The rest of the walk back to the pyramid was oddly silent. Alysanne didn't know what to do. She wanted to be with Daenerys more than anything in the world, but it would never work. She had been stupid to allow herself to indulge in Daenerys.

Jorah and Tyrion stood before Daenerys, awaiting judgment, but Alysanne cared little for what they had to say. She wanted to kill them both. Tyrion because of the crimes of his family. There was no way that the other Lannisters would care what happened to him, but it would make Alysanne feel much better. Jorah had betrayed Daenerys once, what was stopping him from doing it again? Alysanne thought driving a sword into his chest was a great start.

"I wanted to-"

"Don't speak," Daenerys interrupted. Her eyes went to the dwarf standing before her, "If you are Tyrion Lannister, why shouldn't I kill you to repay your family back for what they did to mine?"

"II killed my mother, Joanna Lannister, the day I was born. I killed my father, Tywin Lannister, with a bolt to the heart. I'm the greatest Lannister killer of all time," Tyrion answered.

"So I should welcome you into my service because you murdered members of your own family?" Daenerys asked sarcastically.

"Into your service? Your Grace, we've only just met," Tyrion replied, causing Alysanne to roll her eyes.

"Why are you worth meeting?" Daenerys asked.

"Because you cannot build a better land alone. You have no one at you side who understands the world you want to rule," was Tyrion's reply. Alysanne's eyes narrowed as she took offence to the words. She had grown up in Westeros, she had learned which house to trust and which to not.

"That is where you're wrong," Daenerys replied, "I have Ser Barristan and Alysanne Stark to help guide me."

Yes," Tyrion said, "A warrior and a girl that ran away from home."

Alysanne bit her tongue, not wanting to overstep her bounds on whatever Daenerys had to say. She saw, however, as Daenerys grew annoyed at the comment.

"Their counsel has served me well," Daenerys answered evenly, "Besides I have an army and dragons."

"I have experience then," Tyrion tried, "I served as Hand of the King to someone that preferred torturing animals and did quite well with it. Imagine what I could do with ruler worthy of the name."

"So, you want to advise me? Very well," Daenerys looks over at Jorah, "Then what would you have me do with him?"

"Ser Jorah is not the same man as he was when he came into your services. I've never seen anyone devoted to anything as he is devoted to serving you. He claims he would kill for you and die for you. I've seen no reason to doubt him, yet he did betray you."

Tyrion climbs the stairs, but Barristan takes a step forward, causing him to hesitate.

"Did Ser Jorah ever have a chance to confess his betrayal to you?" Tyrion questioned.

Daenerys nodded, looking pained, "Several."

Tyrion sighs and looks over his shoulder at Jorah, "He worships you. He might even be in love with you."

Alysanne clenches her jaw at that. Daenerys glances over her shoulder and meet Alysanne's gaze. Her face is stone-cold, but her eyes say something completely different. Almost as though Daenerys was telling her that she only cared for her.

"A ruler does not kill those devoted to her," Tyrion said in Daenerys's silence.

Daenerys seemed to weigh her options. She had already killed someone devoted to her, but he had righteously taken a life. However, what Jorah did cut much deeper than what Mossador had done.

"Remove Ser Jorah from the city," Daenerys said. The Unsullied guards by the door moved to seize Jorah, but he was already leaving. They simply follow him out, making sure that he does exit the city.

The doors close and the room is silent as Daenerys and Tyrion stare at one another.

"Alysanne, Missandei, Ser Barristan, You're all dismissed."

"Are you sure, Your Grace?" Barristan asks the question that Alysanne had been wanting to ask.

Daenerys nodded, "Don't go too far. I may still need your services."

Alysanne looks over to Missandei, who shrugs. Alysanne heads down the stairs of the, stopping as she passes Tyrion.

"I may be a young girl, but I will be the girl that kills the rest of your family," Alysanne leans closer to his ear, "And if you betray her or harm her, I will kill you as well."

Alysanne heads for the closed doors as she hears Tyrion chuckle, "A Stark serving a Targaryen. Haven't you heard the stories?"

"I've heard the stories," Alysanne said, "About how you were wed to my sister. About how you served as Hand of the King. How you killed your father. Those are the stories that matter, not the ones from over twenty years ago."

"Sansa-" Tyrion said, causing Alysanne to turn and look at him, "She's a smart girl. She'll survive whatever is thrown at her."

"I don't need you to tell me this," Alysanne said, "Sansa is my sister. Say her name again and I'll slit your throat."

"Alysanne," Daenerys says, "Stop threatening my guest until I say you can."

Tyrion laughs, as Alysanne bows sloppily, "Whatever you say, Your Grace."

Alysanne makes her way to the street, and sighs angrily. She had so many emotions, anger, confusion, sadness, and she had no idea what to do with all of it.

"Alysanne," she heard Missandei's voice say from behind her, "Are you okay?"

"I don't know," Alysanne said turning to face her. Missandei smiled sadly at her and took a step forward and embraced her.

"You're going to be okay. You and Daenerys will be okay," Missandei says softly.

"And what if we're not?" Alysanne's voice cracks and she knows she wants to cry, but the setting that they were in was not ideal for that.

Missandei pulls away with a small smile, "You will be. And if you're not, then I'll be here to make sure you get through it."

"Thank you," Alysanne said, "You're really kind."

MIssandei laughs, "Is that the only word you can use to describe me?"

"No, but it's the one that comes to mind the most. You are very kind. Missandei tell me, are there any problems I can help you with?" Alysanne asks. The translator is always there for her or Daenerys or Grey Worm, but does she ever do anything for herself?

"Not truly," Missandei says, "Why?"

"I just feel like you're always there for everyone else, but no one is truly there for you," Alysanne says.

"That's not true," Missandei replies, "Daenerys is always there for me. As are you."

"I haven't done anything," Alysanne said dismissively.

Missandei laughs, "If you insist but I'm not going to say anything to inflate your ego."

Alysanne gasps and lets out a laugh, "Did you just insult me?"

"Maybe you have been rubbing off on me," Missandei says with a giggle.

"I certainly hope not, I'm a brooding mess," Alysanne says thinking of her past behavior. It was very similar to how Jon used to act when she and her siblings would play. Alysanne suddenly facepalms herself, "I'm turning into my brother."

Missandei laughs, "That can't be a terrible thing."

"Trust me, it is," Alysanne says, "Jon could suck the life out of a room. It was his talent."

"Well you don't suck the life out of room, so maybe there is hope for you," Missandei teases and Alysanne can't help but laugh again.

"Two in a row. Missandei you're on a roll," Alysanne tells her.

"I just wanted to make you smile," MIssandei said, "You've been so tense about everything. If it takes being mean to make you smile, then it's worth it."

"You are the only person who can justify being mean as a good thing," Alysanne says shaking her head, "You're a really kind person."

"I'm going to need you to use different words to describe me," Missandei says with a laugh.

"I'll see what I can come up with," Alysanne says with a grin.


Alysanne was going to blow out the candle in her chambers when there was a knock on the door. She left the candle burning as she went to open the door to revel Daenerys on the other side of it.

"We never finished our conversation from earlier," Daenerys said as she brushed passed Alysanne and entered her room. The Stark girl watched as Daenerys took a seat on her bed and made herself comfortable.

"Are you going to close the door?" Daenerys asked. Alysanne didn't say anything and instead just closed the door and leaned against it. She looked at Daenerys who no longer had the braids in her hair. She stared at the silver waves.

"So..." Alysanne said, "Where's your fiancé?"

"I don't know?" Daenerys asked, "Where's Missandei?"

Alysanne rolled her eyes, "Don't compare the situations, Missandei is my friend."

"Sure she is," Daenerys says glancing around the room.

"I've already told you jealousy isn't a good look on you," Alysanne says, "Especially when there isn't anything to be jealous of."

Daenerys stands up from the bed and makes her way over to Alysanne slowly, almost seductively, "I'm not jealous."

"Could have fooled me," Alysanne said, "Listen, I already told you that I love you, but this isn't going to work out, so let's move on with our lives."

"Is that what you really want?" Daenerys asks, "To move on with our lives? Because I think that makes you weak."

"Well what do you want?" Alysanne asks.

"I want you to fight for us! I want you to hold me in your arms and tell me that you're always going to be there. I want you to love me the way that I want to love you!" Daenerys exclaims surprising Alysanne, because she's pretty sure it's the first time Daenerys said that she loved her.


"No," Daenerys says firmly, "I am sick and tired of being the only one fighting for us. If you don't want me to marry Hizdahr? Fine, I won't."

"But Meereen-"

"Seven hells Alysanne! Fuck Meereen! Fuck Westeros! I only want you!" Daenerys exclaims, "How many times do I have to tell you that?"

Alysanne shrugs, "I wouldn't mind hearing it once more."

"I hate you," Daenerys says sighing angrily. Alysanne laughs, crossing her arms over her chest.

"That's funny, because I could have sworn you just said you love me."

"I'm regretting that," Daenerys says, "Now have you anything else to say?"

"I think it's wonderful that you're willing to throw away everything for me, but I'm going to be the voice of reason-"

"No you aren't," Daenerys says as she crashes her lips against Alysanne's. She shoves the Stark girl into the door as she goes to deepen the kiss. Alysanne tries to pull away, she really does, but Daenerys is so intoxicating that she can't help but to allow her to deepen the kiss.

"Let me love you," Daenerys says as she kisses down Alysanne's jawline, she pulls away and smiles at the Stark girl, "I won't hurt you. I promise."

"I've heard that promise before," Alysanne said, "Should history repeat itself; I'll find you married and with children."

Daenerys laughs, "Well lucky for us, I can no longer bear children."

"Really?" Alysanne asks curiously, "Why?"

"Cursed by a witch," Daenerys says with a shrug.

"Why haven't you told me this before?" Alysanne asked.

"Well it wasn't like you were going to get me pregnant," Daenerys jokes and Alysanne narrows her eyes, "I just didn't find it important. Also, I don't really like children."

"Shame," Alysanne says, "I love kids."

Daenerys rolls her eyes, "You're insufferable."

"Must I remind you that moments ago you were telling me that you didn't care about anything else but me?" Alysanne said as she wrapped her arms around Daenerys waist and tugging her closer.

"I've changed my mind," Daenerys says with a grin, "I think Daario is a much better suitor."

Alysanne drops her arms, "Shall I go get him?"

Daenerys shakes her head as she presses her lips to Alysanne's again. When she pulls away, she grins widely as she eyes Alysanne's entire body, "Take your clothes off."
