Part 9

A couple of months later...

"Estelle! Let's go! We don't have much time until Alex finds us. We have to get as far away from Obelia as we can." Isabella yelled

"Okay Bella. Are you sure he is running after us? I haven't seen him since we passed the town center." Estelle asked

"He is following us. I can feel it.Get ready we are going to teleport." Isabella replied/yelled

So Isabella and Estelle teleported to a field/ grave yard. (Sorry if this offen any one.) Soon Alexander showed up running towards Isabella. Isabella said a spell in the ancient language. All of a sudden, Alexander went flying back. Then he came charging at Estelle.

"Brother! Please... This isn't you. Come back to us." Isabella Pleaded

"... growl. growl."

"Brother please. Remeber what you said to me?" Isabella pleaded/asked

"... growl. growl."

"You said that no matter what you will always stay by me. I'll admit something that only two people know. I'm scared. I'm scared that I'll lose you. I might have sister, mom, dad, and rowan, but you are my only brother. I know that you learned black magic to help me, but please... You'll kill yourself." Isabella yelled while crying

"I don't care about anything anymore because when you aren't around I'm even more scared. I don't know how you do it but you make me feel safe. Without you I feel lost. almost like someone took a part of me." Isabella pleaded


"Bella, it looks like it is working. Keep going. I'll help!" Estelle exclaimed

"Okay." Isabella replied


"Brother, when I first met you, I was jealous because I saw how Bella looked at you. There wasn't a single ounce of distrust. It wasn't until I got to know both of you better, that I understood why Bella didn't trust anyone and why you were so protective of Bella. I miss you brother... we miss you brother." Estelle pleaded

"Brother. I may have never told you this before and if you ever tell anyone I'll plead the 5th. I love you. I might not say it enough because I don't want to get attached. That was how I was raised in my preivous life as a demon spirit, not ever get close to your love ones." Isabella replied


"Wait Bella! Use purification magic." Estelle yelled

Isabella lowered herself so she was sitting on the ground, letting Alexander run towards her. When he was close enough, she starting the purification process. AFter a couple of minutes, there was a bright light. When the light dimmed, Alexander was lying there snaking because of the cold.

"You did it! You saved brother, Bella" Estelle cheered

"No, we did it. I think it's time you start going to the tower with me. Let's get Alex home. Then I'll heal him properly." Isabella replied

Estelle's POV...

"Yes. Let's go home. Mom and dad are going to worry."

So Bella picked up Alex and grabbed my hand. After a couple of seconds, we where back home. Bella walked me to my room, then she left. I decided to go to bed.

'Rough time master?' Estelle's magic beast asked

"Yes. Wouldn't you if you have to help your older sister?"

'Wouldn't know. I have no siblings. And I don't consider that arrogant phoenix a sibling nor that shy dragon my siblings' Estelle's magic beast replied

"Whatever. For a wyvern you are small and annoying."

'Rude. How is your training with your sister?' Estelle's magic beast asked

"Pretty good. Earlier she said that I can start going to the tower with her. Night."

A few days later...

"Mom, where is Bella? I haven't seen much of her for a couple of days."

"She is still healing your brother. Thanks to Alex learning black magic, he also managed to get cursed. So it's going to take a while until Bella is finished. So Rowan is going to teach you magic for the time being." mom replied

"I see. Where is Rowan?"

"He should be outside training. Let's go get him." Mom replied

So mom and I went to the training grounds, when we got there, we saw dad and Rowan training.

"Dad? I thought you don't like Rowan?"

"What ever made you think that? Is Isabelle still healing Alexander?" Dad asked

"Yes. I hope she won't get hurt in the process."

"Wow! Have some faith in me, sister. That hurts my feelings that you don't have faith in me. Morning Father. Morning Mother. I'm sorry I couldn't greet you the last couple of days." Bella replied

"That's okay Bella. How is Alex?" Mom asked

"Still havent gotten near the curse. Although, Alex is looking a little better. I'm going to need father's help." Bella replied

So Bella and dad left. A couple of days later, they were done. Mom and I had to go to the temple everyday to pray. When I heard that Alex was awake, I ran straight to his room and accidently ran Bella over. But she didn't mind.

"Brother! You're awake! Don't ever do something like that again."

"Sorry sister. I thought that I was going to help Bella." ALex replied

"I'll give you some time to catch up. See you later Estelle. Don't chat to long, Estelle. LAter we are going to the tower to continue your training." Bella replied

"Wait Bella... I'm sorry for how I acted. If I did anything to harm you, I'm sorry." Alex replied

"It's okay. Just don't do it again. Otherwise I won't help you again, no matter how fast it's going to kill us." Bella replied

After that she walked out but I could tell she was hurt, maybe since Alex said something to me first when he woke up? 'Whatever. I'll ask her later'

"Sister, what happened during the last couple of months?" Alex asked

"Nothing much."

Isabella's POV...

'I'm glad brother is fine.' I was in my room, reading a book when someone tapped on my window. So I got up and opened the window. Lyla, my phoenix flew in. She landed on my shoulder. That's when I noticed there was blood dripping from her wings.

"Lyla, who did this to you?"

'Your sister's magic beast. We got into a fight.' Lyla replied

'of course it's her again. That magic beast won't give me a break.' I walked over to my bathroom so I could wash the wound. Afterwards I used magic to heal Lyla's wound.

'Master, how is your brother?' Lyla asked

"He is doing fine. Although he asked for my sister first. I guess those two got close over the past year and I didn't even notice it. But it's okay. At first Alex didn't want to be near Estelle, but I'm glad they get along."

'Me to. Just Alex is so cold to you. Do you know why?' Lyla asked

"No. I also don't want to know. I got betrayed once by family. I won't get betrayed again. This time I will show everyone what I'm made of."

'Yes. This time you will rise. Just be careful. Remember soon he will show up. He may have been your first love but don't give him a chance.' Lyla replied

"I know. I'm not that stupid. Let's go."

Later that night...

"Sister, please let me take a break. It's almost 8 in the evening. Mom and dad are going to get worried." Estelle complained

"Don't worry. I told them that we won't be back for a while. Now let's get back to training."

"How are you not tired for saving Alex? You have been using magic nonstop for a week. Please take a break." Estelle asked/ complained

"No. You wanted me to teach you. So stop complaining otherwise I'll ask father to find you a teacher."

"Meanie." Estelle replied

"Isabella, be nice to our sister. She is only 4. How would you feel if dad would do that to you? You wouldn't like it either" Alex replied

"They why don't you teach her. Since you two are so close. And don't call me Isabella. Only dad is allowed to call me that. We'll stop here tonight. Alexander, you'll be teaching Estelle from now on. I'm gonna start my training with dad."

'Let's see how long both of you will last. You both need me and you know it.' After that I decided to teleport to my favorite place. It was a tree near the border of Obelia.

"You already changed Alex. It's time we go our separate ways. I need to become stronger so you can't hurt me ever again."

"Bell?" Rowan asked

"Hi Rowan. Is it possible to break the bondage between magic?"

"Yes. You learned enough. You and your brother don't need to be connected by magic anymore. We can start the process now." Rowan replied


So Rowan grabbed my hands and started saying a spell. Right away I felt my body getting lighter. After a couple of minutes, Rowan let go of my hands.

"Feel better?" Rowan asked

"Yeah, thanks. I'm gonna have to train a lot harder. Will you help me?"

"Of course. I watched you fail the last couple lives. This time I'm going to help you." Rowan replied

Wow. I didn't expect this. 

Question for the readers ;)

Do you think Rowan likes Isabella and does Isabella like Rowan?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Rowan like Isabella

D. your opinion

Please let me know in the comments.

Anyway if you are wondering what Isabella was talking about earlier in the chapter... This is Isabella's 5th life. 3 times the same person, 1 time being a demon, and 1 time being an Angel. In her 4 previous lives, she got betrayed and killed. That's why she has a major trust issue. She also is going to start distancing herself from Alex since he betrayed her in her 3 previous lives when she was the same person. Rowan was there for all her failures.
