Prelude [1]

Unlike usual, since the incident a month ago, the atmosphere in the classroom has changed a lot.

How should I explain it huh?

You could say, there was a touch of new life that filled the classroom.

Although it wasn't drastic, I could see the changes one by one.

The thing that stood out the most was the attitude and how the students concentrated while studying.

No one broke the rules, they didn't obligate because of the constraints of the rules, but they were understanding to change themselves.

Smart students band together to help Ike and a group of students who were at the bottom of the rankings.

Keisei and the less athletic boys started taking part in daily physical exercise.

Girls sometimes join short martial arts training with Horikita.

Kei and Yousuke often invite groups of loners to join the others.

Even Chabashira-sensei smiles more often, she sometimes suddenly comes to class and brings food for free.

There was a sudden warmth flowing in this class.

Unique because it was strange yet very soothing at the same time, giving comfort and warmth vibes.

Unexplained feelings.

I couldn't explain it perfectly.

All I could say was, our class had changed.

"Hey, Koenji, how do you train your body to become like that?" Ike stood beside Koenji's seat.

In the past, most people chose to ignore Koenji, but now everyone has understood his nature. They also admitted Koenji had a commendable ability.

"Of course, it's not easy, Ike-boy. You have to do regular training to have a body as good as mine."

"Yes, yes, I know that too. I and another group of boys have been doing regular exercise at the gym. But without an instructor, it feels like our efforts will be in vain."

In fact, Ike realized quickly their exercise routine also required expert guidance.

"So do you have any suggestions for us? You're really cool, Koenji. We also want to look as cool as you."

Lately, Ike has become more adept at playing with his words. Koenji laughed in his seat when he heard Ike's words.

"Okay, from now on I will help with your training. I will direct a good exercise schedule, as well as a healthy diet for you. In exchange, I want each student involved in this program to pay 5,000 private points for a month regularly."

The group that took part in the exercise was about 12 boys, and if they agreed, it meant Koenji could earn 60,000 privates points every month.

That was quite a large number.

"Hmm.... Yeah, I guess that's not a big problem!" Ike immediately agreed without a second thought.

He didn't even try to pre-calculate the deal, but it would have been better if he had bid first.

"Oh yeah, you guys don't forget to submit your weekly report. Tomorrow is the deadline," Kei's voice interrupted the crowd.

"Ah, yes I forgot to make a note of that," Hondou immediately checked the notes on his cell phone.

"Ano, Karuizawa-san, I have a suggestion regarding the class. How about we collect points like Ichinose-san's class did?" Onodera suddenly brought up that idea.

"Eh, they have such a system?" Miyamoto immediately joined.

"Well, you don't know do you?" Shinohara laughed at the boys.

"Ike, please watch your girlfriend's mouth! She's starting to make a fight again."

"Uh, what are you guys talking about?" Ike also started to approach, he left Koenji after he finished discussing their deal.

"It was a matter of last year's special exam when we were forced to expel Yamauchi-kun. At that time Ichinose-san's class managed to save their classmate," Matsushita explained.

Then Keisei added, "But that's not a good idea. Imagine we have to lose 20 million points just to save one student. That's a real loss."

Haruka interrupted, "How rude of you, Yukimu! Did you forget how Airi was saved by Kiyopon? We saved her with 20 million points too!"

"N—no, I didn't mean—"

"Calm down, Haruka. I don't think Yukimura-kun intends to compare the case that happened in Ichinose-san's class with what Kiyotaka did."

Kei immediately stopped Haruka's anger, "Back then, we got points for nothing from Nagumo-senpai, so we didn't lose anything."

Haruka looked at Kei, "but Yukimu was talking as if it's better to let Airi out."

To be honest, if I didn't get any points from Nagumo, I was also planning to let Airi drop out.

"That's a good idea, not bad either to collect points as Onodera said."

I walked into the crowd. I joined their conversation.

"Eh, you're sure about that, Kiyotaka? But why are we collecting points for? Do you intend to use them to save students from expulsion?" Kei immediately asked.

Since our relationship was revealed, Kei no longer hid her true self. She also no longer pretended to be stupid and acted stubbornly in front of anyone.

"I agree with what Keisei said, it's useless to save a student who was expelled because of their uselessness. But it wouldn't be a bad thing to collect private points either, because we might run into an unexpected crisis."

Haruka was slightly displeased with my words, but she didn't argue with me.

Because she realized in the end I wasn't wrong in saying that.

"And about what happened to Airi, it's because I got information about Nagumo's corruption from Manabu while in Sobu. If I didn't know about it, maybe I couldn't help Airi too."

I stared at Airi.

She also looked back at me, unlike the old Airi. Now she looked tougher, she was aware that she owed me a favor.

So she didn't feel offended when I demand equal payment after saving her.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" Yousuke, who had just entered the class, was confused when he saw us gathered.

"We discussed about the gathering points, Yousuke-kun."

"Gathering points?" Yousuke walked over, he stood beside Kei.

Wait, why did he have to stand there?

Oh yeah, I just realized since I officially became the class leader, Kei and Yousuke were also getting close publicly.

Because they were presently involved with me, so they didn't have to pretend to be a broken-up couple anymore.

In a way, they returned to a friendly relationship.


Yes, I hope it was friendship.

"I think that's a good idea, besides that we have a school trip plan right? It can be used as additional funds for us to have fun."

Because of his ability, Yousuke immediately gave an interesting idea.

That was in contrast to me who asked to collect points for urgent needs in the future.

Yousuke said it was for fun in the future.

Of course, students would be more interested when they heard what Yousuke has to offer.

Without further ado, the class immediately agreed, this was Hirata Yousuke's strength. The popular guy who can guide the atmosphere of the class.

"Do you agree with this, Kiyotaka?" Luckily Kei brought my name back.

Made all class 2-B students aware of whom they should listen to.

"Yes, of course, I agree."

"Then who will be the class treasurer now?" Shinohara immediately interrupted.

Actually, I wanted to say Mei Yu Wang because she was a pretty trustworthy person.

But I was afraid if the treasurer wasn't strict, they would find it difficult to collect monthly points from students.

"She/he has to be a firm person right?" Ike answered.

"I am firm, I dare to scold a boy." Shinohara laughed.

"Don't be kidding, Satsuki. If you're the one who keep the points, they're gonna make fun of you as a grumpy girl."

"What are you talking about?!"

Then the Ike-Shinohara couple's daily bickering started again.

"Someone firm? I don't think they just firm, but they also have to be respected by students," Yousuke again gave his excellent idea.

"Yes, yes, Hirata-kun is right. They must be a resolute and respected person." A group of girls cheered.

"Respect? Hmmm... If that's the case I guess I know who is it." Mori who was standing beside Kei also added.

"You have any ideas? Who is that?" Kei asked her best friend.

"Yeah, I'm sure all of you are also aware of who is suitable for this position. Recently she has been dedicated to helping female students with physical training, she was the person who represented as our leader before Ayanokouji-kun. I'm sure, we all believe and respect her."

Everyone instantly nodded, they turned their gaze to a girl who was busy teaching Satou mathematical calculations.

If in the past, she contributed a lot to class decisions, now she was more passive in expressing her opinions. Instead, she helped many students in learning and other problems.

Thanks to that, people began to pay more attention to her and they even publicly praised her.

"Horikita, do you agree to be the class treasurer?"

When I called her name, Horikita immediately raised her face.

Satou who didn't know why suddenly everyone was staring at them blushed in her place.

"Uh, what's this about?" She whispered to Horikita, but her voice sounded clear to us.

"Aren't there other candidates?"

Horikita didn't say that in a harsh tone, but there seemed to be some reluctance in her voice.

"We think you're the right person to hold this position, Horikita-san. You're a strict, thorough, disciplined person, and respected by everyone in the class. We would be very grateful if you would accept," Yousuke started his sweet mouth movement.

"Yes, yes! Horikita-sensei I totally agree with Hirata! You're a much more promising candidate than Satsuki."

"What are you saying?!"

"I also agree if the treasurer is Horikita-san," Matsushita representing the girls group's decision agreed as well.

Now I was looking at Horikita.

She sighed for a moment, "Actually I don't mind. But I also have a lot of things to do, I'm not sure I can do it all alone."

Horikita was right.

She took on many tasks such as helping to raise students' academic grades as well as training girls in martial arts.

It was a tough thing to add another task to her.

"Then Matsushita you will be Horikita's assistant from now on," I pointed at Matsushita suddenly.

"Eh! What?!" She was shocked.

"Isn't it time to stop hiding your abilities? You should help out with the class from now on.," I finally said it.

Immediately the class became noisy.

Realized that Matsushita Chiaki has been hiding her abilities all along.

"You... You... What does this mean, Matsushita-san?" Satou was surprised.

I think that was a reasonable response, so far she's been among the lowest students in terms of academics. And it turned out she has a smart friend who hid her abilities.

If you were Satou, who wouldn't feel betrayed?

"Hey, calm down," Kei's voice interrupted the commotion, "This is not the time to fight. You can do that later after this discussion is over."

The group of girls directly shut their mouths again, the boys likewise stopped talking.

Meanwhile, Matsushita who had an uncomfortable expression after her secret was revealed stiffened.

"Y—yes, alright I'll be Horikita-san's assistant."

Of course, she agreed, she can't refuse after being cornered in front of the public like this.

The price she had to pay after pretending to be an ordinary student had to be paid now.

While everyone was trying hard to improve themselves, she instead casually hid beyond the scenes doing nothing.

Although her evaluation value was high.

If she didn't contribute to the class.

Then she was worthless.

After hearing that, Horikita couldn't help but nod and agree to my request. With this, our new class formation has been formed.

It wasn't just getting solid.

We also created strong structures.

I'm their leader.

Yousuke as The Class Rep furthermore acts as a substitute leader in my absence.

Kei and Yousuke are in charge of collecting reports and information from inside and outside the classroom.

Horikita and Matsushita are in charge of collecting points.

The study group will be held by me, Yousuke, Horikita, Matsushita, Mei Yu Wang, Keisei, and one person who was a little unexpectedly willing to contribute, namely Koenji.

Moreover Horikita is in charge of martial arts training.

Then for the team that helped with physical training is Sudou, and it was only today Koenji also agreed to help.

Airi, surprisingly together with Haruka, began to build friendships with the girl group of Class 2-C. Since the incident looking for Kei, Haruka became close to Ichinose.

And... One more unexpected thing.

The study group for girls, in particular, is held by Risu.

This wasn't publicly disclosed, but Risu gave the previous year's exam questions to them.

The only one who knew this was Kei because Risu gave it directly to her.

And I just realized after checking the girl's OAA, Risu was in first place among the whole third-year students.

You could say, she was a hidden gem that never shows her abilities.

No wonder class 3-A students obeyed all her orders, it turned out she was the mastermind behind class 3-A.

However, it looked like I didn't have to worry about that anymore. Neither Risu, Nagumo, Kiriyama, nor the rest of the group of third-year students would bother me anymore. I thought so for this time, but who knows what will they do next time?

Anyway, it seemed like this was the time for me to meet Hikigaya again.

About what happened in Sobu in the past. Soon it will be revealed the real reason I was sent there.


Leader of Class

Class 2-A : Sakayanagi Arisu

Class 2-B : Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

Class 2-C : Ichinose Honami

Class 2-D : Ryuuen Kakeru

8th January 2022.
10th July 2022.
