chapter 7

(The picture above isnt my art or relatable to the story I just think it's really cute)

(Y/n)'s POV:
I'm in history class with Kuki.  We were waiting for the teacher to show up since we came here a little early.  While waiting Kuki and I we're talking about true love....

"(Y/n)  do you believe on love?" Kuki asked As she made a love dovey pose.
"Nope well do you know what it's called when your crush have a crush on you?" I asked.
"Destiny???" She asked with hope.
"Nope!  Imagination " I said while doing a jazz hands.

She huffed and folded her arms in disapproval.

"Well I don't know about you but destiny is true!  And I'll prove it" she says.
"Sure sure good luck with that friend" I said with a sarcastic manner.

Then Hoogie came in he sat near us and used his oh so what he calls handsome smirk on me.

"Hey there Kuki and what's up (Y/n) " Hoogie greeted.
"Your self esteem " I said.
He just laughed at me "nice joke (Y/n) anyway what are you two talking about? " he asked.
"About TRUE LOVE! " Kuki said happily "but (Y/n)  here doesn't seem to believe it" she added while looking mad at me.

I just shrugged and sat back happily.

"Well I don't know about you (Y/n)  but I believe my forever will be coming in that door" she said as she points at the door.

Just then our professors came with an i.d named Mr. Fidd and Mr. Wink.  I held my laughter and so did Hoogie as Kuki just stared in awe.

"Now class I'm Mr.  Wink and here is Mr. Fidd we are here to discuss about Gourge Washington now flip your books on page 26" Mr. Wink said.

As Mr. Wink speak Mr. Fidd wrote some fun facts about Gourge Washington. I let my head rest on my hand as I listen carefully about our lesson when Hoogie once again pass me a note. I sigh and look down to read it.

'Can we have lunch together?'

I took out my pencil and wrote down sure and gave it back to him. I think I heard him chuckle he then wrote down something then pass it to me.

'Like a date?'

My eyebrow raised and started to write.

'No it's not a date my other friends is also having lunch with us'

Then pass it back he groan and our pass the message kept continuing until the class ended. I packed up and so do Kuki.
I swing my bagpack on my back and looked at Kuki with a smile.

"Finally time for food" I said.
"Wow it's like you choose food over love" Kuki said.
"Well i do love food" I said then inserted a cat face.

Kuki playfully rolled her eyes and held my hand we started to walk to the caffeteria with Hoogie following behind.

"Whatever let's just go and get some food for you" Kuki said.
"Oh yeah Hoogie's coming with us " I pointed out.
"Oh am I third wheeling your date? " she stopped and asked.
"WHAT?!  Kuki this is not a date!  Wally is coming with us" I said.
"Are you sure?" She asked again.
"Yes I AM sure"
"Okay! " she said as we continue to head to the caffeteria.

Time was SKIPPED!

I had (fav food)  and (fav drink) Kuki had sushi and ice tea Hoogie got chili dog and juice and for Wally he had chips and soda.

"How'd school gone for you guys?" Wally asked.
"Boring as usual" I shrugged.

Then a girl sat next to Hoogie.

"What's up baby? " she asked cooly.
"ABBY!  where we're you!  I've been finding you in this whole school for a few chapte- er.... Days! " Kuki exclaimed.
"Gone to some boring Math class man it made my mind go boom! " Abby said.

Just then she looked at me and smirk.

"I see Wally's sweet heart is here" she said.

Wally stopped eating his chips then turn fifty shades of red.

"A-Abby don't you dare spill it! " Wally warned.
"Huh?  What is it? " I asked curiously.
"Ah honey you'll find out in the right time but this fuzz made me hungry say Hoogie baby can you pass me the ketchup" she said.
"Ayai captain " he said and pass her the ketchup.

She cought it and put some ketchup on her fries that she got. We continue to eat as Abby and I get to know each other more. When.

"Can I join you? "

I looked at the person who asked and it was-

Cliff hanger!

Nah just kidding continue on…

Nigel. He smiled at us holding a tray of meat ball sandwich with soda.

"Hey Nigel!  Sure you can join with us" I said.

He smiled and sat down next to Wallabee.

(Y/n) /Wally/Nigel

Wally glared at him and scooted closer to me. I blushed as our legs touched so I looked away. Wally seems to notice this since he also blushed a little. I continued to eat my food silently and so are the others.

"Say why dont we talk about our life and stuff" Kuki said to break the silence.
"Yeah, (Y/n) sugar I've got a question for ya" she says.
"Sure what is it? "
"Tell me sugar do you like someone in this school you know Like Like" she cooly said.
I blushed "well... I guess so..."
"Who is it?!" Wally asked.

Then the bell rang I stood up and swing my bag to my back.

"See ya guys sorry but I have Math class so it looks like we won't see each other for now bye! " I said really fast and dashed away leaving a questionable teens behind.
