"Alysanne Stark," she turned and saw Daario making his way toward her. Alysanne made her way down the dock hastily.

"There you are, I thought you'd never turn up," Alysanne smiled at him, "Are you excited to see Westeros?" Daario's gaze dropped and Alysanne's smile slowly faded, "What is it?"

"I won't be going to Westeros," Daario says, "Our Queen commanded that the Seconds Sons and I stay here to keep the peace."

Alysanne smiled sadly at him, "I was really hoping to show you Winterfell."

Daario tilted his head, a small grin on his face, "Maybe one day."

"I'll hold you to that," Alysanne says. She's surprised when Daario takes a step forward and wraps her in an embrace. She wraps her arms around him and feels as though she is saying farewell to one of her brothers. In a sense, Daario had been like her brother. They had fought together, protected each other. He was her family.

"Take care of yourself," Daario said softly, taking a step back, "Take care of our Queen."

"I will," Alysanne says, "And you take care of yourself. I know you don't need to hear it, but you're a great man Daario. I pray our paths cross again."

"They will," Daario said sighing. A horn sounded loudly on one of the ships, indicating it was time for their departure. Alysanne gave Daario's hand one last squeeze before she made her way down the dock and boarded the ship.

She glanced back at the dock and saw Daario waving at her, with a bittersweet smile, she returned the gesture, waving until the dock was no longer in sight.

The journey to Dragonstone was long and uneasy. Alysanne had never seen seasickness in the way that the Dothraki had it. They were constantly hanging over the side, their faces green. Alysanne smiled sadly, knowing that Daario would have loved the sight.

Yara had claimed they were a day's ride from Westeros and their armies were no longer just the Greyjoys. They now had the Westeros houses of Martell and Tyrell backing them. It was interesting how the tide already seemed to be turning in Daenerys's favor.

"Alysanne," Tyrion said, as he came under the deck, "Can we speak, without hostilities?"

She stared at him before silently nodding and allowing him to sit across from her. They were alone, with everyone above deck, excited for the first sight of Dragonstone.

"I know what you're going to say," Alysanne says softly, taking a sip of her ale, "You need me to disappear."

"I wouldn't say that," Tyrion said, "However your presence may make finding a husband hard. She claimed you as her lover, but she'll need to marry."

"I understand," Alysanne says, "When we arrive in Dragonstone, I'm heading North. Home."

"And what will you tell Daenerys?" Tyrion asks.

"The truth," Alysanne says simply, "I have a duty to my family."

Family, Duty, Honor, her mother had instilled in her restlessly. She had sworn to stand by Daenerys and protect her. That was her duty, but family came first.

"She's not going to let you go," Tyrion says, "I believe you underestimate her love for you."

Alysanne knew how much Daenerys loved her and the extents she would go through to keep her. She'd give up her chance at the Iron Throne for Alysanne, but they were in too deep now and Alysanne could not allow Daenerys to forget her goal, what she longed for long before she ever met Alysanne.

"I don't," Alysanne says eyeing her drink, "But I believe you all underestimate the things I will do to get back to my family."

"I expected you to fight this," Tyrion said softly.

"I knew what I was doing," Alysanne says, "Daenerys will need to marry a strong and powerful lord, preferably a Northern one given how they feel about Targaryens."

Tyrion stands up and pours himself a glass of wine, "You knew what could happen if you went East. You knew she had dragons and that there was a great chance that she would kill you. And yet you went."

"Robb needed help," Alysanne said with a shrug, "I did everything I could from my position."

"And everything you could was seducing a foreign queen?" Tyrion said as he retook his seat. Alysanne narrowed her eyes at him, disliking the words he had spoken.

"I fell in love with her," Alysanne said dropping her gaze to the table as she realized that she was putting what they had to an end. Once again Alysanne had gotten her heart broken, the only difference was this time she walked in with her eyes wide open.

"She'll make a good queen," Tyrion told her, "If that's any reconciliation."

"It is," Alysanne says, a sad smile coming on her face, "She's going to change the world. She already changed mine."

Tyrion watched her, sympathy in his eyes, "I know what it's like to lose someone you love. She wasn't the first to love you. She won't be the last."

"But no love will compare," Alysanne responded before drinking the rest of her ale. She stood from her seat, "I'm going to sleep until we arrive in Dragonstone. I have a queen's heart to break soon."

Tyrion opened his mouth to respond, but Alysanne didn't wait to hear what he had to say as she disappeared above deck. Daenerys bounded toward her, an excited grin on her face.

"Alysanne look! You can see Dragonstone in the distance!" Alysanne smiled as she looked in the distance to see the giant dark gates of Dragonstone. She looked at Daenerys who was smiling at the sight like a mother would at her firstborn.

For the first time in her life, Daenerys would set foot on the soil of the land she had been born into. Alysanne was glad that she would be able to witness this at the very least.

"We should land before nightfall," they hear one of the crewmen say. Daenerys smiled at that and leaned into Alysanne lacing their fingers together.

"We're going home," Daenerys said softly, "You can finally give me a tour of Westeros."

Alysanne forced a smile, "We might have to postpone that. You have a throne to take."

She was doing this for Daenerys. Maybe if she kept thinking it, then she'd actually believe herself. That this was in everyone's best interest.

But Daenerys was watching her with violet eyes filled with nothing but love and adoration and Alysanne wasn't sure if she could do it. She wanted to stay with Daenerys forever, especially if it meant that she kept looking at her like this.

"I suppose you're right," Daenerys said, "But promise me that we will go after?"

Alysanne couldn't bring herself to speak such promises, so instead, she brought Daenerys's hand and placed a kiss atop of her knuckles. Daenerys watched her fondly before leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss on Alysanne's lips.

"Sorry," Daenerys said, "I just needed to do that."

Unable to help herself, Alysanne pulled Daenerys into another kiss. She softly brushes her lips against Daenerys's who tries to deepen the kiss and Alysanne allows her. She forgets that they're on a boat surrounded by Daenerys's followers. It's just them and Alysanne is desperate to hold on to that.

Daenerys pulls away and Alysanne opens her eyes to see Daenerys looking at her with concern in her eyes. She takes a step forward and cups Alysanne's face before brushing away something on her cheek.

She had been crying.

She steps out of Daenerys's grasp, wiping her tears aggressively. It was the second time she had cried in weeks. This time it wasn't her family she feared of losing. It was Daenerys, the woman who had redefined love for her.

"Alysanne," Daenerys says softly, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Alysanne lies, she takes a deep breath, gathering herself, "I just can't believe this is happening."

"Me neither," Daenerys says, "Years in exile. I finally can come home, and I get to reclaim what is mine."

Alysanne smiles sadly at the words. Daenerys had just said what Alysanne had needed to hear. Daenerys wanted the throne. She needed it. She could lie to Alysanne and say that her love for her trumped her desire for the throne, but Alysanne knew that wasn't true. Their paths were no longer heading in the same direction and they both needed to accept the fact.

True to the crew members words, the ship did land before nightfall. Daenerys had gone beneath the deck to change into a black dress. She looked intimidating and serious, but to Alysanne she simply looked beautiful.

No one moved when they landed, instead, allowing Daenerys to be the first to take a step on the sand of Dragonstone. With a smile, Daenerys bent down and grabbed a hand full of sand, squeezing it between her fingers.

She looked back at Alysanne and gave her a nod indicating that she wanted her to follow. Alysanne looked at Tyrion, almost as though she were asking for permission. He was reluctant, but he gave her a nod.

Alysanne got out of the boat and made her way over to Daenerys's side. Together they walked through the giant gates of Dragonstone.

"Shouldn't we bring guards," Alysanne said as she glanced around. The banners of Stannis Baratheon were still hung throughout the castle. Though he had fled North, Alysanne thought he might leave some his army to defend the castle.

"That's what you're here for," Daenerys said, "I know you'll protect me."

"I hope you remember that," Alysanne says as she glances at Daenerys, "Everything I do is to protect you."

Daenerys smiles, but it doesn't meet her eyes, and something in Alysanne tells her that she knows what's coming, but that they're both too scared to bring it up. They're enjoying the ignorance of it all.

Alysanne pushes open the giant doors that lead to the throne room of Dragonstone. There sits a peculiar throne, but Alysanne finds it gorgeous, nonetheless.

"Alysanne and Jaehaerys hid here after their mother was against their union," Alysanne stated as she glanced around the room.

Daenerys takes a step closer to her, arms sneaking around Alysanne's waist, "We could hide here as well."

Alysanne lets out a laugh, "Something tells me your followers wouldn't like that very much. There doesn't look like there's much to do here."

Daenerys smiles, tilting her head as she looks at Alysanne, "I could think of a few things to keep us busy."

The sudden sound of footsteps causes them to separate, they both look up to see Grey Worm, Missandei, Tyrion, and Varys standing in the doorway of the throne room.

"Pardon us, Your Grace, but night is approaching," Missandei spoke.

"It's fine," Daenerys said as she steps further away from Alysanne. She makes her way over to a forgotten banner of Stannis Baratheon, a stag on fire. With one swift tug from Daenerys, the banner falls to the ground.

From there, Daenerys walks into an adjoining room where a war table sits. Piece of war lay there, forgotten. Alysanne sees the wolf, that had once stood for Robb and his army. It lay fallen in by the Twins where they had been disgracefully slaughtered.

Daenerys made her way to the front of the table, her hands dragging slowly over the map as though she were already calculating each and every move. The rest of her advisors had already filed into the war room and were surrounding the table. Daenerys glanced up at them.

"Shall we begin?"

Tyrion grabs the pieces and places each sigil in their homeland. The wolf is moved from the Twins, back to its proper place in the North. As Tyrion moves the piece, he looks at Alysanne before moving to the lion and placing it in King's Landing.

"As far as we know, the Lannisters hold King's Landing, Casterly Rock, and the Riverlands. The Tyrells hold Highgarden. The Martells have Dorne. The Stormlands are in chaos. The Eyrie is ruled by Robin Arryn. Euron Greyjoy has the Iron Islands, and the Starks are in the North, but they are displaced," Tyrion explains.

"You have a lot of support, but not enough territory," Alysanne notices, "You may have a larger force, but the Lannisters have more land. More access to supplies and Winter is Coming."

"Highgarden should stock up on grain," Daenerys says, "We'll have trade with other nations, but cut the Lannisters off."

"Olenna Tyrell should be here in three days time," Varys informs, to which Daenerys nods thankfully at him.

"We have the forces to take King's Landing right now," Yara says, "Why wait?"

"Because people have never seen three dragons before," Alysanne says, "Even if Cersei surrenders, they'll still fear her."

"What do you propose?" Daenerys asks, looking directly at Alysanne. She looks at the map and thinks what Robb would do. She and brother always messed around with their father's map, pretended they were commanders fighting their own wars.

"You need to win the people over," Alysanne says, "You may have good intentions, but you have a foreign army and three large dragons. You must wait for an opportunity."

Beside her, Yara lets out a laugh, "Your plan is to wait?"

"And your plan is fire and blood. Targaryens tried that and look where that got them," Alysanne retorted quickly. She gave Daenerys her attention again, "Make allies, meet with the lords of large and small houses alike. Listen to their grievances, but don't try to fix everyone's problem because you can't. All you can do is show that you care."

She saw as Tyrion and Varys shared a look out of the corner of her eye, both seemingly impressed.

"It's what my mother taught me," Alysanne said glancing at the Tully piece.

The room fell silent, no one sure what to say. They knew the fate of Catelyn and Robb Stark, but none knew what would console the young woman. Daenerys cleared her throat, "It has been a long journey. We shall reconvene in the morning."

Everyone shuffled out of the room, but Alysanne stayed. Her eyes on the wolf piece that sat in the North, "I have to go home."

"Alysanne you're always free-"

"I wouldn't come back," Alysanne interrupts. She looks up to find Daenerys staring at her.

"What do you mean?"

Alysanne inhales, "I mean that I have nothing to offer you. No army, no title, nothing. I am dead weight and you need to free yourself of me. You need all-"

"I will hear no more of this," Daenerys interrupts, turning her back to Alysanne. The Stark girl moves in front of Daenerys, so she has no choice but to face her.

"But you must!" Alysanne says, "Whether you like it or not, you need alliances and I need to be with my family."

Daenerys's head snaps in her direction, betrayal swirls in her eyes, "That's what this is about, isn't it? Not us, but your family!"

"My family has nothing to do with this," Alysanne says, but Daenerys is shaking her head.

"They have everything to do with this," Daenerys says her tone softening, "I'd never make you choose between me and your family."

"Good," Alysanne says, "Because I will always choose them."

Daenerys looks at her and Alysanne could see the hurt that crossed her face. It's only there for a moment before Daenerys puts on the mask that she wears so often.

"You didn't choose them at first though," Daenerys points out, "You abandoned them when they needed you most. You left your sister to marry a monster-"

"Daenerys-" Alysanne warns, but the Targaryen doesn't stop.

"-Who cut off your father's head. You abandoned your little brothers who were nearly killed in their own home. Your mother and brother were fighting to unite your family, a family in which you willingly fled. You're a coward Alysanne. You say you choose them, but how long before you run again?"

Alysanne stares at Daenerys, the woman she loved, as she reopened every single wound Alysanne had tried to close. Some that were still healing. Alysanne's eyes fluttered quickly as she looked away from Daenerys.

She hears Daenerys sigh, "Alysanne-"

"Don't apologize," Alysanne says quickly, "You're right. I am a coward. Which is why I must face my greatest demon. My family."

"I – I," Daenerys words are shaky, "I don't want to lose you."

Alysanne takes a step forward as she places a kiss to Daenerys cheek, just as she had done when Alysanne had cried, "You aren't losing me. Think of this as my gift to you. When you sit the Iron Throne with Westeros at peace, it was our sacrifice that got you there."

"I don't want it," Daenerys says as she rests her head on Alysanne's collarbone, "The throne means nothing without you."

"That isn't true," Alysanne says softly, "That throne belongs to you. To your family. You have to go after it."

"I can't lose you," Daenerys mutters, "You're all I really want."

Alysanne had tried to maintain the strength for both of them, but Daenerys was making it very hard.

"You're all I want too," Alysanne says, placing a kiss to Daenerys's forehead, "But you've come too far."

Daenerys is silent and Alysanne knows she's right. Daenerys couldn't give up her conquest for the throne now. She had too many people depending on her already.

"I didn't want our story to end like this," Daenerys said softly, "We were supposed to be better, better than Rhaegar and Lyanna. We were supposed to be better," she repeats.

"And we are," Alysanne says, "This is for the best."

"How am I supposed to love anyone else?" Daenerys asks, lifting her head to look at Alysanne.

"It'll be easy," Alysanne says, "You'll be over me before you know it."

"And you?" Daenerys asks.

Alysanne lets out a weak laugh, "I think I'm ruined for the next couple of years."

Try a lifetime, Alysanne thought to herself.

"I'll come North," Daenerys says, "Once everything is settled, I'll find you. We have to go to Dorne."

Alysanne glances at her confused, "Why Dorne?"

"Because that's where you were going to take Bethany. However, I intend to keep my promise," Daenerys says with a sad smile. Even when crying, Alysanne finds her to be the most beautiful woman she's ever laid eyes on, "I'm going to be your last love Alysanne Stark. No matter how long it takes."
