[08 : may 19, 1942]

dear y/n,

     i do believe steve would be happy if we named our child after him. i have a surprise planned for the day i get home, make sure to wear the outfit (including the undergarments). i miss you so much, darling. i'll be home some time in july, i'll keep you updated. i love you, doll. never forget it. the men have been calling me a sap for writing to you so much, and to be honest, i'm proud of it. if being a sap means i get to write to my girl often, then count me in.

     i miss everything about you, y/n. i miss your laugh, i miss your smile, your hair, everything. i miss holding you, i miss dancing with you, i miss you so much, doll. i love you. god, i love you.

