents?"

"Because I like to explore, well I ran away from home for some time, I will go back after sometimes." Diya said.

"Your offshoot." Arjun grinned.

"Shut up, I didn't use to run away when I was five."

"Well I am six, like I will be six soon." Diya said.

"Little miss is smart." Arjun said.

"Go back home, Diya, it's gonna be dark soon." Draupadi said.

"As if I fear it." The girl giggled. Draupadi found the girl so cute and funny, while Arjun smiled seeing Draupadi talk to Diya.

"But you need to go back home now." Draupadi said, "Let's drop you home."

Arjun smiled and they followed the girl.

Reaching Diya's home, her mother hugged Diya.

"Thanks for getting her back, she always  does this." The woman said.

"But I come back to by myself all the time... Only this time they bought me.." Diya said.

"She is so cute." Draupadi said.

"Thank you." The girl giggled.

They sat on the outskirts of the town.

"It's beautiful." Draupadi said and kept her head on his shoulder.

"Just like you,"

"Get away, you cheesy flattering man." She giggled.

"Say you don't love him." He grinned.

"Not answering."


They got back to the palace the same way they left.

"Diya was so cute." Draupadi said as she came onto the bed and sat beside Arjun, Arjun smiled to himself.

"What happened?" She asked, he pulled her into his embrace.

"I mean..." He shuttered.

"Say." She started touching his face.

"If you are gonna distract me...I can't."

"Okay, I won't." She giggled.

"We can... We can have.." he wanted to say that but he feared that he'll hurt her.

"Wecanhaveadiyaright.likewecantry?" He said in a breath.

"What did you say? I didn't understand a single word." She said, he sighed.

"Do you think to have kids?" He asked.

"What type of question was that, why wouldn't I?"

He looked at her with a bright smile.

"Really? I thought.. I thought you... You don't.."

"You are so strange, why wouldn't I?"

"You never... Okay fine. Really? Like not in the terms of the fact that I am saying that."

"No, not at all, I'd like to have a miniature version of you." She giggled.

"No, I want one of you. A copy of you." He smiled.

"You are..."

"I am?" He grinned and hovered her, she was pursing her lips together to hide her smile but failed as he to see the redness of her cheeks and her lips curved.

"You are so beautiful and you still blush like the first time." He said.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

Arjun put his lips on hers and her hands made their way to his hair, she glady reciprocate the actions, lips in sync until they were breathless.

Arjun made sure there was no room for complaints, he  mesmerized each and ever inch of her and  she replied the same with ecasty and they fell into each other's passion.


💞How's your sunday going?

🙃🙃Hope the Update was worth reading.

