chapter 15

(A/N: Sup I'm back, I'm healed now just a bit dizzy that's all oh and who here ships Nalu from Fairytail? Well lucky for you my friend  Jlmgwen made a book for it and you might wanna read it, I kinda helped her on one chapter and so yeah I hope you enjoy the chap)

(Y/N)'s POV:
I held my cousin's arm as we entered the ball full of inloved teenagers. Every thing had a shade of violet to pull out a romancey feeling and hearts and cupids designs were scattered everywhere on the walls and some are hanging on the ceiling using a red thred.
Everything was perfect except for well this awkward feeling I'm feeling right now with my cousin which was my partner for this date.

" want a drink? I'll get you some" Chad offered.
"Yeah sure thanks" I thanked him.

He walked away to the refreshments leaving me sitting down alone. Just then Kuki appeared and hugged me, she had Nathan with her by her side and he's just standing there.

"(Y/N)!!! YOU CAME!" she exclaimed happily.
"No I just drop by to say hi and leave-OF COURSE I CAME WHY DID I EVEN CALL MY COUSIN FOR?!?" I shout.
"So where's your date?~" she teased making me uncomfortable.
"He's not my date just a pretend date he'll leave remember?" I whipered to her. "Oh and he just went to get some drinks" I told her.

Chad then came back with two punches on his hands, he smiled at Kuki and gave me my drink.

"Oh hey Kuki looking good" Chad complements.
"Thanks you too" Kuki said just then the music came in 'forever young'.
"Oh excuse us, Kuki wanna dance?" Nathan asks bringing up his arm for Kuki to grab.
"Yes" she answered holdinh her arm and they walked to the dance floor and swayed with the music.

Chad and I looked at them, then at each other the looked away we scratched the back of our neck and chuckled nervously.

"So wanna dance?" He asked bringing out a hand.
"Yeah sure" I said taking his hand and followed him to the dance floor.

We held each others hand and I rest my other hand on his shoulder while his on my waist then we started to sway with the rhythm of the music. To ease the tension we talked to each other it was fun and the awkward feeling faded slowly when we started making jokes and laughing at each other.

Nigel's POV:
I dance boredly with the one I asked to the date to this ball since I saw (Y/N) getting asked by a guy which I think was Ace earlier.

Flaassshhhh bbbbaaaackkkkkk

I was walking through the halls trying to find (Y/N) to ask her for the ball.
Come on Uno you can ask her don't be nervous just breath in and out, I thought trying to ease my anxiety.
I then saw her with Kuki I smiled and was about to call her when Ace walked closer to her and tapped her shoulder. I stopped staying on my place and watched her talking to the guy she was about to reject him when Kuki pulled (Y/N) and 'talked' to her.

No Kuki please don't...

(Y/N) then sighs, she turned to the guy and said.

"Yeah I accept"


"Oh Nigie thanks for inviting me to the ball" Lizzie said sweetly to me.
"You're welcome" I snarled.

She smiled and looked dreamily at me as I just sighed and looked around.
Just then I spotted (Y/N) dancing with Ace wait that's not Ace, Ace doesn't have blond hair and he's not that tall, is that Wallabee?. My eyebrow raised as I tried to get a little closer to her but, while taking a large walt step I bumped into someone.

"Hey watch it!" The guy snapped.
"Sorry I didn't mean to-wait Ace?"

Ace rolled his eyes and danced away with his partner which glared at me and huffed flicking her hair. My eyes widen as I watch them fade to the crowds I was right...

"Psh what a prick, come on Nigel let's continue our dance" Lizzie said and clung on my arm.
"Yeah...sure" I said getting back to dancing.

I looked back to where (Y/N) was and she was still there laughing joyfully with her partner. I looked at her suspiciously and continued walting over her, and when I took a closer look on her partner my eyes widen my mouth graped open, it.was.Chad. her cousin. Okay am I dreaming or...

"Nigie are you okay?~" Lizzie asks looking concern at me trying to be 'cute'.

I stayed silent but we continued to dance. I stared at them with disbelief, Chad then leaned to (Y/N)'s ear and whispered something (Y/N) nodded and they left the dance floor. Now where are they going?

"Excuse me for a moment Lizzie I need to use the bathroom" I told Lizzie letting go of her.
"Awww can't you use it later and hold it a little longer?" She whined.
"No I need to go" I said leaving her.

I looked around and spotted a piece of (Y/N)'s dress leading up stairs. Gotcha! I followed them upstairs when I got to the halls I saw them then going in a classroom and closing the door, I silently dashed to it and leaned my ear on the door. What I heard surprised me, I heard kissing noises. My eyes widen as I slam the door open.


A guy with his I assume his girlfriend was making out alone next to the widow yelled at me, I blushed embarrassed.

"Sorry I thought you were someone I thought would be um continue on what you're doing now and again sorry..." I apologized closing the door and leaving.

Where the hell are they?!? I furiously thought going back downstairs to search for her.

Wallabe's POV:
I sat on a corner since my date left me cause well I was being boring and keep sighing. I sighed and looked around, and what I saw made me even sad, it was (Y/N).

She looked really good on her dress and man was she beautiful. She was holding hands with her date which I assume was Ace since I saw her with him earlier, but why is his hair blond?. I stood up to walk a little closer and take a good look when I realized it wasn't Ace it was Chad her cousin.

"Holy crud!" I exclaimed.

Are they inlove with each other?!?? I then ran up to her, bumping some random dates and getting yelled at and when I got to where (Y/N) is she was gone.

"What the? Where is she???" I asked myself.
"Hey! Wallabe!"

I turn around and saw Kuki with her date Nathan beside her.

"What are you doing here and where's your date?" She asked.
I sighed and scratched the back of my neck "well you see she kind of ditched me" I told her.
"Oh, sorry to hear that"
"Nah it's not your fault, anyway have you seen (Y/N)?" I asked.
"Nope, sorry I haven't" Kuki said.
"Who's her date?" I asked again.
"Um well this is weird um it's Chad" She said rubbing her arm.
"I knew it!" I muttered to myself.
"Sorry Kuki I gotta go!" I told her running off.
"Does she like (Y/N) or something?" I heard Nathan asked.

Time skip

I ran around the ball for hours  yet I still haven't saw (Y/N) I frowned and sighed sadly.

"Oh I give up!" I said to myself.

I sat down on a chair near the refreshments and food, disappointed. I ruffled my hair since it's not comb and let my face rest on my hand. I hate my life...

"You okay Wallabee?"
