Part 15

At the cafe...

3rd POV...

"What will you like to order your highness?" A waitress asked

"Please bring some chocolate cake, 2 coffee cakes, some lippee tea and 2 black tea's. Isabella replied

"Right away your highness." The waitress replied

After the waitress left, Isabella, Lyla, and Rowan started talking. Little did they know that Isabella's father was watching, making sure nothing happened to his little girl. Although after a couple of minutes Isabella caught on that her father was somewhere

"Lyla, go find father and give this to him. The hunting competition is going to start in a few days. This should bring him good luck." Isabella told her magic beast.

She handed her beast something that was in a box. Then Lyla took off. The kids kept on talking until their order came. Although Isabella noticed that her beast never came back. So after they were done eating Rowan and his sister helped Isabella find her beast. As they got closer to the center of the town they heard a lot of screaming. As they were running, Isabella saw her beast fighting something else.

"What is she doing?" Rowan asked

"Father! Behind you!" Isabella yelled while running to protect her father

She came running at full speed with her sword. As she got closer, she saw someone wearing a robe. It was her dead magic teacher. Then she noticed black magic around him. It was trying to attack her father. 

"Father! Run! Rowan, Lyla! Get my father out of here." "Everyone else, get out of here. Go somewhere safe." Isabella yelled

The crowd heard the panic in Isabella's voice and started to disperse. Rowan didn't want to leave Isabella because he was scared that something would happen to her. But after she reassured him, he left. Now it was only her, her beast, and her dead teacher.

"You really shouldn't have stopped me Isabella. He is not fit to run an empire. He is a wizard, only from of royal blood can run the empire." Master Alatar yelled

"Shut up! Don't talk about my father like that. So you are a black magic user. Then that means that my brother made a contract with you." Isabella yelled

"Look who finally caught on. How many times did your brother kill you? It was all because of me. You always trust the wrong people. Now this time I'll kill you and you'll never be able to come back to the living." Master Alatar replied

"... Hahaha. You still haven't caught on to it? I'm a dragon meaning that I'll live forever. Not even you could kill me. And you know why? No one is as strong as me. Not even my father. Since I have my mother's and father's magic." Isabella smiled, but an evil smile

"You are still cocky, Isabella. That was always your down fall. You see I treated you like my own, but no, you just had to find out who your parents were. After that you became my enemy." Master Alatar replied

"You know who my parents were. But you see, I never trusted you from the beginning. You know why I wanted to find my parents? One because I wanted to know who I am. I also wanted to get away from you. You know how I know you are using black magic? I can see it." Isabella responded

The atmosphere slowly started changing. It was going to be a battle between good and evil. Only one will survive. Who will win? One can see black magic but the other knows the other's weakness. 

Isabella's eyes started glowing red. Little did master Alatar know, Isabella has already won. She is gonna reveal who she is. 

"Issy! What are you doing? If you reveal yourself, you'll be in danger" Ayato yelled

"It doesn't matter. I have to protect my people. It's my duty as the crown princess." Isabella yelled

Isabella starting saying a spell and slowly started turning into a dragon. When she was fully transformed, she was a golden dragon with yellow eyes. You could see the magic surrounding her. Although want no one knew was that she is the guardian of Obelia. Until now.

"Issy, are you nuts? You'll get killed!"Ayato yelled

Master Alatar looked up at Isabella and tried to attack her but it didn't work. As the guardian, no one can attack Isabella. All of a sudden the ground started shaking. Out of nowhere the ground opened up and Master Alatar fell in. He yelled that this won't be the end, that he will come back. Then he disappeared but you could hear yelling. After that the grounded closed up.

The town's people started coming back out, shocked at what they just witnessed. Isabella landed and turned back into a human. She saw her father and ran over to him, not caring about what the others thought. She didn't even noticed her siblings. 

"Bella? What happened?" Estelle asked

"Nothing. I hope you are happy, Alexander. You made a contact with master Alatar?! He almost killed father. Good thing I was looking for Lyla." Isabella replied coldly

"How was I supposed to know? It's not my fault." Alexander replied

"You are right. It's my fault. Know everyone knows that I'm the guardian of Obelia." Isabella replied while walking off.

"Bella, wait!" Estelle yelled

Isabella turned around and glared at her younger sister then continued walking. Little did she know that some of the nobles were starting to be interested in the little princess because of her braveness and boldness. She didn't care that her father was standing right there and could scold her for her behavior towards her siblings. 

She saw Rowan and and Lyla, and her beast in the distance. So she walked over there and smiled

"Issy! Are you nuts? That could have killed you. You also exposed yourself. Your life will be at risk now."Ayato yelled

"Don't worry. If they don't want to get killed, they won't do anything. Also they can't attack a guardian dragon. So calm down, will ya?" Isabella complained

"Yes. Your highness. Although she isn't gonna be happy." Ayato replied

"She knows I had to do what I did. It's my job as the guardian of this empire. Let's go. She is calling for us." Isabella replied

"Bell, what are you talking about?" Lyla asked

"We are going to see the mother of dragons. It's better for us to go there instead of her coming here." Isabella replied

"WAIT!!! What?! The mother of dragons? That old dragon? Isn't she really mean?" Lyla asked

"Pfft! You still listen to those baseless rumors? The mother of dragons... You'll see. Take my hand. You might want to close your eyes." Isabella replied

"What?" Lyla asked

Ayato and Isabella said a spell and a portal opened up. due to it opening, it got very windy. The nobles were shocked that a 14 year girl could do that. But they also knew that their future empress became a wizard at a young age. Isabella's father on the other hand was scared. He knew that dragons can be dangerous when they feel threatened, but he also knew that dragons are sacred creatures. But he was also curious what she would do as the guardian of the empire. He watched his daughter walk through the portal with Rowan, Lyla, and Ayato. He knew that she would be safe but he still felt uneasy, maybe since Isabella told her beast to stay and protect her father

In the Dragon Realm...

Lyla's POV...

'Where are we? It's so dark. And cold'

"Here. This should help. I forgot that humans get cold easily." Bell handed me a coat that was made out of magic. It felt warm. 

'Is this the power of a dragon?'

I remember the first time I met Bell. The head maid was bullying me and Rowan because we weren't doing our job. As the head maid was about to hit us, she suddenly stopped and left. But I noticed that she was trembling. After she left I saw why. There was a girl standing a few feet ahead of us. She had blonde hair and yellow eyes. I slightly saw the out lining of dragon wings. She was wearing clothes that a slave would wear. She walked towards me and Rowan and told us to follow her. So we followed her to a room. She walked over to a bookshelf and moved it like it was nothing, I noticed that it was a door to a hidden room. She walked in and a couple of minutes later came back out. She walked over to us and handed us something. She said it was a protection.

After a couple of months I saw her again, but her glow was completely gone. I noticed her eyes were red. When I asked her about it, she told me what happened to her. We slowly became friends. After a while I noticed that she changed. She almost tried to kill me, but afterwards she healed me and helped me get to Obelia. In exchange that if she ever comes to Obelia, not to look for her. I told her who her parents were. And that was the last time a saw her until a few days before her debutante. the first thing I noticed when I saw her again was the outline of her wings. It wasn't as bright as before, but it was there waiting to be summoned.

"Lyla! Stop zoning out." "I'm sorry mother. This is my friend, Lyla." Bell replied

"It's okay. I hope it wasn't too hard to get my child." A woman replied

"Not at all mother. We came here because of what happened back in the human realm. It was not on purpose but it was the safest way to protect my people" Bell replied kneeling down.

"You don't need to apologize. As a guardian dragon, you had every right to do want you did. Come closer my child" The woman replied

Bell stood up and walked over to her. Out of nowhere the lights turned on. I looked around and noticed that the decoration is what you would find in a palace. Then I looked over to the woman that Isabella was standing next to. She looked to be in her 40's. She had long white hair and yellow eyes. The exact same color as Bell's were when I first met her. She had a long simple dress.

I looked over to Bell and noticed that her appearance was different. Her long hair was even longer. Her eyes were golden color. She had the appearance of a true leader and guardian. To think that she is being to be not only my leader but also sister-in-law.

"Mother. I'll like to show Rowan and Lyla around. After all. This is my 1st home." Bell asked

"Of course my child. Just remember not to go to a certain area." The woman replied

"I know. She wasn't to happy the first time I went there by accident. We'll be off then, mother." Bell replied

She walked over to us and smiled. We followed her and se as showed us around. I noticed her aura turning a bright yellow. She suddenly stopped, so I looked around her and saw a boy standing there. He had red hair and a hat on. He didn't look like a dragon. I looked at Bell and noticed her aura changed

"Ayato, Please take Lyla and Rowan to my room. Tell them to wait there." Bell turned and looked at Ayato

"Yes Issy." "Nice to see you Laito." Ayato replied

Ayato told us to follow him. So we did, but I looked back at Bell and noticed she that was she was shaking. I ran over to her and gave her a hug. It caught her by surprise, but she didn't push me away.

"I maybe shouldn't have told you. I'm sorry Bella." A boy replied

"It's okay. I needed to know. I may not of know her long but I needed to know. Thank you for telling me. I'll help you find her. Do you have any clue?" Bell asked

"Yes, Bella. Older brother found out that she was already missing this morning." The boy replied

"Great. They won't stop. Even if I'm one of them, isn't this to much. I'll go get her." Bell sighed.

"Who are we getting?"Rowan asked

"A friend of mine. She went missing a couple days ago. I know where she is though. You both will stay here in the palace until I come back."Bell replied

"Issy, I'll go with you. I know that area better than you do."Ayato replied

"No need. They took care of me in my last life. So I know the area very well. Stay here with Lyla and Rowan. Make sure the other dragons don't find out that they are here." Bell replied

"I'm coming with you. You're my half sister. It's my job to protect you." Ayato replied

"Wait, half sister? What's going on Bell?"

"Thanks Ayato." "I'm their half sister. Ayato, Laito, Kanato, Shu, Reiji, Subaru are my older half brothers. In my last life, I was an orphan. Their family took me in. Now, I need to go before it's too late. Today is a full moon. Meaning it's gonna be harder to track them." Bell replied 

*TIME Skip*

"I wonder what's taking so long?"Rowan complained

"Don't worry. I'm sure she'll be alright. She's a dragon after all."

I looked around Bell's room and noticed it didn't look like a girls room at all. There were weapons on one side of the wall and books on the other side of the wall. I walked over to the bookshelf and noticed that there was a book that was leaning. I reached out to touch it when all of a sudden the bookshelf moved.

"You shouldn't have touched that. Sister Bella doesn't like people touching her stuff. Also if she would find out that you opened her secret door, she will be very mad." Someone replied

I turned around and saw a boy with white hair and red eyes. He was standing in the doorway, almost like he was trying to intimidate me.

"What is in there?"

"You want me to tell you that? Aren't you a little to curious? This is why humans are weaklings. Anyway don't touch sister Bella's things."The boy replied

"Subaru, take it easy okay. I forgot to tell her not to touch anything. I found the girl. She was a little startled that Ayato showed up, but otherwise than that, she is okay. Why don't you go and see her." Bell replied while walking in.
