Chapter 47

Aveliene's pov:

We entered as I glanced around. There were lots of people gathered mostly elites and mafia. Everyone was busy in their chats. Although the atmosphere feels intimidating and not friendly. I was glad that Vaughn was keeping me close to him.

Suddenly a man in his late thirties came to us. A smile was plastered on his face. He was wearing a grey tux.

"I am happy that you came here Mr Rodriguez." He said and shook hands with Vaughn. I can see everyone respects Vaughn even though if he is younger then them.

"Nice to meet you ,Mr Martin", Vaughn greeted in a formal tone.

"I see , you came here with your wife, and she is a beauty, nice to meet you", he said and smiled at me. To which I greeted back politely.

"Well, I hope you both enjoy the party", he said and took his leave.

After we met other guests, who were mostly Vaughn's business acquaintances. I started feeling bored as they constantly talk about business and mafia. But I still kept a polite expression.

Suddenly, I saw a familiar face, it was Jeremy. He looked at me and smiled. I glanced at Vaughn who was still busy talking with his business associates so I took my leave then slowly approaches Jeremy.

"Hey Aveliene you look beautiful", he said with a smile.

"Thanks Jeremy, by the way I didn't know that you like business parties." I said teasingly.

To which he chuckles and spoke-"No, I don't like them actually I came here on behalf of my dad, he is a famous architect ,he was invited but he can't come and as I was here, he insisted me to attend.", he said, so he got his passion for architecture from his dad.

"Same here, I also don't like them but Vaughn asked me to accompany him."I said and sighed.

"Let's have a drink?", he asked, to which I glanced at Vaughn who was still busy in his conversation then turned to Jeremy and nodded.

We then went towards the drinks counter.

"I am glad that I found you otherwise I barely know anyone here except, my dad's boring old friends", he said to which I chuckle at his dramatic expression.

"I insisted Natalie to join me but, she has found this another guy from her college. And they are spending time together." He said and sighed. I was happy to know that Natalie will no longer will be around Vaughn.

We talked for a while, Jeremy told me about his and his dad's passion for architecture and how his dad always supports him. I smiled with adoration while listening to him.

I wish I could also have this kind of bonding with my dad. Sadly it seems next to impossible.

We stood there in silence. Until Jeremy spoke again.
"Aveliene I am happy that I got to meet you before leaving." he said and I gave him a sweet smile.

"If you don't mind I want to talk to you in private?", he asked and I thought for a moment then nodded. His face lighten up as we went outside near the garden, where there was hardly any other person. I felt the cool breeze caressing my bare skin. I felt better here then in.

"So Aveliene actually I wanted to tell you something, if you don't mind?", he said while nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"Sure you can Jeremy", I said politely.

"Actually Aveliene, When I first met you and we talk", he said while I remember that day and nodded him continue.

"I started liking you", he said with a nervous smile.

"Jeremy I also like you, you are a good friend", I said and smiled.

"No you are not understanding Aveliene, actually I-I like you but not as a friend", he said and my eyes widen. What did he said just now?

"I know I shouldn't be feeling like that but, I can't help it. And I wanted to confess this to you before leaving.", he paused while I remain silent.

"I really like you Aveliene", he said and immediately smashed his lips with mine. I was too shocked that it took me a moment to realize what's happening and before I can push him away. A voice snapped.


I instantly pushed him and both me and Jeremy turned to see noneother than.....Vaughn standing there with his eyes widen. I felt some emotion flicker through his eyes before turning back to cold as if the entire ocean got frozen. I felt broken on seeing those beautiful oceanic orbs looking at me with hatred and maybe....hurt.

He didn't said anything but turned and walked inside, I followed him and I was glad that Jeremy didn't stopped me because I can't control my anger right now.

Gosh, why can't I have peace in my life without any suffering?

Vaughn was taking long thrides as he moved towards the exit, it was difficult for me to follow him in these damn heels.

He stopped as Mr Martin came to him.
I reached Vaughn and tried to composed myself so that no one suspects anything.

"We are leaving, thanks for inviting", Vaughn said in formal firm tone to which Mr Martin smiled and nodded, Vaughn then took my hand as we both reached the car.

"Vaughn-", I tried to explain him but he gestured me to keep quiet. His jaw tighten so I immediately kept quiet not wanting to anger him further. We both sat inside the car as Vaughn began driving.

The silence was driving me crazy. So I spoke again.

"Vaughn it is not what you saw. I didn't kissed him back", I said with a pleading tone. But instantly his grip on the steering wheel tighten as his knuckles turned white.

"Vaughn please-" I tried again and instantly shut up on seeing the murderous expression on his face. He looked beyond scary. I gulped and kept quiet. I haven't seen this side of him before not even when he tortured me with those debts. It is a different side of him. I wish I haven't seen this side ever.

We reached the house. As he stepped outside the car and walks over to my side of the car.

I feel terrified. My breathing quickened as I instantly locked the door. I can't face him not when he isn't in a state to listen to me but to destroy everything. If I've thought he is mad before, he is angry now. He punches the window and I screamed. He hits it again with his fist, and I scream again.

"Aveliene, open the damn door now!"

I shook my head with fear. He then took a deep breath and spoke again in a calm tone.

"Aveliene I said open the damn door, you know I don't like to repeat myself.", he said in a calm tone but I didn't miss the warning so I didn't respond to him, which angered him further as he pulls out the gun from its holster aiming it at the window, my eyes widen.

He fires off shots, and I scream, expecting the glass to be broken. But it is not. I realizes that this car has bulletproof windows. He is shooting at it to make the window weak enough to break.

"Aveliene, I am warning you open the damn door now!" He shouts, but I ignored him feeling beyond scared while delaying the inescapable.

He begins to punch the window again, and I can hear the cracks as blood started pouring out of his fist but he wasn't paying attention to it as his eyes were fixed on me. I swallowed with fear.

I close my eyes and put my hands on my ears.

Next thing I know, glass is shattered all over me as Vaughn opened the door and dragged me out from the car while holding my wrist too harshly. I flinched with pain while trying to free it from his grip but he only tightens it. I begged him to stop.

"Save your begging for later",he said harshly, I didn't understood his sentence but I know it is something bad for me. Very bad.

I felt shivers pass down my spine. As Vaughn pushed me on the floor as we entered our room. And he stared at me with a murderous expression. I shivered badly due to terror. Right now the Vaughn standing infront of me is the one I have heard about before marraige as the powerful ruthless ,cold hearted mafia leader not my caring husband. His eyes holds menace, I am just hoping, to somehow survive this terrible night.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this surprising and thrilling chapter. Sorry for the cliffhanger but stay tuned to find out about what to happen next;)

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