Part 12

3rd POV...

Isabella looked around. To see where that guy was. He somehow teleported them to the tree. Rowan also started looking for him.

"Bell, can you feel him?" Rowan asked

"Yes. He is near. Get Lyla out of here!" Isabella replied/yelled

"Do you think you can escape? Nice try. Now come here, my princess." Someone replied

"Never. DO you think that after 4 times, I'll listen to you? Although, it's funny that you and my brother got together." Isabella yelled

"You have no choice. Otherwise I'll get rid of your pretty boy. Did you forget your curse? If you come here, then I'll remove it." That guy replied

"No. Not even the devil himself could make me. Now show yourself. So we can have a fair fight. If you win, then I'll go with you. If I win, then you have to leave me alone." Isabella replied

"Nah. I'm good. I'll be seeing you princess." He replied.

After that he left, leaving Isabella, Rowan, and Lyla confused. They decided to go back to town, to get supplies for the refuge center. When they were done, they went to their tree and rested for awhile.

"Do you think that was weird? He just teleports us out of nowhere, asks you to come with him. Just what is he thinking?" Rowan complained

"He is weak. He knew that I could sense it. Although, this black magic is giving me a major headache." Isabella replied/complained

"Is someone messing with my little sister?" The 2nd prince of Sidonia asked

"How can you have much time on your hands, Amir? You're the emperor. Also, he is back. Alexander contacted him. He plans on killing me again." Isabella replied

"He is already back. Then that settles it. I'm staying here to protect you." The 2nd prince of Sidonia replied

"What about your empire? Unless, you are gonna use the excuse that you are visiting your little sister?" Rowan asked

"Correct. I forgot my manners. Hello, Lady Lyla. I have heard a lot about you. You are just as beautiful as the rumors say. I wish I could have danced with you at your debutante." The 2nd prince of Sidonia replied

"I'm sorry. Your majesty. I didn't know you were there. Although, it's nice to meet you. Although how do you know Bell?" Lyla replied/asked

"What are you up to?" Isabella whispered

"I'm here big brother. Well, she used to be a slave at the Sidonian palace, but I always treated her like my little sister." The 2nd prince of Sidonia replied

"Brother... Why exactly are you here?" Isabella asked

"I wanted to see my sister." The 2nd prince of Sidonia replied

"You saw me this morning. Try again." Isabella replied

"Okay. I wanted to see if you were okay. I sensed something wasn't right. And I was right. Although we need to head back." The 2nd prince of Sidonia replied 

So they all went back to the palace. The 2nd prince of Sidonia and Lyla went to see Isabella's father. Also at the same time, someone was on their way to Isabella's room. Little did this person know, that Isabella was waiting for him since he was the one who killer her mother. But this boy was actually there to kill Isabella. He was order to do so by Alexander. When he found Isabella's room, he walked quietly in, hoping not to wake the princess.

"Look who finally showed up. I was waiting for you 3rd prince of Sidonia. Shall we go to my father now, so he can deal with you?" Isabella asked

"Ha. You think I'm that easy to fetch,princess? Think again. You may have charmed big brother Amir but not me. I'm not here to see your father." He replied

"I know! Prince Alexander hired you to kill me. So shall we start? Although, not in this room. It's too pretty to get blood all over." Isabella replied

So the two teens teleported outside of the palace. One drew their sword while the other did nothing, as if they knew that the other wasn't going to stand a chance. One came charging, while the other stood still. When the one who was charging was close enough, the other used attack magic. There was a loud blast. Everyone in the palace heard it and soon came running out seeing their Crown Princess fighting with someone.

"Looks like you father came out. I guess I should kill him instead." He replied

"If you touch my father, you are dead. You can't even touch my brother or sister. You have to deal with me." Isabella yelled

"Very well, princess. It would be fun to see you kill someone again." He replied

He came charging towards Isabella. This time Isabella didn't react as fast as she did a couple of minutes before causing her to get stabbed in the abdomen. Isabella's father used magic to get the 3rd Prince of Sidonia away from Isabella. When he turned to heal her wounds, he was shocked to see her standing, like nothing happened.

"It's okay father. I'm not someone who can be easily killed. Go protect the others. I'll be fine. I'm your daughter after all." Isabella replied with a smile. 

She walked over to the 3rd prince of Sidonia. He had his sword drawn. He was ready to slice her throat, but instead of doing that, he started walking backwards scared because it was becoming hard to breath. Isabella's eyes were glowing from anger. Out of nowhere, lighting was starting to strike around Isabella. It was her mother's magic. The day Athanasia got killed, she transferred her magic to Isabella, making Isabella the strongest heir to the throne in history. Soon the lighting stopped and the 3rd prince of Sidonia was on the ground trying not to look scared in front of the princess. Then she turned to her father.

"Father... This is the one who kill mother. He came here tonight to kill me. I'll let you deal with him." Isabella replied

"Understood. Carson! Lock him up in the dungeon!" Her dad yelled

So Carson walked over to the 3rd prince of Sidonia and took him away. Soon everyone from the palace went inside and back to bed. After everyone was inside, Isabella looked up...

"I have avenged you mother. You may now rest in peace." Isabella said with a sigh

"I'm so proud of you, Athanasia. I never thought that you become like this." Her mother replied

"Mom?! How is this possible?" Isabella asked 

"I stayed to watched over you. You are just like your father and my father. Cold on the outside but deep down, you care. I'm proud of what you have become. I can rest in peace knowing that the Empire will be save under your care. I wish I could watch you grow up." Her mom replied

"Don't worry mom! Go and have fun with grandmother. I should go to bed. Things are going to be busy the next couple of days. I love you mom." Isabella replied

"I love you too. Stay safe. Even though you and your siblings are rivals for the throne, you have to protect them. You seen what it is like out there, make sure nothing happens." Her mom replied

" I known, mom. Even if we are rivals, I never stopped loving them. I'm just doing this so no one can use them against me. Also, thanks for the present. It's beautiful. Did you wear it at you debutante?" Isabella replied/asked

"Yes. I bet you are going to be the most prettiest girl on that day. I best be going. Goodbye. I hope you know how much you really are loved." Her mom replied

"I know. I hate goodbyes. But I'm gonna say it anyway. Goodbye mom. I love you. Don't worry. I'll protect Alex and Estelle. They are my family after all." Isabella replied.

She watched her mom leave. She stood there for awhile before deciding to head inside. When she was inside, Alexander came running towards Isabella. She walked right past him, then she stopped.

"Alex, do you think we are always destined not to get along when we grow up?" She asked

"I wish I knew. You saw what happened between grandfather and his brother." Alexander replied

"I see. Good night." Isabella replied while walking away

The day of the debutante...

Isabella was getting ready for her debutante. With the help of Lyla, she looked like a goddess. Isabella was wearing a blue ball gown, with matching heels, and earrings. The present her mom gave her was a head piece. It was pink but it worked perfect with the blue dress. Lyla was wearing a red dress. 

When they walked out, Rowan was standing at the bottom of the stairs. Isabella looked at Lyla with a scared look on her face. 

"Don't worry. Rowan will protect you. Now smile. It's time for you to shine. Let everyone see who their future empress is." Lyla replied with a smile

"Okay." Isabella replied

Lyla walked Isabella over Rowan. She took Isabella's hand and place it in Rowan's hand. They walked towards the carriage and soon arrived where the debutante was being held.
