SS Haruka Hasebe

"If you have read Haruka's SS in canon. This is much look alike with that. But I hope you will like my version too. And don't forget to give a vote."


Facing Tomorrow

School had ended and after a terrible incident in class, where Horikita almost decided to expel Airi, just before Kiyopon finally helped her.

I am very grateful. I'm really grateful that Kiyopon helped Airi.

As an expression of my gratitude, I purposely took Kiyopon home with me. I want to talk to him and thank him for this.

While heading home with Kiyopon, I entered the convenience store and went for the fried food displayed by the cashier. I buy one for Kiyopon too.

I returned outside where Kiyopon had been standing and waited.

He looked a bit surprised when I give him one of my croquette. His surprised make me feeling embarrassed, I tried to cover it up with an excuse.

"You know, I just feel grateful because you help Airi today, so this is a little reward for you."

This was, well, an excuse, but also the truth.

I really did receive a shock today.

To think Horikita was choosing Airi of all people to be expelled.

It felt like someone had poured the hot water under my feet, makes met feel desperate when no one try to defend Airi back. Even Yukimu and Miyacchi can't say anything about it, they almost give up to prevent Airi's expulsion. But Kiyopon help her in the last chance she has.

"Thank you for everything. You know, you really help us at that time."

I knew what my best friend, Airi, felt about him, and so did he obviously.

"No, that's not it... afterall, she's my bestfriend."

It's a little bit unexpected from Kiyopon, hearing him say Airi or maybe us as best friend. I can't handle my expression and smile at him.

"Yeah, we're bestfriend. You're right."

Kiyopon just nodded, I also did not find another topic of conversation. Then one by one the questions that I had previously wanted to ask Kiyopon came back in my head.

"Hey, can I ask about something?'

Kiyopon look at me briefly then nodded his head again.

"I know it's a little bit too late to ask, but so many thing have distracted me so I forgot."

I give my excuse before telling him the things those I want to know.

"I am listening."

"I'm going to ask you straight out because there's no point asking in a roundabout way, but... is it true that you started going out with Karuizawa- san?"

People are free to love whoever they liked, and I already know that cases of mutual love were in the minority.

But still, I'd hoped Airi and Kiyopon one day would come to love one another.

... Or so I think. But there was one part of me that felt something was off, but that's all tightly sealed up.

Eventually, I'd finished the list of things I wanted to ask him about.

Are you really dating for real? Who confessed first? When did you start dating? Confirming each and everyone of those points was my goal today.

"Just as you saw, it's true."

My hope evaporates, but still I can't give up. My ship must sail no matter what, I mean if it's possible. I still shipping on Airi and Kiyopon.

"Right? But it was such a shock. It's not that I care who you go out with, it's just that I didn't think it was going to be Karuizawa-san."

"So this is what you were talking about in the pool before. It's a bit of a psychological shock. You know, it's not just a bit."

"I see."

His answer makes me annoyed, but it sounds like Kiyopon after all.

"Well, no. And are you serious about the fact that you started dating over spring break?"

"I'm sorry for not telling you, I really am. It's just that there are a lot of circumstances."

"How did it happen? It didn't seem like you had many personal connections at all."

"I was in the same group as Kei in the Cruise Ship special exam last year. From there we started to talk a bit more, and when Yōsuke and Kei decided to split up, our relationship started to take off."

On February in this year, the fact that the relationship between Karuizawa and Hirata had ended reached the ears of some students. Kiyopon is right, I heard that news too.

"So you're saying you've had contact with her for a rather long time? You didn't seem to talk to her on a regular basis." I still deny this fact through my words.

But Kiyopon broke it easily without a doubt in his eyes.

"We were mostly talking on our phones."

"I'm going to have to dig deeper; who confessed first?"

This question is my last hope.

As Airi's bestfriend, I would like to hear more about it.

"I did."

"So, if it was at least from Karuizawa, I thought there would still be a chance, but I didn't expect it to be from Kiyopon...."

I couldn't finish my words, it's a loss after all. I thought Airi chance has been decreased till zero now.

After my silence, Kiyopon tried to speak again with a different topic that coming into our conversation.

"Trying to ask something of you now feels like bad timing on my part, but there is something I'd like you, and if possible Airi, to help me with."

"Help you?"

I'd still only eaten half of my croquette, before he switched to a topic that surprised me.

"It's currently being kept under wraps for the time being, but one of the attractions we're going to do during the school festival has been decided on already."

"Oh, is that so?"

I'd heard nothing had been decided just yesterday so this was a bit surprising.

"Since we want to avoid any leaks, only Horikita, I and the ones planning it are in the know. So, we're going to make a maid café."

"M-maid café? Well, heh...? Why am I not surprised? It's a bit unexpected though. I never thought a person like Horikita-san would ever acknowledge such an event, you know?"

"She's probably indifferent towards all proposals, I think. From her unbiased point of view, we simply may have a chance if we go for a maid café and so she accepted it, I guess."

Well, there are a lot of cute girls in our class, I must admit. We could probably earn a lot form those adults coming to visit the school during the festival but still, something feels a bit... but I can see why it could work.

And after I think it twice didn't his girlfriend also the cutest girl in class?

Even neither I don't really know nor like Karuizawa. But I can't dent it, she's the top cutest in our class. Despite Airi is pretty, Karuizawa has her own charm when you look at her.

"I see, I see. So, what's the reason you are telling me about this?"

"Truth is, after I came to know about this, I was asked to take care of various stuff."

Kiyopon is going to manage a maid café?

While his very image doesn't suit at all, I could see the reasoning behind letting him take care of it.

I bet Horikita managed to string him up and pushed the task to him by force.

"She's quite the girl since she's able to put you into this situation."

But since he's telling me this, it can only mean only thing...

"And so, I was hoping you and Airi could help out in the café?"

Of course, it would boil down to this, I guess.

As for me, the first thing that popped up inside my head when I heard about the maid café was Airi.

She was shy and had no confidence to speak of, but this was a perfect chance for her.

"If you had asked me this before this thing with Karuizawa-san happened, I would have said yes even though I have some qualms about it. After we know your relationship it's a bit difficult to do. Yet, you help us when Horikita-san cornered Airi, I think I can't refuse it too. So, yeah I don't have another choice, I will help you."

There were no guarantees that Airi would have been able to smile while participating in this festival while being heartbroken.

But she must pay back the help that Kiyopon has given to her.

"Anyway, I want you and Airi to cover Kei. She must not participate in this event."

"Wait, what?"

What the hell I am hearing just now? Is he being biased over his girlfriend and asking me with Airi cover his girlfriend absence?

"I can't say the reason, but I hope you understand."

If Airi know about this, her heart will break into piece.

"It's a bit troubling that I can't blame you for it, Kiyopon. I said it before but, I think people are free to love whoever they want and that I can understand there are things you can't speak about. Airi was also free to fall for you, and you were also free to reject her...but treat you girlfriend with privilege without other know, isn't it a little bit to much? At least you must ask the opinion from majority."

"I can't, this is something important and you know. It relates to her past, I don't want she feel pressed because of this."

Her past? I think I know what Kiyopon meant. Recently, there's a rumor, photos, and videos spread among students.

I know it already.

"Also, I hope you can be friend with Kei. You, Airi, and Kei together as friends."

It's a little bit selfish, but I can understand why he hopes like that. It's troublesome for him if his bestfriend and girlfriend didn't get along.

But... yes, this may be something necessary too for Airi development.

This was perhaps a stepping stone, she can observe Karuizawa closer. Maybe it would hurt Airi at the first, but time will heal it. This a large step towards making herable to smile and move forward.

"Okay, I will try to be friend with Karuizawa-san."

In fact, if this could become a chance to understand why Kiyopon loves Karuizawa of all people. I would like to know it more.

"You're okay with it?"

He seemed a bit surprised by my answer, perhaps since he never thought I would accept.

"I am okay."

"And about Airi..."

I know what Kiyopon has been thinking.

"That girl needs to accept reality sooner or later anyway. And although I don't know about you, having Karuizawa-san as her opponent doesn't mean she has to give up, you know? It would be better for her to keep Karuizawa-san close to observe her and steal you back."

Yes, that's right. Airi still has a chance.

There is still a year and a half left.

If she can hit a home run with loaded bases at the very end, it would be Airi's victory.

So, maybe in future we will see Airi vs Kei.

16 December 2021.
