Chapter 61

Aveliene's pov:

Currently, I am standing outside the entrance of Rodriguez Corporations. Yesterday's events are still fresh in my mind. The hurt in those piercing blue eyes keeps flashing infront of my eyes.
No! I can't be emotional right now. Not when he did wrong with me.

Cassie insisted that I let her accompany me here. But I refused cause I want to face this myself.
I took a deep breath and entered the building. The receptionist noticed me and stood up with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs Rodriguez. How can I help you?" She said politely.

"Where is my umm.. husband? Actually it's something urgent", I said with a small smile.

"Ofcourse, Sir is in his cabin. If you want I can inform him, about your presence?" She said.

"No, I will meet him myself, thank you." I said politely and made my way towards the elevator.

The elevator door opened as I stepped outside and made my way towards Vaughn's cabin. My heart is beating so fast as I took small steps towards his cabin.
As I reached his cabin's door, I was greeted by a girl, she was dressed in pencil skirt and white shirt. I haven't seen her before.

"Hello, Miss may I help you?" She said while watching me through her brown eyes behind those glasses.

"I just came here to meet, my hus- I mean Mr Vaughn Rodriguez." I said politely.

"Umm Miss, I am his assistant, and sir has strictly ordered that no one meet him right now. He is busy." She said.

"Its very urgent, I need to meet him right now", I said and stepped inside Vaughn's cabin before she could argue. I heard her calling me to stop but, I stepped inside, ignoring.

As I entered, I saw Vaughn sitting in his armchair while discussing something with his colleagues. There discussion came to a stop when they noticed me. I felt a little embarrass due to barging in between a meeting. Maybe I should wait outside. But it was too late,
I felt my heartbeat increasing as his gaze falls on me.

"Sir, I tried to stop her." His assistant spoke from behind me. Vaughn turned his attention from me to her.

"Its okay, Jane. You can go." Vaughn said to her and she nodded and left. He then turned his attention towards his colleagues, with whom he was talking before.

"Gentlemen, we will have this discussion later." He said politely, and those people stood up and left. Now it was only me and him. Alone. I could feel his intense gaze on me. So I took a deep breath and move towards him.

He was now standing near his desk, more leaning.
I stood infront of him, gathering courage and meet his oceanic eyes which once captivated me, now are just cold like ice. And now I was regretting my decision to meet him alone.

"I think I made it clear, that I don't want to see you, so why are you here?" He said in his formal tone. I felt my emotions taking over me so I took a deep breath, inhaling composure.

"I just came here to give you this." I said and took out the voice recorder from my purse and handed him. I felt his fingers brushes against mine. But I didn't reacted.

He took the recorder and gave me a questioning look.

"It is the evidence of my innocence. Inside this recorder is Dimitri's confession. Which will make it clear that I never betrayed you, I never cheated you. They framed me. And if you still had any doubt left then asked your trustful Veronica, I am sure she will confess about her deal with Dimitri." I said confidently and looked straight into his eyes, for his reaction.

Shockingly, his face didn't had any surprise, nor any regret. It was just emotionless, neutral. I waited for him to say something, to accept his mistake, but he didn't even said a word. I felt, anger building inside me. Was it that difficult to say a sorry or is it just about his esteem and so called ego.

I's the latter.

"You know what, when we got married we vowed that no matter what but we will stay by eachother's side and will trust eachother. But in our case the trust got broken, and so...." I said and took out my wedding ring and hand it to him. My heart pains but I didn't show it.

"I may take your leave now." I said
and stormed out of that place before I did something I regret. I thought maybe he will stop me but.....he didn't.

On my way outside, I saw Veronica entering, and my anger increased. But I didn't gave her any attention.

I entered my car, and ignited the engine, and speed off.

I stepped inside Cassie's house and threw my purse on the couch, in frustration. Instantly Cassie came in view she has a smile plastered on her face.

"So how it went, tell me how he begged for your mercy. Or wait, tell me does he joined his hands?" She chirped and instantly I burst into angry tears.

"Okayyyyy so he doesn't beg", she said in a low voice.

"That's the thing Cassie, he didn't even said a word. I gave him the evidence but he just stared at me, emotionless. I waited for him to speak, just to say anything. But he stayed quiet. So I decided to came back. I even hoped that he may stop me and will accept his mistake. But-" I said and sniffed.

"But?" She raised her eyebrow.

"-But he just stood there like a robot. Was his ego more important then my feelings?" I said with hurt and sobbed. Cassie instantly engulf me in a hug.

"Maybe I made some mistakes in the past, and I regret them but my intention was good Cassie. I just wanted my life and close ones to be good just for once but look what has happened?" I said with frustration.

"Calm, down, Ave you proved your innocence, and if he didn't accepted his mistake. Then it his fault. Not yours." She said and wiped my tears.

"Now you will not think about him. He is not worth for your tears. Okay?" She said and I slowly nodded.

"I can't imagine that I once used to admired this guy. Hell, he was lucky that I ever entrusted you with him. In reality he is nothing but a total jerk" She muttered with anger. While I just took a deep breath to calm myself.

Inside my mind I firmly decided that now onwards I will not cry. Cassie is right, I will not let my feelings for him hurt me anymore. If he doesn't care then I will not too. I decided with determination.

Now even if he begged for me to forgive him. I will never. Because his torture and debts never pained me this much as his harsh words did.

Thanks Vaughn Rodriguez for teaching me that there can never be a thing called true love.

