No One's POV:

The trio arrived to their classroom and immediately sat down at their seats. Mrs. Park entered the class and start her discussion about gas laws.

Everyone is jotting down notes so they can have something to add to their project. Subjects changed overtime until the end of their last class.The students quickly went out of the room so that they can go back home.

Hyunjin tried to talk to Seungmin but the latter was already at the hallway. Hyunjin sprinted so he can catch up to him but he saw Seungmin with a tall male. He is confused on who is that person and why Seungmin is with him. He felt jealousy as the said man put his arm around Seungmin.

Felix walked out of the class and he saw Hyunjin standing in front of him. He wants to go home because he wants to take a nap already but Hyunjin is blocking his way.

"Uhm, Hyunjin, can you please move. Your being a hassle" Felix said politedly. "Oh sorry Felix. But do you know who is that person hanging out with Seungmin?" Hyunjin asked while scrunching his brows.

"Oh? That guy?" Felix pointed at Seungmin's direction. "The one whose arms wrapping Seungmin is Woojin Hyung. He is the older brother of Seungmin and he is studying at a different school. He is Chan Hyung's boyfriend" Felix stated.

"Okay. Thank you Felix" Hyunjin said as he walked at towards Seungmin's direction.

Seungmin didn't notice that Hyunjin was approaching him from the back so he was casually talking with his Hyungs. Hyunjin, on the other hand, was about to call Seungmin but stopped as he heard his name was said by Seungmin.

"And that Hyunjin guy. He is so irritating. He keeps on bugging me and my friends" Seungmin said convincing his Hyung that Hyunjin is really annoying. "To be honest, he just used his popularity so he can be on the top section too. I am not surprised if he lured some bitch to make his school works and projects just to have some good marks. He is already popular thanks to his pretty face, so why would he want to be in my class. To have my classmates as his fuckbuddies? I guess he is not contented with those low-quality sluts in his former class so he planned to fuck someone that has more reputation" Seungmin sighed as he finished his rants with his Hyungs.

Hyunjin heard all of that. He can't believe that his cute little angel will say something as horrible as that. He didn't know what emotion he will feel. Is he angry? Is he sad? Is he dissapointed? Is he disgusted? Nobody knows, but one thing is for sure. He will not let Seungmin get away with this.
