3. 2 Secret Admirer

Yuigahama Yui's POV

On the Bo-taoshi competition, I witnessed our first victory. The majority of my friends are pleased with the outcome; I agree with them and am pleased as well. However, I noticed Hikki's gloomy expression. He lost his cool, as if the event had exhausted him. I could imagine his blabbering after this event, he was absolutely annoyed with these stuff.

"Hikki, cheer up..."

I whispered it quietly so no one could hear me. Nonetheless, I still prayed for him. I mean, it's not like I have a crush on Hikki. As his friend, this is simply my expression of solidarity and concern for him.

I mean, I have no special feelings for Hikki.

"Ano, Yuigahama-san, is that you isn't it?"

Someone called my name out of nowhere. She was a girl with blond pink hair, a gleam in her eyes, and a spirit that I will never be able to fully describe. However, I am aware of her popularity, even in my school and among my friends.

"Yeah, this is me, Yuigahama. What's going on, Ichinose-san?"

"I just wanted to say hello. It's been a long time since we last spoke."

"You're right, I just met Ayanokouji-kun, but I didn't get a chance to speak with you."

"Me as well, I'm a little busy with council stuff."

"I see Megumi-senpai is just as busy as you are. She is working so hard this time, and even though she is a laid-back person, she can be serious at times."

Ichinose laughed in response to my statement; I'm not sure why she laughs, but I'm starting to laugh as well. Ichinose appears to be a happy virus person. Her sweet laugh makes me want to smile as well.

"Anyway, do you remember who volunteered to be on the culture festival committee?"

I blinked once more, "Yes, it was you, Tsubaki-san, and Ayanokouji-kun. However, it was only you who was able to assist us so greatly."

N/b: Only Hikigaya, Yukinoshita, and Hiratsuka-sensei are aware that Kiyotaka assisted the committee. So Yuigama was completely unaware of the situation.

"You're right, anyway there is another group besides us, right? It was the student council and the art club."

She made me remember those days, and she was completely correct. Somehow, a certain group has formed in Sobu. ANHS students begin to adapt and assist us; the majority of them do so quietly and without explanation. As a result, we don't ask them either.

Ichinose makes me wonder what's going on with that grouping.

"However, why are you bringing this up?" Eventually, I inquired.

"Well, one of my Student Council members used to be in that group. I'm just curious about what he's done in the past."

"Didn't you a SCP? Why don't you ask him personally?"

"It's a little complicated because I was an ordinary member of council at the time. It changed over time, but I couldn't bring it up because it was related to the former SCP."

To be honest, I don't understand why she couldn't ask the guy that question. I mean, they're colleagues right?

Or, why can't she just ask the former SCP?

Is that person frightening?

I've drown on my imagination for a while before Ichinose tapped my shoulder and bring me back to reality.

"Uhmm... Yes, you are free to ask me anything. But I'm not sure I can answer all of them. Don't expect anything from me."

"That's fine; what I want to know is who Makito Hanmoku is. I've heard he's a member of Sobu's SC, and he was in charge of the ANHS group that joined them at the time."

Ichinose is quite quick to gather this information.

"Indeed, he is a member of SC. What do you want to know about him?"

"What kind of person is he?"

Consider this: Makito-kun isn't particularly popular in our grade, and he can be difficult to approach at times, but I've heard he's a trustworthy individual in certain situations.

"He's a nice guy who doesn't say much and prefers to be friends with his colleagues in SC. He doesn't have a lot of friends outside of there. Everyone respects him because he is dedicated to his work. He's also a trustworthy person, but I've heard he struggles to express his emotions properly, so he sometimes pushes himself too far."

Ichinose smiled broadly as she listened to my explanation.

"I believe he would make an excellent candidate for the next SCP."

I let my opinion to be heard by Ichinose at this time, she nodded and responded me with light answer.

"It's must be relieving to have a reliable person as your SCP."

She, on the other hand, has no idea she is that type of person. ANHS is fortunate to have her as a SCP.

"Anyway, I think-"

"Hello, there! Ichinose-san and Yuigahama-san!"

Someone unexpectedly approached us, her blonde hair swaying gracefully in the air. She arrived with a bright smile.

"Uhmmm.... Yeah, yahallo Karuizawa-san."

Her presence made me feel a little uneasy. I'm not sure why, but there appears to be an unsightly tense relationship between Ichinose and Karuizawa that I can't quite describe.

It's freezing out of nowhere.

"What are you guys talking about right now?"

When she asks us about it, she has no doubts. She seemed to do this on a regular basis.


"I just congratulate them on their first victory, Karuizawa-san."

Ichinose abruptly cut my words; I fixed my gaze on her for a moment, unable to determine why she was lying. However, I was unable to convince Karuizawa of the truth.

Karuizawa hid her sly smile; I'm not sure if she was aware of Ichinose's lies or if she just wanted to make michevelous smile right now. I'm not sure, these people are too complicated for me to comprehend. I gave up trying to figure out what they were thinking.

"That's right, I must congratulate you guys on that. Congratulations!"

Karuizawa shook my hand with a bright smile, while Ichinose looked restless beside me. However she didn't say anything to Karuizawa.

"Ah, okay, thanks for that. But you're supposed to tell the boys. They are the ones who have achieved victory."

"You're right, how stupid I was," Karuizawa said as she closed her mouth, "I should congratulate Hikigaya-kun on this achievement. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!"

"Then I have to go; I also want to give this water to Kiyotaka."

For a brief moment, she brought her lips to my ears and whispered.

"Didn't you have to meet Hikigaya-kun as well? Why are you squandering your time conversing with Ichinose-san? If you keep this ambiguous relationship, I'm afraid Hikigaya will be stolen by another girl, and you'll be nothing more than his friend and secret admirer. If you stay the same, nothing will change either."


My heart is breaking.

"Goodbye guys!"

After stabbing my feelings with those cruel words, she moves away from me and waves her hand before leaving Ichinose and me in a pressured silence.

I'm speechless after what Karuizawa told me.

I know I am pathetic.

Yes, she's right.

I am nothing more than a friend to him.

Not more than one of his classmates.

Not more than someone he knew.

I am not special for him.

In his eyes, I am just another ordinary person.

I... I am just his secret admirer.


23rd April, 2022.
