Chapter 3: Wolf in Knight's Clothing

For countless minutes and endless hours,

I remained by the brave knight's side.

He not only became my friend,

But also a mentor and a guide.

We walked and talked.

We rode our horses till dawn.

He amazed me with his vast knowledge,

Not just his beauty and his brawn.

I watched as he conjured miracles

With numbers, shapes, and colours,

How he manipulated these metallic creatures

With his skilful arms and fingers.

He taught me the way,

To get around this treacherous jungle.

Either stay alert, fight back, survive,

Or get eaten and get strangled.

Snakes and jaguars, he warned.

They often roam around these parts.

Be vigilant, keep sharp,

And always guard your heart.

Indeed, he was right,

For the heart is the core.

Mine was weak and fragile,

Which lured predators even more.

Their watchful eyes immediately saw

The helpless lamb that was I.

They all desire to sink their teeth

And hear my pathetic cry.

Look at me, little lamb.

The Shadow Knight lifted my head.

What do you think of me?

Am I a foe or a friend?

You never know if I'm a wolf

Despite my goodness and my charms.

But poor little me ignored his warnings

And still kept clinging onto his strong arms.


Fun Fact: I was supposed to write 'wolves' instead of 'snakes and jaguars'.

Yes, what I thought of sounded good or maybe even better, but thankfully I did my research for the sake of accuracy. That day, I found out that wolves don't live in jungles. They can be found in grasslands, tundras, forests, deserts, mountains, and other remote areas.

Question and Answer: Here is a section where you can ask anything about the poem or the work itself. I'll do my best to answer them all.

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