Chapter 19: A Cup of Water

I was left alone

With the stars of the night.

Stumbling in the dark,

Thick fog clouded my sight.

One thing was on my mind.

I have to find the Maker.

If not, I'll end up dying,

Disappearing like a vapour.

Time is running out,

But where's the narrow road?

It leads to the city

Where rivers of life flow.

Not all people find it.

Some even went astray,

But those who'll tread it

Shall rejoice night and day.

For the home of the Maker

Is the kingdom of light,

Where flaming chariots

And angels take flight.

Adorned by jewels,

Golden streets, precious stones,

Her beauty and pristine

Will send chills to your bones.

I listened for the church bells

And the heavenly choir,

But instead, I ended up

Near the lake of crimson fire.

Up and down I looked.

I searched left and right,

But the celestial city

Was nowhere in sight.

Hopeless and exhausted,

I began to waver.

Just then I met a stranger

Who offered a cup of water.


Fun Fact:  The title is inspired by a song that my dad often sings (and plays on the guitar). Throughout my childhood up until now, I often hear my dad singing Follow Me by Ira Stanphill. I haven't memorised the whole song yet, BUT some of the lyrics that glued themselves onto my brain were: 

"If just a cup of water I place within your hand
Then just a cup of water Is all that I demand."

And so, I took inspiration from those two lines and thus the title for this poem was born! (I know poem titles aren't technically born but let's just leave it as it is XD) 

Have a good one, dear lovelies! 
