Yall what the fuck-

So basically the title of this chapter

dID WE REALLY MAKE IT  O V E R  100K READS¿?¿?¿?¿?????¿?¿¿¿¿¿¿

You guys really dont know how happy and grateful I am to have such a wonderful audience to read my heCCeN horribly written st u f f .

And as a token for appreciation, I've got a romantic story I'm acTuaLLy currently writing so-

That'll be up pretty s o o n .

Either tomorrow or the next day aftEr tomorrow-

Idk yet really, depends if I don't have a lot of homework or not, but if I make it to tomorrow, well then hallelujah.

But for real talk-

I really didnt think this book would skyrocket as quick and let alone reach over 100k reads. I actually thought this book would maybe stop at like maybe 1k reads or something because I didnt think anyone would read my stuff, and it's just really rewarding to see so much funny, thoughtful, gorgeously amazing comments on each chapters and I'm just so excited to write more so you guys could read them (if writers block wasnt such a bitch >:(((( )  so like-

New chapter-
Coming really soon if teachers dont give out t o o much homework-

I love you all, never forget that. And I appreciate how you guys waste your time reading my siNs and appreciating them like it makes me go ✊😔❤🧡💛💚💙💜🍭🌞⭐💓💕💞 again and again, forever warming my heart and seeing that I have an audience that really cares about my writing.

And to those who are tired of my shit and are done reading all these off topic shit-

All I gotta say is that I'm sorry. I have a mind and it's always telling me to not write and focus on drawing so heres a mini Marvel sketch I did during my lunch period-

Dont know why its upside down, but I guess that's how it is. It's also on my Instagram account-
The @ is just literally the same thing-


(Only theres just a 0 because someone apparently took 11oOp11 with an o-)

Please ignore the mini Loki in the corner-
I didn't know what I was thinking and he turned out like that and I just-
He looks like Mr. Stark, I dont feel so good.

But again
Thank you so fucking goddman much for taking the time to read my horrible stuff
