
Y/N'S POV ~ 

I wake up at about 3 PM! how long did I sleep. I legit missed school because of sleep. Fun okay. I need something to get my mind of my parents divorce. Art. I love to draw, it clears my mind. And music. Mixed together it creates happiness. Or fake happiness if I'm actually dying inside. But now I realize, I'm not as hurt as I should be about the divorce. I'm not close with my parents? It doesn't matter either way. Maybe it's just all in my head. I'm over it. 

I walk downstairs to get some food, I'm hungry. I just see Ashley on the couch. She doesn't seem hurt either. "Hey Ash." I said to her, no response, quite busy on your phone are you Ashley? Anyways. Food. Thats what I came down here for. AND MOM WENT SHOPPING YES. I just want to take everything out of the fridge and hide in my room. But, then again, No food for later. I'll just have some F/D (Your favorite drink) and some chips. And walk back up to my room. 

It's a few hours later and I've just been watching movies on my laptop, eating, and drawing for the most part. It's abut 11 PM and I still haven't seen my parents or talked to Ashley, or anyone. And I'm staring to get tired, But I need to go to school tomorrow, I have to keep my grades up this year or my mom will take away my laptop because she "cares." So I lay down and drift off to sleep. 

I wake up to my annoying ass alarm going off. I get up, and walk to my mirror. My h/c hair is a mess. I walk to my drawers and pull out an outfit. High waisted, blue shorts and A pastel purple top. Plain. And just some white converses. I'm also wearing a silver anklet that I haven't took off in forever. I get dressed then head to my desk and grab a brush. I brush those knots out of my hair. Ugh this is annoying. 

Aha I think I'm ready. I look over and see my books laying on my desk, I might need those for class so I pack those into my backpack. I grab my phone off my bed and leave my room. I wonder if Ashley is here. I walk down the stairs and she isn't on the couch and her room door is wide open so I doubt she's in there. I don't need breakfast so I just walk out the door and get inside my car. and just my luck, I can't find my car keys. Great I mean it's not like I have school in 10 minutes. I scurry trough my backpack and I can't find it anywhere, my pockets? No. My shoes? No. I get out of my car, with my backpack in my hand seeing if I left it in my room. Oh and of course, I locked myself out. Haha this is fun. I guess i'm walking. 

I walk down the street until I'm on the main road. I'm about to cry at this point now that my phone is dying. It may seem over dramatic but I don't have my car keys, my house keys or my charger. I turn again and I see him. The guy I ran into at school a few days ago. The tall guy. I jog up to him. "Hey." I said. He looks at me in confusion. 

~ Hey Guys its Mel, Hope this chapter was fun lmao. This is where it started. ~ 
