Jisung's POV:

The sound of my alarm woke me up from my precious slumber. I tried to stand up but I felt like the bed is pulling me back. I still want to sleep.

Once I were able to get on to my feet, I walked into the bathroom and do my morning routine. I took a bath and went straight to the kitchen.

I prepared my breakfast and look at the clock. I still had an hour before class starts. I began to eat my food and made my way out of the house. As I opened the door I saw Seungmin waiting outside.

"You're really early" Seungmin teased. "I am actually expecting to wait for you a little longer" he added.

"I told you, I am now walking to the path of responsible students" I stated proudly. We start walking to meet up with Felix on the crossroad where he usually waits for us. We saw the orange haired boy and he joined us as we continued to walk to school.

A few minutes later, we arrived at school and we saw Jeongin waving his hand to our direction. "Good Morning to my Hyungs" he greeted as cheerful as ever. We greeted him back and we started to walk to our class.

"So, how was yesterday" Seungmin asked but I was confused to whom he was referring to. "It went well. He said he feel the same way as I am" Felix suddenly answered making both me and Jeongin frown in confusion. Then I remember that Felix walked with Changbin Hyung yesterday.

"Do you mean Changbin Hyung also likes you?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes" Felix replied as he blushed hardly. "Oh my god my ship is sailing. So are you a thing now? Are you planning your first date or what? Did he ask you about what you want to do on Saturday? Come on tell us" Jeongin blurted out.

"Calm down Jeongin, your gay is showing" Seungmin said making Jeongin pout. The three of them seems to continue on teasing each other while I am just daydreaming about Minho Hyung. What will I feel if Minho Hyung ask me out? I really want him to love me but I guess that is impossible so I should just give up.

"Jisungie why are you quiet?" Felix asked me when he noticed that I am spacing out. "It's nothing" I answered flashing my bright smile.

"Do you want us to help you with Minho Hyung" Seungmin offered as he wriggle his eyebrows. I instantly became flustered with that idea painting my face with a tint of red

Jeongin went to his classroom while the three of us walked our way to our class.


I am already done writing chap 10-12 and I don't know what to write in 13 because chap 12 is one of the main chapters that build up the story. Sorry if the plot is not as what you are expecting. The storyline is already fixed before publishing my first chapter so it will continue to its original plot though I am getting inspiration from other's work. Thank you for reading my book and I hope I can improve more on the future.
