No one's POV:

It is the first day of school and all students are rushing to their respective classrooms. Kim Seungmin, the Top 1 student since Middle School, is now in his Junior year in Highschool. He saw his bestfriends having some sort of crazy conversation and they stopped when they saw him enter the class.

"Yo Seungmin. We were waiting for you" Jisung said cheerfully. "Well, I'm surprised you came early today. You usually hate coming to school but I guess our summer vacation really changed you" Seungmin said in a surprised tone.

"Yup. I swear from now on I will always be early and study hard" Jisung said while raising his hand within shoulder level.

"Nah.. You just want to see Minho Hyung early in the morning. I know that you check the senior student's schedule yesterday and you saw Minho Hyungs class is also in the morning session" Felix butted in with a bored expression.

"Yah. That's why you're so hyped yesterday" Seungmin teased.

"Well that is also another reason-- but hey I do want to study hard from now on. I can't believe that my bestfriends don't think I can also change for the better" Jisung pouted.

The three continued to have their chat but the teacher went inside the room. The students sat down and they greeted the teacher with a good morning.

"Okay class, so for today we will not have our first period because it is only the first day. I will just introduce to you your new classmate" Mr. Kang announced.

"Is it a transfer student? I hope it is a 'he' so we can have some love life this year" Felix whispered to his bestfrieds that sits beside him.

"Well, maybe you already know him since he is already a student here before. He will just be transferred here because his grades last year went up really high so he is qualified to be part of your top section" Mr. Kang explained. Then, he called the boy and the latter went inside the class. Mr. Kang spoke again "Your new classmate is no other than, Mr. Hwang Hyunjin."

"What the f*ck" Seungmin, Jisung and Felix thought in unison.
