De-Chosen One

Dear Voracia,

I am the eldest twin by a mere sixty seconds. My birth was supposed to fulfill a glorious prophecy heralding me as "the Chosen One." I was actually destined to be a supreme sorceress! But my fairy godmother Goldelia Nitwing got mixed up at the christening and blessed my younger twin sister instead of me with all the magical powers.

My parents tried to cover up the scandalous mishap by switching our names and making my younger sister the heiress to everything in the kingdom. Unfortunately, she's grown up to be a rather cruel and spoiled ruler with a whim for charmed destruction. No one can stop her with all those fey powers, least of all me . . .

But enchantress or not, I know that I am the true Crown Princess. What can I do to stop her rampage and reclaim the magic that was meant to be mine?


De-Chosen One


Dear De-Chosen One,

Alas, nothing but mayhem and mischief ever comes from anointing wee babes to a destiny they never had the chance to refuse!

However, in your case, might I suggest trying a Soul-Switch Spell to rectify the imbalance in fate? It wouldn't be difficult since you are already twins, and she has taken your true birth name.

But beware, should you trade bodies to reclaim your magical birthright, you could find yourself tempted by the very same wild passions that will lead to your own undoing.

Serendipitous wishes,

