Chapter 41

Victor's POV:)
I looked over at the stack of papers piled up on my desk and sighed. I never wanted to leave her side but I knew that she wanted this for me.

I'm caught up in her expectations. She tries to make me live my dream but I'm causing her so much frustration and I know that she only wants the best for me.

I was actually waiting for her to tell me to stay because I'll gladly do so even if it means that I wouldn't be able to inherit my father's company.

I was willing to give everything up for her. I was willing to be selfish for once but she told me not to. She gave up her love for me just so that I'll be able to reach my goal in life.

How much more is she willing to sacrifice in life for other people? Doesn't this hurt her?

"You seem very stressed out, son." I heard a familiar voice say

I looked up to see my father entering my office. I then simply raised my brow at him.

"Why are you here?" I asked with a hint of annoyance in my voice

"I saw your girl." My Father answered

"What?" I asked looking at him questioningly

"I went to her party." My Father answered with a smirk plastered on his face

I never knew that she had a party. We were invited and yet my father didn't bother to tell me.

"She owns her father's company now." My Father added

"I see. I'll send over a gift of apology since I wasn't able attend her party because someone forgot to tell me." I said with my teeth gritted

"Don't bother. I told her you were busy." My Father said

I simply rolled my eyes at him.

"If you have nothing else to say, you may take your leave. As you can see, I'm a very busy person." I said while eyeing the stack of papers I have on my desk

"I actually have a proposal. If you do this our company may grow bigger." My Father said

"What is it?" I asked

"Marry Athena." My Father answered

We're back at it again. How many times do I have to tell him that I'm not marrying that woman.

"I'm not marrying someone I don't love. If you have nothing else to say get out." I said with a hint of anger in my voice

My Father looked at me for awhile before leaving my office. I then released a deep sigh. I'm happy though knowing that Autumn took over her father's company.

After everything she's been through, she's still shining and that's what magic is all about. I hope that this is what she wanted.

"You seem to be imagining about her, Victor." I heard a familiar voice say

I looked up at my doorway to see Athena. Did my father send her here again?

"I'm not here to ask you to marry me. I have a great respect for Autumn's feelings." Athena said with a small smile plastered on her face

"Why are you here then?" I asked with my brow raised

"I actually just wanted to see you. It's been a long time." Athena answered

I'm sure she's not here for nothing.

"I'm sure you're not here just because you wanted to see me. You have something to tell me, don't you?" I said

"I just want to say that I really love you and I know that you love me too." Athena said

I chuckled. She's really stupid, isn't she? Does she really think she knows me that much?

"Silly girl, did you actually think that I loved you?" I said with a smirk plastered on my face

"Yes. I actually think you do." Athena said, sounding confident

She says that she's not here to marry me and yet here she is trying to convince herself that I love her.

"You're overly confident with your answer but I'm sorry to say this. I don't love you because if I do, I'll willingly marry you when my father asked me to." I said

She then looked at me with a pained expression plastered on her face. It's not really my fault that she was being overly confident about herself.

If she actually knows me, she would've known that I'm in love with another person.

"If you have nothing else to say, you may now take your leave. I'll have to finish my paper works." I added

I then felt a painful sting on my right cheek. She slapped me just because I rejected her.

"I'll forget you and you'll be sorry." Athena said with a hint of anger in her voice

"Do your best to forget me because I won't hesitate to forget you." I said

With that she left my office. I sighed. I then heard my office door open. I looked up to see my personal assistant.

"Do you need anything, Mr. Lim?" My Assistant asked

"Please go get me coffee and if ever Miss Ryu comes here again, don't let her come in my office without my permission." I answered

"I see. Is that it, sir?" My Assistant asked

"Send the best gift you could find to Miss Autumn Qian." I answered

My Assistant nodded and closed my office door. I hope she'll like it. If my father will let me inherit his throne in time, I'll probably be back in a few months or if not in a few years.

The mission will officially start tomorrow and I made sure that my team is well prepared for it. I have to finish these paper works first so that when I come back, I don't have to do anything else to do.

i hope that you enjoyed reading this chapter! i felt like you guys needed a whole Victor Point of View to see how he truly feels about leaving. if you have any ideas, please leave a comment here

