31. Visitor

With the tension of the Renfaire, what better way to end a mission than with a pint of cold ale?

"I was made for lovin' you, baby!"

"And you were made for lovin' me!"

Corazon bleated his heart out in notes that made Amadeus' ear bleed. Yet, Amadeus applauded his performance with bouncing shoulders. Corazon stumbles down from the table to meet Cupid at his table with tinted cheeks.

"Beat that, chicken man!" He taunts and Amadeus shakes his head.

"Oh, no. I'm not much of a singer, kid," Amadeus sips from his wooden pint, licking his lips as he finished.

"Aww, you coward! Afraid to face me?" Corazon taunts but Amadeus persists, saying he wasn't up for it tonight.

I wouldn't blame him either.

A lot has happened and it weighed on his mind. That sludge managed to take full advantage of his being. He couldn't help but wonder if he were a minute or even a second later, what would have happened to him?

He can't allow any more room for error.

It's time to do his job, fill his quota, and return to Branwen to reclaim his prize. That's what it's been about from the beginning. Yet as he looked at the tavern's lively atmosphere, it ached his chest to have these thoughts. A dry chuckle escapes his lips as he finds himself becoming too attached to the fleeting existence of Evo and Evolites alike.

"Hey, big bro!" His amethyst eyes fell to Corazon, "I bet I can drink your ass under the table! Whaddya say! Hm? OR are ya too square to do that too? Afraid ya might get laid by some bar babes Mr. Virgin?"

Amadeus raised a brow, "Really? I'm attached to this guy?"

He snorts and chortles with bouncing shoulders. As if Corazon wasn't already baffled by his drunkness, Cupid truly made it more apparent. He slicked his crimson locks back and showed off that cocky grin.

"You've finally grown a backbone after these past few days, kid!" Amadeus slaps the air out of Corazon's lungs as he praises.

Corazon coughs, "Jee, thanks. . . It's not like I'm a shrimp or anything," He mutters, almost offended by his little faith.

"What's with that look? I'm saying you did well. I'm proud of you, Cora," Amadeus' lips curve to a grin as he sips his ale again.

Corazon's heart pulses and olive eyes dazzled. He's received praise before but hearing it from Amadeus just hits differently. Cora's dopey grin grew wider until it curved into a cocky smirk.

"Well, it's only natural, right? I had my might and will to thank for these past few days."

"Oh, God. . ." Amadeus rolls his eyes and smirks, bracing for Corazon's drunken lecture. 

As he went on, he didn't realize the two figures were approaching from behind until two sharp taps made him flinch and whip his head around. 

"Heh? Whazzat? Oh, it's you!" Corazon grins from ear to ear and hugs Azaria, who returns it with a giggle.

"Sorry, we're late. Monica's nail appointment overlapped with the party," Azaria pointed over her shoulder where an energetic Monica popped out of nowhere. Azaria bites her lip to stifle her grunts.

"And I don't feel bad about it! Look at these babies!" She shows off her bright red, almond-shaped nails triumphantly while perched on Azaria's back.

Corazon blinks a couple of times before taking her hands in his and observes closer with interest.

"Red suits you, Monica," He politely smiles and her face tinted a bit. With a bashful 'thank you', she slides off the woman's back and skips over to the bar. 

Corazon spoke up, "It's great to see you again. Hope your shoulder's doing okay,"

"Oh, it's not that bad! The doctor said it was a little scratch, so I'll live," Azaria dismisses, rotating her arm to show off a bit.

Corazon grins, "That's good to hear. By the way, I like your costume, Azaria. It fits the Ace n Cups aesthetic."

"Aw well, I tried. Y'know, I'm not too well-versed in costumes and fashion like you so... I just pulled up a tutorial on making a costume with whatever I had. Pretty neat, right?" She spins to show off her costume with some exciting pieces.

With the sash wrapped around her waist and the bandana that entrapped her coiled locks, it was apparent she was going for a pirate look. The leather corset hugged her waist and made her bosoms more visible. However what truly caught Cora's eye was the blue loose-fitted shirt with ruffles down its front and at the sleeve's end. 

He frowns, "It's so plain. . . You don't look so good in it," He announced with a concentrated stare.

His rude comment took Azaria aback. 

"Run that by me again, chief?" 

"It's a generic fit, but you'd look so much better if it were a different color. You got a warm undertone so maybe a green or yellow even some bright reds. If you're not busy, I can tailor-make you some blouses that compliment your skin tone. That is... if you would like that, obviously! You don't have to but it'll be nice to see you wear things that suit you- I mean!"

Azaria's laughter caught Corazon off guard. She held her stomach and snorts before wiping away the tears. For a moment she couldn't believe she thought this guy was an insensitive prick.

"If. . ." Cora hesitantly spoke, "If you don't want to, I understand. . ." He deflated.

She collected herself, "No, I'd like that!"

"You'd like it?" He asks for confirmation.

She quickly nods, "I'll check my schedule and tell you when I'm free." Her smile made Corazon's heart leap out of his chest.

"What is this? Is it love? Am I in love? I hope I am!" 

His fluster sobered him up enough to notice the shift from lively to romantic as the songs slowed down. Couples took to the dance floor and questions itched at Corazon's mind.

"Do I ask her to dance? What if she says no? Plus, I don't even know how to dance! Why is it getting so hot out here?"

If his sweat didn't already make it apparent, his fidgeting fingers made Azaria shake her head at the flabbergasted dude before her.

"Do you wanna dance, Cora?" Azaria boldly asked a flustered Cora, who nervously chuckled.

"I- Umm, hehe- you see, I don't dance much. . ."

"You really are hopeless, kid," Amadeus rolls his eyes and finally makes his appearance.

Amadeus saunters behind Corazon and "gently" nudges him into Azaria's arms. Cora looks up from below Azaria's chest and he gulps. He knew she was huge but seeing her from this angle makes her look like a gargantuan goddess. She drags him off to the dance floor in his dazed state of fluster. 

Amadeus continued on his path, up the stairs, and to the terrace for some fresh air. Twisting the knobs, he opened the French doors to welcome the night's cold breeze that whisked at his tanned skin. Parties were fine but sometimes it's nice to get a breather from the excitement.

"I thought you'd be here, Deus." Amadeus' head whips to the side where the familiar husky voice speaks.

"Has it been a millennium already? Long time no see," A grin stretched his features.
