Chapter 3

Autumn's POV:)
It's another tiring day at school like the usual but things were slightly different because I have earned a friend. I was about to lay my head on my desk when Skye stopped me from doing so.

"I heard that there will be new students in our class and people say that they're hot." Skye whispered so that our other classmates wouldn't hear us gossiping

Skye was all about hot guys. She tells me a lot of stories about her experiences. She even wants to set me up with someone but I told her I wasn't really interested in dating.

I was focusing on being the heir of my family. In a few months I would be inheriting my father's throne, I wouldn't have time dating someone.

The bell rang signaling that it was the start of our first subject. Our teacher entered but a few students followed behind her.

"Good morning class! I'm sure you already heard about this but these are our new transferees. May you please introduce yourselves." The teacher said

There's this guy who looks very familiar to me. It's like I've seen him somewhere before.

"Victor Lim." The man with steel grey eyes and a blank expression shortly introduced himself

Victor Lim. From the Blood King Family. The second strongest family after us. He's probably the heir of his family. I've met him in an event before with his father. This is why he looked very familiar to me.

"Hi! I'm Ava Lim, I hope that we could all get along with each other." The woman introduced herself with a big smile plastered on her face

She reminds me a lot of Skye but I think she's different in a lot of ways. I also think she's Victor's sister based on the resemblance that I could see between them. They both have steel grey eyes, the difference is that she looks more cheerful than her brother.

"I'm Kai Ferrel, it's nice meeting you." The man with hazel eyes and bandages on his face introduced himself

Who even goes to school on his first day all beaten up? I just find it weird because I've never experienced that.

"Kian Lim." The man with glasses shortly introduced himself looking bored


Well that was the shortest introduction I've heard today but I get the feeling of being uninterested in a lot of things.

"Zaid Lee. Remember the name." The Korean looking man introduced himself with a wink, he's being flirty with everyone now

Why do I feel like I was close with him once? He reminds me of someone in my childhood days. I don't really remember that much from my childhood because I suffered from a brain injury.

No one helped me regain my memories back then and my parents thought that it would be better if I didn't have any memories of my childhood.

They were all assigned in their seats. Victor and Zaid sits behind me and Skye, Ava and Kai were seated in front us. While Kian and Theo sits on the right side of Zaid.

When everyone took their seats I had a short eye contact with Zaid, a sudden memory flashes through my eyes so I looked away. Feeling slightly dizzy. He looked shocked to see me.

I brushed off the weird feeling and laid my head down on my desk.

Zaid's POV:)
Autumn Qian. She's the daughter of the owner of this school and my childhood friend. We've been friends since we were 5 but I had to move away when I was 14.

I was told that she suffered from a brain injury during a car accident that happened when she was 15. I wanted to go back when the accident happened but her father didn't allow me to see her.

This is the first time in 3 years and she changed a lot. The eyes that sparkle and the smile that shined before became blank. It's like she doesn't feel anything at all.

"Mr. Lee." The teacher suddenly called my name out

I quickly looked up and raised a brow. She probably noticed that I wasn't listening.

"Do you have any questions, Mr. Lee?" The teacher asked me

I looked at her with a questioning look only to notice that I had my hand raised up. I quickly placed my hand down.

"I was going to ask if I could go to the washroom but I don't feel like doing so anymore." I answered, smiling awkwardly

I stared at Autumn who had her head laid down on her desk. I was completely admiring her perfect features. She's grown a lot. She's not the girl I used to know.

"Do you like her?" Victor shortly asked

I looked at him with a shocked expression plastered on my face, he was looking at me with his usual expression. He probably noticed that I was staring at her.

"How'd you know?" I asked looking back at Autumn

"You were reaching out for her awhile ago." Victor answered before placing his earphones on his ears

It's sad that she probably doesn't remember me at all. I wanted to see her eyes sparkling and her smile but right now everything seems to be deteriorating. My world revolved around her, I couldn't even look at another girl.

I tried coming back to her but I was forbidden to. I bet no one helped her regain her past memories. I don't know why but I wanted to hug her.

I heard my phone vibrate, I then took my phone out of my pocket and checked. It was Kai who had sent me a message.

From Kai Ferrel:
Stop eye raping the woman and focus on the lesson, Mr. Lee.

My eyes widened at the message Kai had sent me. I looked up and sent Kai a glare. He had his eyebrows raised up and his mouth on a smirk.

"Fuck you." I mouthed

Kai then silently laughed at me and gave me a heart sign.

"Focus, Mr. Lee." Kai mouthed and looked back at the black board

i'm sorry that i wasn't able to update, i hope that you enjoyed this chapter! if you have any ideas you may leave a comment here.

