
Idea by: Abstract2000
This may be shorter than usual and I'm sorry about that
And uh-
It'll be split into different days (you'll see what I mean by that soon) so uh-

Aziraphale was just innocently reading his books in his closed bookshop because he enjoyed the silence and peacefulness of the whole thing.

He closed the book he was reading and set it down, getting up and walking to the kitchen so he can make himself a nice hot cup of tea.
The angel yawned quietly and rubbed his eyes. He checked the clock and saw it was 12:43 AM and he frowned slightly because of the late hour he was staying up at.

"Right.. I'll just drink this tea and read.. then go to sleep.." the angel smiled slightly "Yeah, seems like an idea.."

He jumped slightly at the whistle from the teapot, he took it out of the stove and poured the hot water in a teacup, putting a teabag into the teacup and setting the teapot back on the stove.

He gently blowed on the tea just to make the steaming hot cup of tea a little cool as he walked back to his books.
Then he noticed something out of the ordinary.

It was a strange looking book.

The angel gently set the teacup down and picked up the book. He tilted his head and rotated the book, looking for a title but found to no avail.
He opened it and there was sure some words in it. He flipped through pages and tried to make sense of how or why there was a book without a title in his shop.

He thought he had seen every mysterious looking book, but looking at this certain book, he was wrong.

He stopped at a certain part of the book and stared at the words.
He raised an eyebrow and repeated the words.

He saw a glistening light reflect off his body and he dropped the book, his eyes widened and he gasped.


Crowley was innocently driving around London. Of course as per usual, he almost runs into some things or some pedestrians.

The demon drove to his angel friends bookstore and parked near it, getting out and making sure the doors were locked. He huffed and walked to the front doors, knocking and waiting for the angel to answer the door.

"W-We're closed! Come back tomorrow!" Crowley heard a unfamiliar female voice. He then raised an eyebrow and tried looking into the window; no luck.

"Uhh.. is Aziraphale in there..? If he is then tell him Crowley is here to uh.. visit him?"

"W-Well uh.. Crowley, Aziraphale is sick and needs to be tended!" The female voice replied.

Crowley just raised an eyebrow and backed away from the bookstore, looking at it up and down. Trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
So then he walked off and got into his old fashioned car, driving off to his place.

Aziraphale sighed out of relief when he heard the demon leave. He was too embarrassed to show Crowley how he accidentally turned himself into a woman.

-Flashback to earlier-

Aziraphale saw a glistening light reflect off his body and he dropped the book, his eyes widened and he gasped.
He looked down at his body and saw that his body shape was getting more petite like a womans body.
His chest was growing breasts just like any other womans.
His clothes were fitting on him way too big and his face was different.
More womanly.
His hair grew down to his breasts and when he searched for a full length mirror, he screeched and noticed how high pitched his voice was now.
He was a woman!

The angel began to worry and he ran around in search for something to fix the mistake he made.

It had been almost 30 minutes and he found nothing.

Then there was a knock on his door and he looked at the clock again.
He noticed it was a late hour so he assumed it was his one and only demon friend, Crowley.

He gasped and quickly tried to think of something to say just to shoo the demon away.

Turns out, Crowley decided to be stubborn but after he said "W-Well uh.. Crowley, Aziraphale is sick and needs to be tended!" He was sure glad the demon left.

-Now present time-

Aziraphale sighed deeply and got up, walking to his bedroom.
He changed into somewhat comfortable clothes and layed down. He looked down at his breasts and then remembered that women wear bras to keep their breasts up. He sighed deeply and just pushed the thought away.

But then he got curious. He got up and stripped his clothes off.
Sure enough, there was a pair of breasts and a vagina. He stared at the petite body he had accidentally given himself and he stared at his female looking face. He then placed his hands on his breasts, squeezing them and they were real.

He actually has a womans body.

He gulped quietly and put the baggy clothes on. He looked down at his feet and realized that his feet shrunk, as well as his hands.

He whimpered quietly and climbed into bed, trying his bestest to go to sleep.

-The Next Day-

Aziraphale got up and dressed himself. Although he had to make some adjustments.

He just left his button up shirts be and he cut his pants into a shorter length, cutting the inner gaps into them and sewing them together to make a skirt.

He didnt bother to fix his shoes so he decided to walk around barefoot and he'd have to deal with it.

He opened his bookshop and he sighed quietly, walking to the backroom and sitting in it.

That's when his telephone rang and he jumped because of the unexpected sound. He sighed deeply and picked the phone up "Hello?"

"Ah it's you again. Hey listen, is Aziraphale there?"

It was none other than Crowley.

The angels eyes widened and he gulped, "I uh.. Aziraphale uh.." then he sighed deeply and groaned quietly "Crowley.. its me.. its Aziraphale.."

"Nice joke, love, but I really need to talk to Aziraphale-"

"Crowley, I am Aziraphale! If I didnt know you and I was some random woman, then I wouldn't know how you looked like! You have yellow snake like eyes and maroon, almost mahogany hair with piercing cheekbones and jawline with a dark aesthetic to your wardrobe! We met back when you told Eve to eat that apple and you said it went down like a lead balloon!"

The demon blinked on the other line and spoke quietly "Aziraphale it really is you.."

The angel just whined "Crowley, you need to help me out.. I-I dont know where to turn to.. I tried so hard to look for any answers and I havent found a thing!"

"Alright, alright.. calm down-"

"Calm down? Calm down?! Crowley, how do you expect me to calm down in this particular situation when I have a body like a womans! I can do so much more than to just "calm down"!"

"Alright wow, even as a woman, you still sound the same. Are you on your period, angel?"

Aziraphale just blinked "Wh- no! I'm not on my bloody period! Just hurry up and get over here or so help me, Crowley-"

"You'll what? You cant do a thing to me or that'll be sinning, my dear angel." The demon chuckled "Anyways, I'll be there shortly. Dont get pregnant on me now." He hummed and hung up.

The angel just heard the sound of beeping and he set the phone down, sighing deeply.

He got up and walked out, some people were staring. He blushed because he realized how loud he was and how he was yelling at the demon.

"Are you having boyfriend troubles with your boyfriend?" A random woman walked up to the angel.

His eyes widened slightly and he shook his head.

"I uh.. h-hes not my boyfriend.. hes a friend of mine and uh.. I just.. I uh-"

"Are you on your period?" She asked another question.

Aziraphale was quick to shake his head again "N-No! I'm just trying to wait for my friend because he uhh.. he accidentally got me pregnant!"

The woman raised an eyebrow and her eyes widened. Then she nodded and cleared her throat "I uh.. I see.. uhm.. goodluck then." And with that, the woman walked away. Leaving a madly blushing Aziraphale with some other people staring at him.

The angel wished the demon would come quicker because hes about had it.

"Aziraphale? Where are you?"

He looked up and smiled brightly, he quickly ran up to the demon and hugged him tightly "Oh you came, you came! Oh I thought you wouldnt.." then the angel grabbed the darkly dressed mans hand, leading him to the backroom.

Crowley was really shocked when he saw the angel as a woman. His dead and cold heart was pounding when he felt a pair of thin arms wrap around his torso.

When the demon looked around, he saw people staring at the with happiness. He saw the smiles plastered on their faces and he assumed the people thought that both the demon and angel were a couple. He was relieved when the angel pulled him into the backroom because he hated being seen by strangers.

"Crowley, I hate this!" The angel whined and huffed.

Crowley just rolled his eyes "Oh cry me a river, angel. I dont know how to fix this!"

Aziraphale looked around and he saw the book he used last night, then he quickly grabbed it and shoved it into the demons arms "Here! Take it! Maybe you'll find something!"

The demon sighed deeply and looked through the mysterious and book and its pages.

Then he stopped and raised an eyebrow.

"To turn the he/she back to it's original form.
It must make love with a different norm."

The angels eyes widened slightly. "W-What..? What do you mean..? What does it mean?!"

Crowley just sighed deeply "Oh angel, and you were supposed to be the smart bookworm one.. it means you gotta have sex with a male. So if a man turns himself into a woman, he must have sex with a man. If a woman turns herself into a man, she must have sex with a woman."

Aziraphale just pouted and whimpered "W-Wait.. but what if I dont wanna?! I dont think I could do it! I dont think I have it in me to have sex with a male!"

The demons sighed and put the book down "Then I guess you're just gonna have to stay as a woman.. a man trapped in a womans body."

Aziraphale just sighed deeply and grabbed Crowleys hand, making the demon look at his female face "Crowley, if I'm gonna have to have sex with a m-.. man.. then.." he took the demons sunglasses off and looked deep into the yellow snakelike irises "I'm gonna have to do it with you.."

It was Crowleys turn for his serpent eyes to widen slightly. He gulped quietly then nodded "Y-Yeah.. alright.. I'll do it with you, Aziraphale.."

The angel then lunged himself into Crowleys arms and he kissed the serpent man. His womanly arms wrapping around the demons slightly wide shoulders.

Crowley wrapped his arms around the angels slightly slim waist, pulling his petite body closer.

Aziraphale broke the kiss and he gulped "I-Im sorry.. I didn't mean to-"

Crowley interrupted the angel with another kiss. He felt his angel pull away, smiling softly "Guess you forgive me, huh..?" He heard Aziraphale ask softly. He chuckled and nodded "Yes, Aziraphale.. of course I forgive you.." he replied softly.

The angel put placed his small hands on the demons face, smiling. "You're so handsome.."

The demon leaned against the angels soft touch and chuckled "And you're very pretty.. with or without your woman form.." he hummed and he kissed the angel again.

The angel giggled and kissed back, humming lovingly and happily.

-Time Skip to Later-

Aziraphale closed the bookshop and he looked at Crowley "A-Alright.. are you uh.. ready..?"

Crowley chuckled slightly and nodded "Mhm.. are you ready, angel? I dont want you uncomfortable when we uh.. have sex..?"

The angel just gulped and blushed, then he grabbed the demons hand and lead him to the bedroom.
Crowley just followed and he stared at their hands. He smiled slightly and walked in Aziraphales bedroom.

The demon sat on the bed and he rested his hands on the angels waist. He then felt Aziraphales body sit on his lap, he smiled at the angel.

Aziraphale smiled back and wrapped his arms around the demons shoulders, kissing Crowley.

Crowley kissed back and he gently bit the angels bottom lip, hearing a gasp from the small figure. He slipped his snakelike tongue into the angels mouth.

Aziraphale let out a small moan and he just let the serpent do whatever he pleased with him.
He then got an idea out the top of his head and he began to move his hips against the demon.

Crowley quietly gasped when he felt the angel move his slim waist against his crotch. He picked up the small frame and set him down on the bed.
He unbuttoned the buttons on Aziraphales dress shirt and slowly took the skirt off. He stared at the female body in front of him and gently caressed each curve. "You know.. as a woman.. you still look like yourself.." he kissed the angel "And I really love that about you.." he said softly.

Aziraphale smiled and kissed back "Thank you so much, Crowley.. I love you too.. now please just show me how much you love me.."

Crowley nodded and peeled off his clothes. He gently kissed his angels neck and gently sucked on the skin of his neck.

The angel whimpered because of the feeling. It was a good feeling. He put his hands on the demons bare back, resting his small hands on the demons shoulder blades and he spread his legs.

Then he had a thought "C-Crowley.. wait.."

The demon stopped and he looked at his angel "What's wrong? Do you want to stop?"

Aziraphale shook his head "N-No.. its just.." he quietly gulped and whispered "What if I get pregnant..?"

Crowley bit his lip and shook his head "I dont think so, angel. You'll turn back into a man after we do this.. I'm pretty sure you wont get pregnant.."

Aziraphale nodded and kissed the demon "Then make love with me.."

The demon slowly entered his member into his angels female body, Aziraphale bit his lip and gripped the demons shoulder blades. "J-Just move, Crowley.. please.."
Crowley nodded and began to move his hips, he moved slowly so he can get his angel used to the feeling.

Aziraphale breathed calmly and bit his lip, gripping onto the demons shoulders blades some more and wrapped his legs around the demons waist to make him go deeper. He began to moan.

"C-Crowley please go faster.." he begged.

Crowley nodded and moved his hips faster, making the angel under him moan some more. He felt Aziraphales well manicured nails dig into his flesh. He growled and went faster, hearing the angel gasp and moan louder.

Aziraphale felt pleasure overcome him and he moaned so loud it sounded like a scream. "O-Oh Crowley, p-please show no me-mercy on me!" He wrapped his legs tighter around the demons waist, feeling the demon ram into his body. He dug his nails deeper into the demons back.

High pitched moans were surrounding the room.
Crowley was panting and getting turned on by the moans his angel was making. He made sure his angel was feeling pure ecstasy. Pure bliss. Pure everything. Except for what they were doing wasnt so pure.

"C-Crowley, I'm s-so close!" Aziraphale moaned out.

Crowley nodded and continued ramming into Aziraphale, he attacked the angels neck and chest, leaving marks on the soft skin.

Aziraphale moaned out Crowleys name and came.

Crowley did the same and he accidentally bit his angels shoulders. He came hard and he quickly apologized, licking away the blood. Although, the angel didn't mind because he let out a whimper and a moan when the serpent bit him. He was panting and he fell asleep because of how tired he was after the activity be did with Crowley.

The demon smiled slightly when the angel below him fell asleep. He layed next to the small figure and wrapped his arms around Aziraphale protectively. Falling asleep himself.

The next day Aziraphale turned back into his normal self and he was happy. So was Crowley of course because he missed his old Aziraphale. He kissed his angel on the cheek "You were so good for me, angel." The demon hummed and his angel blushed.

"O-Oh hush.. you're making me burn up.." the angel replied, hitting his demons chest.
