9. Mr. Good Guy

Oliver Bear A.K.A: Mr. Nice Guy.

A young man that's rather scrawny for his age usually garbed in darkwear style clothing and always hiding behind the flamboyant teal of his bangs just peeking under his black beanie. He never posed any trouble for anyone and everyone seemed to adore him for his kind and reliable demeanor... but there's something darker hiding behind the timid exterior. 

"Holy shit..." Corazon mutters, "That can't be the same guy... He looked manic in the eyes!" The redhead glides down from his perch and resting the Latino down and hiding his wings," I can't believe that's the same person..."

"Well believe it, kid," Amadeus clicks his tongue, twisting the two pairs of shackles that clung to his forearm.

"God, I feel so stupid for believing his whole act!"Corazon grabbed onto his raven locks, ruffling his hair in frustration.

Amadeus scoffs and grins, "Likewise to the Cupids that had to face the Evolites without scouting their behavior first." He bitterly thinks back to the years of Cupid's naivety.

Even nice guys have a way to make Cupids swoon. It just about set hell loose on Branwen. Hence the scouting system was created. Cherubs observe from afar and capture their real behavior so Cupids know how to deal with them.

"If he's just as the report says, he's about to become someone too dangerous to handle."

"Dangerous, wah? Is he gonna hurt somebody?" Corazon latches onto the redhead's arm, looking up with concerned eyes, "We need to call the police if he does!"

"Negative, just let me do my job and things will pan out," The redhead cracks his neck, his wings quickly outspread as he took flight. 

Corazon coughs and fans the debris left from his take-off, a little more ticked off that he's been left behind. He goes to call Esmerelda only to realize the phone in his hand is not his. He facepalms, dragging his hand down his face, and sighs exasperatedly.

"Great, lost hope in humanity, now my phone... this day just keeps getting better and better," He yelps as the phone rings an ominous organ tone, fumbling with it before catching it and answering it on reflex.

"Yello!" He shouts nasally.

"Umm... Olly?" A delicate feminine voice questions. Corazon's heart was about to burst out of his chest at the sound of her angelic voice.

But who the hell is Olly?!

Then it hits him that this was still Oliver's phone. After panicking for a few seconds he inhales sharply and answers with a puffed chest.

"This is Oliver... with a cold..." He fakes coughs.

"You sound like a chipmunk on crack," She giggles, sending bumps along his spine.

"Close, I've been breathing in the devil's lettuce. Care for a toke?" Corazon plays along, making her laugh some more.

"Whatever you're taking, it's giving you a major confidence boost."

Right this dude was shy... or made them think he was shy. Corazon was still in disbelief that Oliver played him like that.

"Well, what can I say, I'm feeling good after hearing your voice after so long," Silence takes over before giggles reverberate.

"Enough playing around, we have that thing at the Cerberus hall tomorrow. You're still up for it... or do you change your mind and want someone else?" She asks unsure.

"Thing?" Corazon questions, "What thing?"

"...Don't make me say it! Jeez, you're such a tease today!" She sighs and huffs, "I'll see you tomorrow at five, don't be late or I'll kill you!" She warns menacingly, yet somehow cute.

"I've never looked forward to death before!" Corazon smirks and the girl giggles before hanging up the phone. Corazon's hands go limp and the wind blows his raven locks, revealing the frown and singular tear streaming down his cheek, "Oliver Bear... you lucky bastard..."




Oliver sneezes and wipes his nose with teary eyes.

"Jeez, these allergies are gonna be the death of me..." He flops onto the beanbag, staring up at the ceiling in wonder. He couldn't help but think this act he's been putting on for so long has gotten him so far. He has lots of friends, some admirers he had to turn down... but they weren't her. 

Anna- Marie Celeste.

Her kindness knows no bounds. Even to people who didn't deserve it... Even to him, who didn't deserve an ounce of her time. Oliver never relished the idea of socializing but to be an outcast is the same as making Anna look bad. She only deserved the best and he was prepared to give it to her. Tomorrow, during their drawing session. His heart clenches and heat rushes to his features as he recalled having seen her voluptuous body on display for him to merely replicate on his canvas. He wasn't scum to do anything disgusting... this was a mutual agreement between friends. 

Though, part of it feels dirty having seen all of her without truly deserving it. However, that was back then and this is now. He is someone who built a network of friends, pleasing them with his airheaded facade. Oliver even went out of his way to volunteer, helping her around when she needed it at homeless shelters, orphanages, campaigns, and rallies. Definitely outside of his comfort zone, but it'll all be worth it once she says yes tomorrow during their session.

Crashing through the window, glass flew all around the room, surrounding a ball of feathers sitting at the center. The startled Oliver fell back and hid behind the bean bag seat. Staring at the ball wide-eyed, Oliver gasps when it grew and opened into a large man in tattered clothing. Not just any large man in tattered clothing, the beautiful, rugged, handsome man that modeled for the class and flashed everyone on campus. 

"Oliver Bear?" His deep, husky voice questioned. Too entranced by his beauty, he almost didn't hear his name.

"I- uhh, yes?" Oliver coughs to sound a little manlier, failing miserably, "Who's asking?"

"I am Amadeus E. Valentine, your Cupid," He extends a hand to the young man. Oliver eyes it, hesitating to take it. Amadeus smirked and pulls it away before kicking the shards on the floor, crunching as he walked around the apartment," Nice place you got here, kid. Got anything deep-fried or dipped in chocolate?" He whistles impressed before invading Oliver's cabinets and fridge.

"Excuse but I'm gonna need more than just your name here!" The freckled man stomped his foot, steam escaping his nose as he fumed.

"Ah? Right, I guess I should work on that introduction," The redhead scratches the back of his head and returns, "Mind giving me notes, kid? You seem to have a knack for showmanship, ya see," Amadeus smirks mischievously at the young man.

Taken aback, his fist clenched to his side, "I don't understand what you're saying but you need to leave before I call the cops!" 

Amadeus scoffed, "Go for it, just don't come crying to me when Anna doesn't accept your confession after finding out how much of a calculative dirtbag you are."

Oliver silently gasps, "How do you know her name? What are you!"

"Let's not get into the minor details. All you have to know at the moment is that I'm here to help you find love... and what you're doing isn't the way to go," The redhead advises. Silence takes over, tension rising between the two men. Oliver was pushed into a corner, unable to make the split-second decision as he stares at the listless man.

Olive sighs, "Okay, Cupid, if that's what you are... I'll humor you a bit. If I want Anna to accept my confession, how do I go about it?" His arms crossed his chest.

"For starters, I'd stop smoking those nasty cigs. It leaves a nauseating odor on your clothes and she's asthmatic so it might be a turn-off; for both her and your lungs of course," Oliver's brown eyes widen.

"How did you-"

"Secondly," The redhead continues, ignoring his rude interruptions," I'd drop this sweet, klutzy, loveable shtick. It might've worked to charm the crowd of idiots but you won't get any service in return from her. If you want this girl, quit the act and show her your true colors, that way she'll know what sort of jackass she's dealing with," Amadeus side-eyes Oliver, observing his trembling form.

His shoulder bounced and a maniacal cackle escapes his lips," You're not like those gullible idiots out there, huh? You're fun, I guess I'll have to keep you around a bit longer." His laughter died down into a smirk. It immediately drops when Amadeus starts laughing, shining his sadistic violet eyes.

"Sorry, sorry," He sighs, wiping away an invisible tear," It's been so long since I've met someone as foolish as you are. I mean, a mere Evolite who thinks he's worthy of love all because he's kissed a couple of asses... it's pitiful, don't you think? Expecting everyone to bend to your fantasy as long as you play the part. But what do you think they'll do once you show them the real you? Would they still bend to your fantasy or would they slap you in the face with a wake-up call out of this lucid nightmare?" Amadeus had to admit, he wanted to have a little fun with this one before going into Cupid business mode.

"You don't understand... "He mutters under his breath, Cupid's quietly observing with an unreadable expression," Anna isn't someone you just waltz up to and confess to like some jackass high on the moment. She deserves someone who meets her every expectation, someone who bends to her will. Someone like me, who has spent years building up my reputation and spending those countless hours with her! Then she's sure to accept me as I am now! The helpful, considerate, non-selfish boyfriend that she could depend on!" His arms spread as if to welcome a hug then to his chest, a manic grin spreading from ear to ear and his eyes reflect darkness brimming.

Oliver Bear's true colors didn't scare Amadeus. He's seen fools in love before, so he couldn't help but pity this poor soul, falling into the depths of hell called Love. Shaking his head, Amadeus sighs.

"Alright, you said you'll confess tomorrow, right? I wish you luck but remember, you've already given up pieces of your soul to please others, would you have enough to bear with the broken heart?" No sarcasm or ridicule hinted at Cupid's tone. He turns on his heels to the broken window, leaping out to fly into the distant sky. Yet Oliver scoffs, holding his smirk.

"The only hearts breaking are the other women when they find out I'm off the market tomorrow," He cackles to himself, confidence inflating his already big head.




"I feel like a creep," Corazon shifts uncomfortably, jabbing the cupid in the ribs and taking in his soothing aroma.

"Like you aren't one already," Amadeus rolled his eyes, "Now shut up before they hear us."

Amadeus and Corazon were stuffed in the supply closet at the back of the class, peeking through the mesh door as they waited for the two to meet at a designated time. The redhead took it upon himself to get some snacks as they waited while Corazon is livid.

"Is this a good time to be snacking?" He scolds Cupid and the overgrown man huffs.

"We have fifteen minutes before either of them arrive, we might as well have something to eat," With that being said, he devoured at least twelve corndogs in delight.

Though, they weren't expecting to hear the class' main door slide open. Freezing in place, the two men slowly crept up and peeked through the mesh to observe the shuffling and scraping. Oliver meant business with this whole confession thing. Playing soft music in the background, he spreads a sheet on the platform, scattering rose petals then closes the shades to add his ambiance with dim candles. 

"He even got a chocolate spread for her!" The Latino whisper yells, sounding almost jealous.

"I call dibs when this whole thing goes up in flames," Amadeus casually adds, earning a smack at the back of the head from Corazon, "What was that for?!" The redhead grits his teeth.

"For being an ass hat! He is putting effort into her! I'd kill to have someone do this for me."

The way Corazon stared at the busy-bodied young man was like a lovestruck damsel, dreamily thinking of her lover... and it sent disturbed chills up Amadeus' spine.

"Then you could bend over in her place," Amadeus sticks his tongue out, infuriating the Latino some more. He digs into his pocket and whips out the phone, unlocking it and holding it up to Cupid's face.

"See! You can't tell me he doesn't deserve her! Events, parties, and even at home! He does everything for her and you're saying he doesn't deserve her love!" Corazon pouts and fumes all at once, making Cupid shake his head, once again, disappointed by the man's judgment. 

"You think this is deserving of love, kid? Just because he's got a couple of pictures, doesn't make him lovestruck. It makes him obsessive and that's something love shouldn't revolve around..." Amadeus' tone dropped low and his attention focused on the classroom. Corazon would've continued if he didn't sense the dark change in the aura revolving the Cupid.

Thankfully to Amadeus, he dropped the topic before he blew their cover. While they were talking, things became rather... interesting. Well for one, Anna arrived happily and radiant as she could be. The other is that she's stripping and posing with a thin cloth covering some of her bodice, her hips and breasts peeking out as she sat on the platform. Like a Greek Goddess, she posed for the artist to perfectly capture the curvature of her body, as well as the light that made her more radiant than when she first arrived.

Amadeus' eye twitches, "What is it with you Evolites, and drawing naked people? Is it a weird hobby?" 

"It's not just drawing naked people," Corazon spoke up, eyes still focused on the classroom," To draw the nude is to show appreciation for the skin under the cloth. It's to contemplate the beauty of one's natural body that can't be depicted through clothes. The exposure of true self in the eyes of the beholder, and Oliver truly appreciate Anna when he draws her. When he carefully sketches her curves and expressions, the raw emotions that go into it just reflect his pure love for her," Amadeus stares blankly at the Latino man.

Never once as he heard him speak with such appreciation and passion on a topic. It's true what they say, Evolites is a complexity that Cupids are yet to understand. A small smile tugs at the redhead's lips as he continues to observe the session with more fervor.

A couple of hours passed and the two finished their session. Anna's finally dressed and Oliver was packing up his equipment.

"Thanks again for helping me practice. It must've been uncomfortable doing something like that," Oliver looks back from his crouched position to the girl.

"Not at all, Olly. I love helping with your work," She ties her hair up," You truly are talented. You could make even someone like me look beautiful," She nervously giggles.

"Because you are beautiful, Anna!" Oliver's outburst made her flinch," You shouldn't let anyone tell you that you aren't! Not even yourself! I've been drawing you for weeks and I know you're beautiful inside and out. Your kindness and determination to change the world- this world full of filth- makes me drawn to you. It made me choose you to be my one and only!" Oliver's hand clenches his shirt, his burning eyes refusing to meet with the girl, who's been absorbing everything he's said like a sponge. His throat closes and his chest tightens with quick heartbeats.

She nervously chuckles, "Woah, if we weren't the best of friends, I'd think you're confessing to me..." Oliver stands silent, chest heaving and heart threatening to burst out of his chest, refusing to meet her gaze. 

"Anna..." He steps forward and reaches out, taking her hand in his," You are my muse. Your smile illuminates even the darkest of nights and warms the coldest of hearts. Your kindness makes you a being beyond human and it hurts to know that I am unworthy of basking in your heavenly glow... but even so, I've strived to be better, you've made me feel better and it made these warm tantalizing feelings grow in my chest until it no longer felt like basking but suffocating in this deep pool of pent up warmth that pushed me more and more to be deemed worthy in your eyes... With all my heart, I stand before you now... please say you'll love me as I to you?" His voice croaked and he gave a gentle smile and his eyes finally met hers. 

He gasps as tears stained her cheeks, biting her lips to choke back a sob. At first, Oliver's heart threatened to leap out but soon realized that Anna was not crying for delight, as her eyes reflected the pain of guilt having heard the man's confession.

"I-I'm sorry, Olly," She sniffles and chokes back a sob," I had no idea y-you felt this way... but I can't! I'm so sorry, but I can't accept your feelings," She wipes her hot tears with the back of her hand, her breaths shaking.

Oliver was too stunned to speak. He observes the girl composing herself as he falls deeper into devastation. She finally blows her nose on a napkin and collected herself.

"That was beyond beautiful. Truth be told, Olly... I've only ever seen you as a brother and would rather not lose that..."

There it was! The one thing this man hoped to never hear. Not only did it wrap its way around his heart and squeezed the poor organ, but it also allowed something to fester within his chest. A heaviness grew as he trembled, completely ashamed of his failed confession, but even more so that all his effort went to waste. 

"I hope this doesn't make you hate me. But even if I can't accept your feelings... maybe someone else will eventually and I'll support you from the sidelines-"

"Don't bullshit me..." He mutters.

"I'm sorry?" Anna tilts her head.

"I said don't bullshit me!" Anna flinches as Oliver grits his teeth, abandoning his facade, "Are you honestly telling me that after spending all that time together you only see me as your brother?! Cut the crap and be straight with me, you've been playing me all along, haven't you? t least tell me if I've been a good toy to you?" The freckled man points an accusatory finger her way.

"Playing you? Olly what are you-"

"Oh don't Olly me, Anna Marie! You must've had such a ball stringing me along like one of your goddamn puppies on a leash, huh? Stupid, pathetic Oliver following Anna Marie Celeste like a sad, miserable puppy!"

"Olly, I've never thought of you like that! You mean the world and more to me!" Tears pricked at Anna's eyes once again, "If you'd just listen-"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" He bellows, swinging his arm to knock over the easel, making Anna wince as it fell," I've done everything you asked and said just so I could be worthy of you and If you think I'll let you make a fool of me, then you're sorely mistaken!" 

 In the heat of the moment, Oliver was engulfed with rage and betrayal. He thought that he is the only one deserving of Anna's love. Blinded by rage, the man swung his arm. Anna shuts her eyes tightly to brace but the hit never came. Peeking through her lids, she gasps as she views the defined back of a certain redhead.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Oliver grits his teeth and steps back, bearing judgment from the cupid. 

"Stopping you from making the biggest mistake of your life," Amadeus side eyes. As he glared at the muscular man, his tawny eyes softened when they landed on the petrified girl, gasping as he saw the fear in her eyes. 

"Anna, I didn't-"

 She stumbles back and falls over the spread of chocolate before scurrying out with tears pooling in her eyes.

"Anna wait!" Oliver was about to chase after her but his feet were lifted off the ground, "What the put me down! I have to talk to her!" The freckled man thrashes around and his fists pounded against the cupid's forearm but he didn't budge.

"Oh, you've said quite enough to her already," Amadeus' brow raised, the man kept trying to escape, "What makes you think she wants to hear any more from you?" Oliver flinches but the redhead kept going," You said it yourself, she dragged you around and made you do her bidding and in turn, she should love you, right? Well, I hate to break it to you but that isn't how love works!" The cupid grips the man's waist, making him wince, "Just because you've done her a deal of service, does not mean you're entitled to her feelings and to have the nerve to demand it is outrageous!" 

As the Cupid scolds his gaze focuses on the beanie that managed to stay on the man's head. Oliver grows limp in his grasp, droplets falling onto Amadeus' arm as the man trembles. 

"It's not fair... don't I deserve love too? " Oliver slides out of the man's hand as hot tears pool out of his eyes, hiccuping as he sobbed.

Although Amadeus held rage for what transpired, he couldn't help but pity the broken man sobbing on the floor. He knew how love makes someone behave better than anyone. It blinds you and brings out the worst in an Evolite. The cupid sighs and crouches beside the man as he hugged his knees to his chest, like a child in pain.

"I used to think that too..." The cupid pipes up, making Oliver look up at him as he sniffles," I used to believe that everyone deserved love despite who you are, but that was before..." Amadeus massages his arm where the missing shackle was, "Before I got hit with the gut-wrenchingly harsh reality. We are neither deserving nor entitled to someone's love but we must still strive to be worthy of it without thinking that we are... but most importantly, we mustn't change who we are to make someone fall in love, for it deceives not only them but yourself."

Oliver sniffles, looking more composed than before. His eyes became red and puffy and his nose ran its stream of mucus.

"Do you think, I can make it up to her? That she could ever forgive me?" Oliver asks hesitantly, inhaling a long shaky breath. 

"That depends, do you love her enough to accept the outcome? To accept the probability of her never wanting to see you after everything that just happened despite your apology?" Amadeus carefully asks and observes the way the freckled man fidgets upon hearing it. It was clear that turmoil grew in his mind and he hadn't fathomed being away from the girl before. Oliver's heart wrenches at the thought of never seeing her again. 

"I see," Though, Amadeus couldn't help but gently smile with closed eyes as he already knew Oliver's answer. Placing a hand on his head, he snaps Oliver out of his thoughts and shines a grin his way.

"Keep thinking about it, okay kid? Cora, let's go!" The cupid picks himself up and nonchalantly walks out of the classroom, a flustered Latino scampering behind.

Corazon halts as his eyes land on the strawberry spread scattered on the floor. He eyes Oliver before quickly scooping as much as possible into his shirt, and make-shift basket then scurrying into the halls.




A week passes and Corazon chews on the plastic straw bored out of his mind while Cupid observes the menu. They've been observing the aftermath between the two and they've certainly kept their distance from each other. 

"Well weren't you helpful!" Corazon snides sarcastically, "Do you think that's gonna change his two-faced ass?"

"I didn't mean to change him," Amadeus casually admits, his gaze still on the menu," I made him honest with his feelings towards her and himself. As a cupid, there's only so much I can achieve without intervening so much, the rest is up to the Evolite to finalize their feelings..."

Corazon rolls his eyes, double taking as he spits out the straw, making the cupid grimace.

"Beanie boy approaching saintess, seven O'clock!" The Latino whisper yells, making Amadeus' eyes follow the direction of the teal-haired man, except he wasn't wearing his beanie, and his hair was neatly combed, "Somebody's looking spiffy!" Corazon wiggles his brows.

"Shut up and watch!" Amadeus ducks behind the menu, hiding his face but his entire muscular body is still visible.

Oliver slowly takes a deep breath and walks up to the table with the anxious Anna. She fidgets and locks eyes with the freckled man. From afar, you'd swear they were on a blind date with how awkward they behaved. Oliver breaks the ice first and the conversation continued with Amadeus and Corazon still looking closely.

"Ugh, I can't make out what they're saying!" Corazon complains, narrowing his eyes to get a better look at their lips.

"Try reading harder!"

"Oh, what a great idea! Why didn't I think of that? Lemme just grab my theatre binoculars!"

Amadeus rolls his eyes, "They're called Opera glasses and your sarcasm isn't necessary!"

 "Oh yeah? Well- Oh! Oh! Oh!" Corazon ducks down and Amadeus reflexively followed.

"What! What! What!" Amadeus chanted in a whisper yell.

"He's getting up! He's leaving? No, she stopped him! She's smiling! Her sage eyes glistening and captivating by his," The Latino gasps and fans his face," Oh she went in for a hug and they're laughing!" He slaps the redhead's bicep in excitement.

The redhead wasn't fazed by the slapping. Instead, he straightens up with crossed arms, he nasally sighs with a gentle smile as he observed the two Evolites. Amadeus hoists himself, grabs his jacket, and saunters to the exit.

"Hey, wait for me!" Corazon gathers his things and quickly pays the bill before running behind the cupid, crashing into the waiter and making him drop his tray. The crash garnered the attention of several patrons, Oliver's included, but his attention soon went to the redhead already walking outside.

Hopping to his feet, he scampers out of the restaurant, running after the cupid.

"Wait! Cupid!" He calls out and the redhead turns around to see the man keeled over, supporting himself with his hands on his knees. Anna was quick to join his side, with flushed cheeks, she gasps for air.

"Oh, it's you. I see you've made up your mind and she forgave you," He nods to the couple.

"Yeah, I- We've decided to take things slow. She gave me a chance to earn her heart, while I give her a chance to learn about the real me," Anna's hand rested on his shoulder, smiling gently at him," I owe it all to you, man." 

Amadeus shakes his head, "Nah...You don't owe anything to me- which reminds me... Diana!" The bow manifests in his hand and he draws the bowstring, aiming at the couple. Their eyes widen and Oliver stands in front of Anna with a protective arm over her.

"What the hell dude! You better not be thinking of aiming that here!" Oliver fumes but Amadeus smiles warmly.

"The two of you found love... but not because of a being like me," He mutters an incantation and releases the bowstring. The couple was struck in the chest, gasping as they fell back. The bow dematerialized and Amadeus turned on his heel, walking off into the distant crowd.

"Amadeus! Come on big bro!" Corazon looks around for the overgrown cupid, frustrated that he was left behind to pay the bill and deal with the mess he made. He looks around until he spots the couple, consoling each other in the distance.

He strides to them, calling out for them," Hey, lovers! Remember me?" He earns their attention.

"Oh, Corazon, it's been a while," Oliver holds Anna's hand and Corazon couldn't help but smirk at the two mischievously.

"A while to expect this sort of development," He gestures to the hand holding and the couple blushed while looking away," I'm just teasing! Anyway, I'm looking for Amadeus, have you seen him?"

Oliver raises a brow," I'm sorry, who?"

"Ummm... Amadeus, the big dude with the red hair, kinda handsome but pretty at the same time?" Corazon elaborates but the couple frown at each other, before meeting gazes with the Latino.

"Sorry man, I don't know who you're talking about..." Oliver shrugs.

"Are you serious? He was the model for our class that one time?! And not to mention your cupid?" He asks, making Oliver burst out laughing while Anna stifled hers.

"If you're talking about that big dude, yeah I remember him but a cupid? It's hysterical thinking about him wearing a diaper and clip-on wings with a little bow and arrow!" Corazon frowns with furrowed brows and Oliver pats his shoulder," Don't look so down, you'll find him, and hey... If you manage to get him to wear a Cupid costume, hit me up!" He chuckles and walks off with Anna, swinging their hands as they left.

Corazon's brows furrowed as he thinks to himself. How could someone forget a big dude like Amadeus? He was the most eye-catching person in the room. Just glancing at him would engrave his beauty in his thoughts. Despite those thoughts, he kept on searching for the cupid until the sun sets and he retires home.




Meanwhile, the young woman was thrown over the man's shoulder, gasping as she collided with the mat.

"I win!" He smiles over her and she sighs, taking the hand he lent her.

"Dammit... not again."

"That means you owe me dinner once more!" He clicks his heels and ventures off the mat. She smiles warmly as she looks at his back. The way he gets excited over the smallest things. Though, a heaviness weighs on her heart, making her clench her hands into fists.

"Not yet..." She mutters to herself.


Mr. Nice Guy;

Mission complete!
