3. Proposition

Zooming past the burly redhead, two rookie cherubs chased each other, flapping their comically small wings as they threw childish taunts at one another.

A small smile tugs onto Amadeus' dark-tinted lips but soon fell to a slight frown as he envied their flight.

Pain stabbed at his chest as he recalls having taken flight many times before.

How he missed those feathery nuisances, dropping loose feathers in his room, the way the wind's weight fell on them, pushing him with the invisible force.

Amadeus' lived miserably these past eons after his divine punishment... but he never regretted his actions one bit.

Hence, he feels no fear when he's summoned to face the Great Elders, he was rather thrilled to see their pompous faces again.

His tinted lips grinning menacingly with bouncing shoulders. Though the question begged as to why they requested him, speculation made him believe they finally decided to send his head flying.

It's weird to think a mighty being could be easily executed with one snap of their fingers. Yet the man didn't think to plea for mercy. He instead would welcome his execution with open arms like a friend.

Would he turn to Stardust and return to the universe?

Or would he be reborn a simple Cherub with little to no burdens?

Whatever fate had in store for this man, he was ready to accept it all while grinning like a madman.

Amadeus leans against the wall outside of the grand courtroom, muscular arms crossed over his chest and his head kept low as he awaited entry, listening to the passers-by of cherubs and Cupids alike. They never failed at gossiping with each other about his presence, especially with their beady eyes narrowing in disgust his way. Little did they know that through his hair, he see their faces so it makes it easier to recognize the faces of disdain that once looked at him with admiration.

It wasn't as agonizingly painful as eons ago, but it still stung and he craved the sweet release of something sweet or savory right now. His thumb picks his nails in contemplation, mentally preparing himself for the worst. Sure, he knew no good would come from this meeting but it wouldn't hurt to ease this numbing anxiety stabbing at his heart.

"Amadeus...?" The redhead flinches at the familiar delicate voice and quietly gulps before turning to face the group of appalled Cupids.

The dainty being with long, dark curled hair framing her face and innocent green eyes contrasting her bisque skin as she tilted her head in question.

"Delaney..." He musters a grin, pushing himself off the wall to tower over her with his hand scratching his neck.

"How- how have you been?"

The woman smiles, clasping her hands.

"I've been doing well, thank you for asking," A moment of comfortable silence took over when her lovely eyes captivated the man. After a few seconds, she reclaimed her bearings and continued.

" I've... we've missed you, Amadeus," She gestures to the group behind, who were less enthusiastic about meeting him or haven't noticed his existence yet.

She nudges the side of a toned man with untamed green hair, snapping him out of his concentrated stare at the device in his hands to meet with Amadeus with a wide grin and a gasp.

"Mr. Valentine!" The kid leaps to Amadeus, faceplanting onto the floor when he stepped to the side.

"Still not a hugger, Meo."

His harsh boundary didn't faze the determined kid one bit. He springs back to his feet and comically sobs with a grin plastered onto his tanned features.

"I can't believe you're here right now, Mr. Valentine! It's been forever since you've visited my workshop"

Meo sobs blowing his nose with a pink handkerchief, winking inconspicuously. A pang against Amadeus' chest brings a gentle smile to his features. He could always count on Meo to lift his spirits.

Amadeus' large hand ruffles the boy's hair.

"It's good to see you too, Meo," He gently smiles and the boy sobs harder into his handkerchief.

"Yeah, why are you here, Valentine?"

A strapping cupid with silver locks spoke. He saunters over to Delaney's side, grabbing her waist and pulling her flush to his side.

"Last I recalled, fallen cupids aren't supposed to set foot near this floor, wouldn't want you flying off on us-"

"Zeke!" Delaney shoots the man a stern glare, but he completely ignores it.

"Oh that's right, it's hard to fly without your wings, huh? Those shackles work wonders," He whistles and snickers, showing the semi-yellows of his teeth. He pulls the woman closer to his side making her squirm in his hold.

"I do wonder what's worse, being executed for disgracing Cupid kind... or being left to live out your miserable days out of mercy, what say you, my love?" He looks down at Delaney expectantly and her face is dusted with pink hues of shame.

"Don't lash out, don't lash out..."

This is Amadeus' mantra

Yes, it bothered him that the woman he once loved was now in the arms of another, but it irked him that Zeke placed himself on a high horse after his fall.

Amadeus sighs, "Wow, Zeke. You'd think that after all this time your head is still stuck that far up your ass," Amadeus taunted with a grin, successfully wiping the smirk off Zeke's face, which was now stained red.

Meo was the first to burst out laughing, rolling on the floor while Delaney simply trembled, stifling her chuckles. Zeke, being the short-tempered bastard he is, steps up to Amadeus, angrily grabbing his collar and pulling him inches away from his face. His hot, sour breath added to the Amadeus' scowl.

"It seems like a few centuries weren't enough to snap that cocky attitude out of you!" Zeke grits his teeth.

"But it was enough to make me forget your rancid breath..." Amadeus fans the air, "Seriously, do you live and breathe seafood?" This only angered the man some more as the laughs erupted from his comrades.

However, laughs immediately died when Amadeus was now pinned against a wall, with a sword drawn at his neck. His playful nature dissipated and silence overtook the halls, onlookers observing the scene unfold. Zeke's chest heaved and his brows furrowed in fury. If looks could kill, Amadeus would've been cremated by now.

"I dare you to say something else! I'll have your head rolling before you could even finish your life sentence!" Zeke threatened but the Amadeus was unfazed by his antics.

Instead of quivering in fear and pleading for mercy as the armed man hoped, Amadeus sighs and raised his arms in defense.

"Do it..." He mutters under his breath, taking everyone aback.


"I said 'Do it'. Any man that draws his sword must have the killing intent to match..." Amadeus raised his head, violet eyes peeking through his bangs and his grin growing wider. Zeke flinches and his expression wavered.

"But your eyes don't seem to match your actions-and you call yourself Freyja's Cupid," Amadeus stuck his tongue out as he taunts.

With boiling blood, Zeke thrusts the sword toward Amadeus.

Little did he know, by challenging the pinned Cupid, he ignited a forgotten spark within him that burns through his entire body as he thrilled. With a smirk refusing to leave his features, he ducks out of the way. Grabbing onto Zeke's wrist before disarming him and swiftly pinning him on the floor with his arms locked around the man's arm and legs keeping him in place under him.

Everything went down so quickly that no one noticed the blade was thrown toward Meo, who yelps when he realizes and hugs Delaney when it stuck out of the wall a few centimeters away from his face.

"Let me go, you bastard!" Zeke squirms under Amadeus' hold.

"Good show!" Applause reverberated in the halls, making the men direct their attention to the Elders approaching.

"What an excellent display of the battle. Nothing less from the warrior of love," The woman in the green sari praised.

Scrambling to their feet, the two men greeted the woman and she raises her arm to dismiss.

"Apologies for that barbaric display, Mother Parvati," Zeke quickly bows his head, making her chuckle in response.

"It's quite alright my child. It was rather refreshing to see you battle after so long. Lady Freyja never lets us see your spars anymore," She continues laughing, making the men wonder at her carefree behavior. She stops laughing and her features fall to a gentle smile as she looks at Amadeus.

"I believe they're ready for your audience, My child."

With that, she disappears in a gust of aromatic smoke. Amadeus wheezed as he fans the pleasantly scented smoke away. Zeke parrots his action before shooting him a menacing glare, getting up in his business once more.

"You might've won this round but don't get too cocky. One of these days, I'll have you under me, begging for your life."

"And here I thought you were a bottom bitch," Amadeus grins down as the man fumes in his spot but refuses to battle at that moment.

Instead, he turns on his heel, marching in the opposite direction of the court. Amadeus chuckles dryly, shaking his head before settling to a gentle smile as he meets gazes with a fidgeting Delaney, who looked anxious to speak.

"Amadeus, I-"

"Delaney!" Zeke calls out angrily making her look back at him and then at the redhead, hesitant to leave.

"Your husband is calling you, Delaney," Amadeus pockets his hands and turns on his heels to the courtroom, an unintentional bitterness seeped into his words. A hand grasps his bicep and he looks down at the young boy who looked up at the redhead with undying admiration.

"It was good to see you again, Mr. Valentine! Drop by later when you get the time to," Before he could respond, Meo dashes away.

Amadeus sighs as hurried footsteps faded in the distance. He hasn't seen his comrades in eons and his first impression didn't go as he planned. Straightening up a bit, a sigh escapes his lips, and he pushes the door entering the grandiose courtroom of the Great Elders.




With his path on the pink velvet carpet, he's led to the center of the room where the carpet stops at a curved table with six occupied seats. Their chatter died and eyes the man, who stood relaxed for their wandering, condescending eyes.

They stared at him expectantly and he rolls his eyes with an incredulous scoff.

Reluctantly, Amadeus kept his gaze low as he kneeled, not daring to clash with an Elder... at least not yet.

These beings that sat glowering at the man's form are gods compared to the likes of Cupid and Cherubs. They were the original cupids that roamed Evo before Branwen was created. Amadeus gulps and scans the table of almighty beings before him.

Mother Parvati;

Draped in a red and gold lehenga, accompanied by flowers braided into her thick raven locks. You could recognize her from afar with how blinding her golden jewelry was. She's known to Evos as the Hindu Goddess of love and devotion. Depicted in many forms, she is the definition of a devoted spouse, firmly believing love between wedded souls is eternal.


With skin rivaling an emerald and a parrot always perched on his shoulder, the Hindu God of Erotic love sits draped in his red clothing. He was once a warrior of love but now his picture of his prime versus now was like comparing a lionfish to a blobfish... on steroids. Though, his personality was shitty from the get-go. Besides basking in his narcissistic glow, he's shameless enough to ask many women to join his pleasure island.


Don't be fooled by her battle armor, weapon, or vicious glare. This being is the Norse Goddess of love. Her auburn hair falls down her shoulders in thick braids as she sits poised on her throne, shield, and twin overgrown bobcats laying at her feet. Amadeus was never on her good side so bashing heads always came with an encounter.


The Egyptian Goddess is always draped in a thin crimson dress with gold ornaments strapping her arms and ankles. She stood taller than most Elders because of the large curved horns on her head accompanied by the long, brown floppy cow ears. Despite her many representations, she symbolizes motherly love in her rule.


Roman god of mutual love. He and Amadeus go way back to the time of their creation. After passing his trial, he was able to be promoted to Elder. Although they were rivals, they were as thick as thieves. No force could drive a wedge between the two. Which is why he'd been in anguish after the trial of Amadeus. Unable to meet his friend any longer due to his position as a supreme being. It probably explains the excited grin on his features when Amadeus entered the room.

And finally... the witch of the hour;


The Greek Goddess of love and sexuality... and the sole perpetrator of his downfall. Envied for her beauty, this selfish Goddess sits at the center of the court as head of the Elders, being the sole symbol of love herself. They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, well in this case, Aphrodite wielded the ability to manipulate her form to fit the beholder's beauty standards, successfully captivating many in her web... all but Amadeus, for his eyes truly see the hideousness with that hollow shell of "beauty".

Aphrodite smirks, licking her lips as she stares down at the muscular man before her like a piece of meat on a silver platter.

"Oh, how I've missed you... Amadeus, was it? It's been too long since I've seen someone so pitiful~" She giggles with her index finger on her lip, biting it down seductively. Amadeus bites down on his lip to quell his rage.

"With all due respect, Goddess, I wouldn't be so thrilled to see him. This child in front of us disgraced Cupid kind under your watch," Freyja reprimands, gripping her armrests before focusing on the redhead, "He is nothing but a worm that deserves death," She sneers, the overgrown cats were snarling to match her fury.

"Good to see you haven't changed at all, Freyja," Amadeus greets the Goddess with nonchalance and informality.

"That's Lady Freyja to you, worm!" Her fist pounds her armrest, making the creatures by her side yowl," Such boldface disrespect is deserving of execution!"

Amadeus continues keeping his gaze down, flinching at Freyja's harsh words. The thrill now building up his chest as he anticipated their words, and a smile now plastering his features. Today was going to be the day he meets his maker and he was prepared for it. He was prepared to embrace death's cold hug like an old friend. To finally get the freedom he's been craving. No more shackles, no more disdained stares, just freedom from this wretched world in its purest form.

Though, he wasn't prepared for what came next.

"Now now, Lady Freyja. Let's not be so hasty," Maa Parvati waves her hand in a coming motion to calm the fuming Goddess.

"Amadeus Valentine, you are one of the disgraced, violating the code of Cupids the day you strummed your bow string one final time and have been granted mercy by the Elders to live out the rest of your days, never setting foot on Evo ever again... that being said, we, as the council, are willing to pardon you of your crimes, "Hathor recounts and offers.


Amadeus flinches before whipping his head up to meet gazes with the Elders in bewilderment, unsure if his ears were failing him.

Of course, they were.

It's probably age finally catching up with him because there's no way these guys would entertain such a thought. Yet, something inside Amadeus pushed him to speak.

"I'm sorry, can we just, take a minute here- I find it hard to believe the Oh-so-great-Elders want to pardon me, a fallen cupid, when simply granting me mercy made you look like jackasses before the entirety of Cupid kind..." His eyes narrowed at the council, but they didn't notice with all his hair in his eyes and shared a look.

"So if you don't mind me asking here, what the hell do you geriatrics want?"

Amadeus allows himself to slump back to sit crisscrossed while some Elders fumed.

"This insolent..." Frejya grits her teeth

"G-Geriatrics? How dare you!.. Do not forget... you are at our mercy... greenhorn!" Kamadeva exploded, his emerald flab jiggling as he pounds his fist on the armrest. Amadeus snorts as his stifled laughter escaped like air from a balloon.

"Brash as always~" Aphrodite tenses up with a disgustingly aroused smile and a silent moan.

Mother Parvati and Hathor took more amusement in the man's boldness, meanwhile, Anteros sighs, shaking his head.

Anteros' gruff voice spoke up.

"There is a crisis down in Evo. One by one, Guardian Cupids have been disappearing from their Evolites, completely gone without a trace. We've attempted a connection but to no avail. We need somebody to go down to Evo and fully investigate the disappearances."

"And you need me to do your dirty work?" Amadeus scoffs, making Anteros shake his head, disappointed in his friend.

Kamadev drawls," From what we gathered, you were the best Cupid produced in the second generation...apparently," He snides, sucking on the grape before taking it into his mouth.

"And with the potential to become an Elder next to Anteros of course," Hathor adds," We can't let this travesty go on any longer, not when the possibility of these Cupids being taken by humans for their selfish desires," Her hand gripping the arms rest in silent, frustrated fury, silence takes over filling the room in awkwardness.

"We need your help, Amadeus, "Anteros pleads, "If you do then not only will we eradicate your punishment but we'll even make you head Cupid of your division," He sweetens the deal a bit.

Amadeus held his hairy chin, bottom lip puckered out as he thought with a hum.

"Help you, get my own division- and, not only do I get my freedom but Meo makes weapons exclusively for my division," Amadeus points at his chest with a grin then to Freyja.

"Oh Gods..."Anteros slumps in his chair and flinches at the furious aura beside him.

With gritted teeth, this auburn-locked woman was about to explode.

"Freyja...?" Aphrodite emits a menacing, dark aura with a warning in her tone, yet she held a sweet smile. The Norsewoman froze, shaking like a leaf in the other Goddess' presence.


This was all too sudden and quite unexpected for Amadeus. It seems too good to be true. Though the sharp pain on his lip, followed by the iron flavor suggests this was not some sick twisted fantasy he created to cope with his situation. Then he'd have fallen to an all-new low.

With much deliberation, Amadeus grins, brushing his fluffy bangs back, revealing the fiery determination of his violet eyes and his scarred features.

"Count me in!"
