

Soon enough, Dan kissed me. Daniel. Howell. Kissed me. This isn't just some funky shit kiss. This is romantic. I break away from this kiss after a few seconds, we look at each other awkwardly. I kind of stare into his, dark brown eyes. Pretty. I am love struck. I look over and there is Phil. Standing there. UGH. "Oh what was that?" Phil asks. "Hah nothing don't worry bout it." Dan says, awe. 

"It was nothing?" Phil asked. "Phil, it's nothing." After that things started getting dramatic and I just couldn't handle it. I stood up and ran off realizing I don't have a ride. I called my mom, but It's not like she's gonna pick up. 

"Yes Y/N? I'm at work." wow she actually answered. What a shock. "I need to get home, I need a ride home." I tell her, She's probably gonna tell me to walk. "Y/N, I'm at work, I would if I could. I'll send Raven or Crystal to pick you up, where are you at?" "(blah blah blah french words) lunch place thing, you know, next to the theater." "Okay. Love you be safe." "love you too." Wow she actually said she loved me, thats a shock. Raven and Crystal are my aunts, My favorite uncles/aunts out of the whole family actually. 

They arrive, Finally, I mean they didn't take forever. I see Dan and Phil run out of the restaurant. I look behind me and Run to the car. "Wow are you okay Y/N?" Raven asked, shes always been one to ask SO MANY GOD DAMN QUESTIONS LIKE I GET IT YOUR CONFUSED. "It's fine, Drive." I say, even though Crystal is the one driving. "You wanna go home? or to our place your mom didn't specify." "How about your place." I say, their house is huge and it's only them and their cats. Clearly cause cats are amazing. 

I have about 11 messages from Dan. Dang. I don't need to reply. I have better things to do, like play with 3 little cats. 

So, we arrive at Raven and Crystal's. Crystal has to go to work, but Raven doesn't have work today so she can make food. She is the best cook ever. Now I need to find the cats, Jade and Minty are on the couch but idk where Cocoa is. I'll check the guest room thats where he likes to stay.  

~Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter n stuff yayyyyy ~ Mel
