Chapter 13: Fall

My fingers clutched the silver fabric

As I neatly folded my clothes,

Chanting the words of wisdom

From the books and scrolls of old.

But all of it was not enough.

Well, to be honest, it never was.

Not when my heart is the house of filth,

A home of impurity and lust.

Down the rabbit hole, I went

As I dragged him along with me

To redo the same old process

Of rinse, wash, and repeat.

What a familiar sight to see.

Look, it's the silky binding thread.

Once again you and I

Have ended up in the spider's web.

Stuck in its lair of nets and traps,

There's no choice left but to succumb.

And so I let the haze take over,

Feeling my senses go numb.

This feels nice, Shadow Knight,

Having you again in my arms.

Finally some peace and quiet

Without clarity's blaring alarms.

Hold me tight, hold me close,

And never let me go.

I don't care what happens next.

Let's run free until the morrow.

But light shall dawn upon us,

And the sun will rise very soon.

We can never run from daylight,

Nor hide behind the moon.

I'm ready to risk it all.

I don't care if I melt or burn.

I must have you, Shadow Knight,

For now, you're my main concern.


Fun Fact: This poem is partly inspired by the song I NEED YOU (BTS).

Go read the lyrics and try to compare it with the poem. Trust me, you'll find some similarities.

Even if Mr. Hacker is clearly ruining her life, she can't help but come back to him. Cecily hates it. She knows that it's wrong. But what does she do? Waits for answer... That's right! She keeps doing the same thing over and over again. Well, one could have thought that she's already learned her lesson, but she clearly HASN'T. 

No, not yet... 

Remember, lovelies, DON'T PULL A CECILY! Okay? Have a lovely day!
