

Bradley is driving me somewhere, he won't answer where we are going. 

We arrive at the fair. Cool. I mean this isn't what I was expecting. We get out of his car and walk into the fair and pay for our tickets n stuff.

It's a few hours and I'm exhausted, but it was super fun. We haven't got in the car yet. He pulls me forward and takes my hands. "Y/N, I love you." I am shocked by what he said. he leans forward and kissed me. Everything remains silent, we get in the car and the car ride is silent as well. When he reaches my house we give each other a big hug and say our goodbyes. I like Dan. I'm interested in Daniel Howell, Tall Boy. Not Bradley Clark, Other other tall boy. 

I walk up too my room and change into pj's i'm ready for the night. I am so stressed out. Bradley likes me, I like Daniel, I'm mad at Daniel. Kind of. No need to be mad at him. I message Dan

hey Dan. Sorry about you know what, forgive me? ~ Y/N

I don't hesitate to send the message because I'm sorry. I turn my phone off and fall asleep. 

It's the next morning, and I have school. Then it clicks. MY CAR. If my car isn't outside out house when I look outside my window I'm gonna scream. I get up, and make my bed. I walk over to my closet, but before I do, I look outside, and what a shock, my car isn't there. I put on white jeans and a Panic! at the disco shirt. And just some black flats. I brush my hair back, into a ponytail. I do my usual makeup routine, it's not much. 

I run down the stairs, with my backpack over my shoulder, I grab a handful of cereal and leave, If I'm walking, I don't have much time. I walk down my street, and Then turn left, so I can get to school. I see a black car in front of me. It randomly stops and pulls over out of no where. "Hey Y/N, need a ride?" It's Dan. Ah. "Sure, thanks Dan!" I say, running over to his car, I hop in the passenger side. "Hey, I saw your message, and I accept your apology" He says to me. awe.

"Mhm." I say back, there isn't much to say. "So um." Idk what he's saying tbh. "Y/N, I really like you." He says. Daniel pulls over. "Uhm, I like you too." I said, my hear is racing, What am I gonna do, What is happening. What is he gonna say next. "I guess thats my luck, Y/N, will you be my girl friend?" He asks.

