Chapter 26

Autumn's POV:)
I was awoken by a loud knock, I stood up from my bed feeling a little bit dizzy probably because of how much alcohol I drank yesterday and slowly opened the door.

"We'll be going on a mission." Damon said while handing me a gun

"What? What mission?" I asked looking at him with a questioning look plastered on my face

I then took the gun from him. I never knew that we've planned to go a mission.

"We'll be eliminating all of our enemies. On Zaid's command." Damon answered

What? I'm not in the mood to do any of these things today, I still feel a little bit nauseous from yesterday's events. What is Zaid even thinking? Is he planning to go on a suicide mission?

"Doesn't he have anything better to do? Like seriously?" I asked looking at him with an annoyed expression plastered on my face

"Just get ready." Damon answered before walking away from me

I rolled my eyes before closing the door. I then headed in my bathroom to do my daily routines and when I finished I headed straight in the living room, seeing all of them already prepared.

"Let's go." Zaid said while exiting the house an entering the car, we followed suit

These people are literally asking for war. Just thinking about it gives me a lot of head aches. A lot of people will come for us knowing that we'll be attacking them next.

After a few minutes we've arrived in our destination. We all left the car and entered the premises of our first target. When a few people noticed us, they started shooting.

We all then hid behind the walls and some of us started shooting back to decrease their numbers. Why am I even here? I should still be in bed, sleeping right now.

"We're outnumbered. How are we going to get through them?" Kai asked waiting for Zaid to utter a command

Zaid though seems to be planning something inside his head since he wasn't responding and observing the things around him.

"I have a solution." Skye suddenly said

My eyes widened. Why is she even here? She's not supposed to be endangering herself like this. Who even allowed her to come here with us?

"Thank goodness." Ethan said before releasing a deep sigh

All of us then looked at Skye with a questioning looks plastered on our faces waiting for her to speak up.

"It involves fire." Skye said with a slight smirk plastered on her face

"Absolutely not." I said before coming out of the wall and shooting the people around us

I then again hid behind in a wall since all of them started shooting back at me.

"That way is more efficient." Skye said looking at me with a slight glare

I then glared back at her. She isn't thinking straight is she? Who even allowed her to go in this mission without any experience?

"That way is going to get us killed." I said looking at her with a blank expression plastered on my face

I then came out from the wall and shot a few people left. After a few minutes, I've managed to kill all of them.

"I guess my way is more efficient." I sarcastically said before entering our target's house

I saw the target relaxing in his couch, I took my silencer and immediately shot him in the head. His blood splatters in my face. I looked at him blankly before leaving his house and entering the car after finishing the mission.

——— TIME SKIP ———

We all went home and cleaned ourselves. When I came out of my bathroom, I see that all the lights in my room were turned off. I was about to turn the light on when like there was a gun pointed in my head.

I sighed. Let me guess, I'm going to get kidnapped again. This shit is starting to get lame.

"It's nice to see you again, sister." I hear a familiar voice say

I rolled my eyes. I'm not surprised anymore knowing that it was my brother. What I'm surprised about is that he does this job on his own.

"What now?" I asked

I was about to face him when he hit my head with the gun, I looked at him for awhile before darkness took over my sight.

——— TIME SKIP ———

I was awoken by a loud bang, I slowly opened my eyes and looked around my surroundings. This is where he imprisoned me a long time ago.

"I'm glad you're awake." Austin said with a smirk plastered on his face

"And I'm not." I sarcastically said before rolling my eyes at him

"Well, I've got a little surprise for you." Austin said before leaving the room for a second and entering with Ava tied tightly on a chair

"Do not hurt Victor's sister." I said with my teeth gritted

Austin then chuckled before slapping Ava hard in the face causing her to fall down. I glared at Austin.

"I warned you not to hurt his sister." I said

"I obviously wouldn't listen to you." Austin said before pulling Ava up

If I get out of these restrains, I would kill him right away. I couldn't let someone as crazy as him live in this world.

"Did you bring us here to die?" I asked with my brow raised

"Obviously." Austin answered rolling his eyes at me

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not." I sarcastically said

I then feel him cutting a little wound on my face. A trickle of blood dripped down my cheek. He'd regret this day he made me bleed.

"Don't make me angry because I'll show you what I'm capable of." Austin said before slapping me hard on the face

"Go on. Kill me like how you killed mom." I said while glaring at him

"I regret nothing." Austin said with his teeth gritted

"Because you don't remember what you're supposed to regret but don't worry, I'll be the one showing you." I said

He then punched me in the stomach before slapping me again. He took a syringe and injected it on my neck. I slowly then feel the darkness consume me.

i know that kidnapping is getting lame because i always use this here but bare with it for a little while anyways i hope that you enjoyed reading this chapter!!

